TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Silver, White :: wbox.txt

The docs to the White box Tone Generator

                      Welcome to the world of Phreaking
                            WHITE BOX V2.1 (final)

                        This is a Soft-Box programme

                           written by: < Quasar! >

    I, Quasar,    take no responsibilty for the misuse of this programme,
            and for any consenquences which may have happended.
                          Use at your own RISK!!!

     Call our Liberty AHQ on  :+61-9-447-6588 (RIPMAX) [2400bps-14.4Kbps]

                    LOCATED in Australia if you don't know??
                        and its 8 hours after LONDON,
                                6 hours after GERMANY.

 ***-    W A R N I N G ... -***********************************************
 *      ------------------                                                *
 *   This program should be 10356 bytes long if packed or 50392 if not    *
 *        packed otherwise if its greatly different then a FileVirus may  *
 *        have merged with it!                                            *
 *  NOTE: WhiteBoxV2.1 now kills all types of viruses active in ram       *
 *        unless the virus has setup an interupt or is a Resident_Library *
 *                                                                        *

   OZie Hellos to: Shadow , HellRaiser , Anthony/TSL, Epic,  Punishers, 
                   Zaphod, Harvey, Viper , Ripmax, Ray W., Fig, Russel,
                   Shane, Chen & Steve, Ya KID K(ahah),Shogun?,all guyz
                   at L.O.D.     +   guyz  at  DECAY  & /\/\YSTIX......

   Sorry to those who felt for us not to release  this program, we dont
                   think the German Telekom will stop youz from doin it

      V2.1  :  key DTMF-9 & DTMF-#  didnt work because of the wrong freq
               supplied to me, but I figured out the right one!  [:-)#=-
               They work fine now!!
               Also I made it all multitasking too, using proper screens
               using intuition.  Plus you can  now load a script to make
               custom tones and stuff!!!!      ....works on V2.0 aswell.

      V2.0  :  Done a custom screen using intuition and thats all.

      V1.0  :  Huge update of my old  crapy tone dialer, the previous to
               this only had  the DTMF tones and that was all,  not only
               that  it  was  a  CLI  window  program  too!! (600 bytes)
               Chucked a copper screen and simple CUSTOM gadgets.  COOL!

      V0.1  :  The version V.01 is born, just a crapy  shit of a program
               A great improvement on the Telephone by Telecom or (AT&T)

                        OK here is the Frequency list for you
                                interseted guyz!!!

TONE(HZ)        DESCRIPT (command   {lowercase not supported..yet})
                                     --- DIAL TONE MULTI FREQ (OZ/UK/US)---
0700+1200       'DTMF-1'
0700+1340       'DTMF-2'
0700+1480       'DTMF-3'
0700+1630       'DTMF-A'
0770+1210       'DTMF-4'
0770+1340       'DTMF-5'
0770+1480       'DTMF-6'
0770+1630       'DTMF-B'
0850+1210       'DTMF-7'
0850+1340       'DTMF-8'
0850+1480       'DTMF-9'
0850+1630       'DTMF-C'
0940+1210       'DTMF-*'
0940+1340       'DTMF-0'
0940+1480       'DTMF-#'
0940+1630       'DTMF-D'
                                                --- MULTI FREQ ---
0700+0900       'MF-1'
0700+1100       'MF-2'
0900+1100       'MF-3'
0700+1300       'MF-4'
0900+1300       'MF-5'
1100+1300       'MF-6'
0700+1500       'MF-7'
0900+1500       'MF-8'
1100+1500       'MF-9'
1300+1500       'MF-0'
0900+1700       'STP'
1300+1700       'ST2P' (KP2)
0700+1700       'ST3P'
1500+1700       'ST'
1100+1700       'KP'   (KP1)
2600+2600       'HANG_UP'
                                                --- GERMAN TONES  ---
1400+1800       'GT-1'
1400+2200       'GT-2'
1800+2200       'GT-3'
1400+2600       'GT-4'
1800+2600       'GT-5'
2200+2600       'GT-6'
1400+3000       'GT-7'
1800+3000       'GT-8'
2200+3000       'GT-9'
2600+3000       'GT-0'
1800+2400       'GT-STP'
1400+2400       'GT-SM'
2600+2400       'GT-KP+'        for only 60ms
3000+2400       'GT-ST'         for only 60ms
2200+2400       'GT-KP'         for only 60ms
4800+5200       g_trunk         ca 40 * 1/50 ms
4800            g_size          ca 50 * 1/50 ms

                                                ---  MISC.. ---
0135            'SERV_O'        (SERVICE OBSERVING TONE)
0440            'C_INT'         (CALL INTERUPT)
0480+0620       'L_TONE'        (LOW TONE)
0480            'H_TONE'        (HIGH TONE)
0440+0480       'R_BACK'        (RING BACK)
0480+0620       reorder irr=1/4 sec
0480+0620       line busy irr=1/2 sec
0400+2060+      roh irr=1/8 second
1004            'M_WATT'        (MILLI WATT)
0350+0440       'D_TONE'        (DIAL TONE)
1850            'TASI'
2010            'CCIS'
1000            'D3'
1150            '2??'            not known by us
1780            '3??'            not known by us
0440+0480       '4??'            not known by us
0440+0620       '5??'            not known by us
1400            'Q_TONE'        (QUITE TONE)

Also some other commands in the script are;
   COM : "DO#"
       do a custom tone number       eg ..            'DO# 1200,880'
       needs 2 parameters!!!  if its 0, its not played!!
                                     eg ..            'DO# 2100,0'
       NOTE: limit of [0..3600]

   COM : "WAIT"
       do a silent delay of frames (1=20ms)
                                     eg ..            'DEL 3'

   COM : "*"
       this is a program comment for you to document the script,
       everything after it for that line is ignored.

   COM : "SDEL"
       set a tone duration of frames for all tones (1=20ms)
                                     eg ..            'SDEL 3'

   you can have several commands on the same line in upper or lower case
   eg .. 'DO# 1200 800     WAIT 6         DO# 2520 0'
         'DTMF-3           WAIT 8         -0 -1 -2  '

   for easier use 'DTMF-3' is the same as .... '-3'
            as is 'DTMF-#' is the same as .... '-#'


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