If anyone is seriously interested in ANI SYSTEMS, (commonly known as "Automated Number Identification", should contact Doc's House BBS, USA FIRST QUESTION IS: What the heck is ANI??? Why should I know about it?? ANI is a "rumored" system to auto-trace any phone call from ANI-equipped telephone systems. LET ME MAKE ONE POINT VERY CLEAR!!!!!!!!!! .....................ANI is NO RUMOR GENTS!!!!!......................... Let me begin by giving you some common examples of ANI systems presently in operation not only in the US, but also in Canada and Europe: 1. 911 (emergency area service) is ANI. The second you call the system can detect the calling number. Tied to a computerized database consisting of phone company records of the address serviced and the account name.....instant information as is passed to a computer monitor for assistance in fire, police, medical crisis. 2. LD ANI credit card toll calling. If you have seen phones which take credit cards where you can pass your "tape stripe" down the phone ......this is an ANI equipped system. It will automatically read the credit card, report the calling number, number connected to, the credit card, and the credit card company where multiple cards are accepted 3. CO/411 Can you call your operator (usually 0 or 00), information (411), or your local business office and have them tell that it is you ......or can they call you back without asking for your number?? If so, then the CO (Central Office) is providing ANI service to the business offices. HOW DOES IT OPERATE????? ANI is a encrypted set of signals originating at your CO (exchange Central Office) that passes in the signal thru all connections to the terminal pair (the person you are calling). This signal is common on all ESS (electronic switching systems) and has been around for years. ONE POINT I WILL REITERATE....ANI HAS EXISTED FOR MANY YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The signal has always been around but was encrypted (thing of it like warp, dms, ppak using a encryption password when you modem) so only telecomm experts and phone company people knew it. The signal floats all over the country so that telecos can track calls for interco interstate LD revenue sharing on LD calls, monitoring, controlling LD traffic, and many other tellco uses. WHO HAS ANI CAPABILITY???? 1. Obviously the telephone company 2. LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES. It would stand to reason that if you have 911 or a telephone company with a security department that they operate closely with the phone companies 3. "Audibon" This is a buzz work for the US Military communications network which operates on bases, Supply Depots, and other installa- tions where security of information and tracing is required. 4. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES- needless to say if we can send a man to the moon, drop bombs down airshafts, and have other "high-tech" systems you would not assume that the Secret Service, FBI, and other agencies would not easily have the capability. 5. NOW THE KICKER..... a. PUBLIC TELECO SERVICE - is being offered in test cases in New Jersey and a few other locations for $ 3-4/month. That means if you call these areas and the other party has signed for the service they instantly have your number b. "BLACK BOXES" - remember I said the "signature" passes from the originator to all points as a part of the signal (transmission or your telephone call). So anyone having a "descrambler" can decipher this no matter where they are or whether the local phone company offers ANI service to the public. c. CONSULTANTS/DEVELOPERS - obviously anyone who is involved in telecommunications development, switch technology, consulting, or other areas would know of the technology and could have ANI. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE??? CAN I TELL IF A CALL IS ANI detected???? NO.....to the later question you can not tell if your call was ANI detected by the person you called. All they need do is to decipher a code that was already in the line. VARIES....basically looks like a little box with a display (LED/LCD) which displays the number calling (including area code or international where applicable). The more sophisticated ANIs have a precision clock and a memory to hold the exact date, time, length of call, number which called, and other information for 10-100 units depending on the equipment. WHAT ABOUT IF I AM INTERNATIONAL???? OR SAY AN OLD "STEPPER" OFFICE??? 1. Old stepper type (rotary) is not ANI at the CO without very special office adaptions....so chances are you are not automatically sending ANI identification 2. INTERNATIONALLY.....this varies but generally the older systems will not be ANI unless they meet one of the above tests such as 911, credit card, etc. HOWEVER>>>>>>>>THIS IS THE BIG HOWEVER SO PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>> There is and "HAS BEEN" for a long time what I will call "reverse ANI". People often shoot their mouths saying they can't be traced cause they are in such-n-such a place, don't have ESS, or give me other lame explanations. Well, you are TOTALLY WRONG!!!! We can reverse send an ANI IDENT!!!! Just as most US phones automatically are now sending ANI codes, we can send (add if you want to think of it that way) a reverse ident as phones are two- way communications. This signal can be "encoded" as a SPECIAL TELECO ALERT SEQUENCE. (For those that have flown this is like transponder squawking of 3300 or 7600....non-pilots that is a kidnap or highjack type situation). Once "reverse-ANI" is initiated all stations are instantly alerted all the way back to the originator. While it is true that perhaps then may not get right to your individual phone instantly, within a few computer microseconds then can get to any international system and call that system. Even those system not yet totally equipped have ANI decoders and can trace a call in a very few minutes by lookinf for the "fingerprint" of "reverse ANI ident" on a particular trunk, cable, or pair (your phone)!!!!! **************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: This information is provided as a public message to advise people that their conversations may not be private and their telephone number may be received by persons who pay legally for ANI service, or those having access to ANI equipment either in the course of their official duties or illegally. No person should attempt to use telecommunications equipment contrary to established laws, rules, or regulation. This information is provided as public information and is neither intended nor shall be used in any manner to violate any applicable law, rule, or regulation of any country or political subdivision thereof. Having said that, you should be aware that there are many people who might want your phone number: 1. 800 (toll free) sales companies would love to have you call them to get your name, number, address to try and sell you something or add you to a mailing list. 2. "War Dialers" That dial sequentially and offer sales via phone. If you call back...even not leaving a name/number they might have you and constantly call for an order. 3. Collectors Boy, these people can have a field day if you call if you were late with a bill. Your "UNLISTED" phone is no longer UNLISTED. 4. PROPER AUTHORITIES Obviously, 911, police, fire, teleco, and government agencies in the course of official business can use ANI or "reverse ANI" in their official duties. 5. Public Usage Certainly there are "valid" uses to the public. 1. Stops "harrassing" or "threat" calls as the caller can be immediately identified. 2. ....I forgot the # of who called.... Well, with ANI with memory that is no longer a problem. Many private people and buinesses have a legitimate usage in this area just like an answering machine or "voice mail". 3. CALL SCREENING....just as people can "bug" you trying to sell you windows, a trip to Fiji, etc. With ANI you can see those "800" phone bank calls coming at you and just let your machine answer the phone. How about your mother-in-law or ex-girlfriend. .....maybe let my answering machine answer too! SUMMARY: I hope this short (well as short as I could be yet not have 5000 rumors) explanation of ANI has helped you. If you have questions about ANI, SPS (Security Protocoling Systems), or CTP (copywrite, trademarks, patents), you can reach us here at Doc's House. I also have several friends who are SYSOPS and close friends which I call such as : Bigfoot, Spazm, Hosehead, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Brain Dead, and others........ask your SYSOP and leave mail to DOC if I am on your system. As for me.......well depends on who you ask???? Some say I'm an ol, gray, lame, geezer who's about as friendly as a pissed off gator with a toothache. Others say I'm an expert in telecommunications and security, a heck of a nice fella, and a decent friend. I'll only verify that I am over 40 and getting gray (but at least I still got it on top)....and have a great bunch of friends. Doc Doc's House (614) 855-3114 HST V.42BIS 350MEG