TUCoPS :: Phreaking Cellular - Other Manufacturers :: cp4500.txt

Uniden CP4600/CP5600 Programming (aka Radio Shack 170-1067/170-1056)

UNIDEN CP 4600/5600         RADIO SHACK 170-1067/170-1056       


ESN # - To determine the correct ESN number for Uniden phones:

        Add "172" to the serial number that is located on the side of the
        box (on the bar code)


Step 1 - Press and hold down the (PWR) key to turn the unit on.

Step 2 - Then press and hold down the (*) and (#) keys simultaneously,
         continue to hold until the display lights up.

Step 3 - Release the (*) and (#) keys and enter the secret code:

                   3 2 2 1 8 5 9 1

         You have approximately 10 seconds to enter the code correctly
         before the phone returns to normal mode.

Step 4 - If you have entered the code correctly, you will see the
         following on your screen:

                          ³ TESTMODE ³
                          ³   SELECT ³

         If something was done incorrectly, you will return to normal

Step 5 - Press the number two to enter into NAM programming.  You will see
         the following on your screen.

                          ³ NAM>     ³
                          ³          ³

Step 6 - Press a number between 1 - 4 to indicate which NAM you will be
         programming.  Once you have indicated which NAM to program you
         will see the following screen:

                          ³ ITEM>    ³
                          ³          ³

Step 7 - Enter the item number that you wish to program from the table

Step 8 - Press STO after entering the correct information for that item.

Step 9 - You will see the following screen again.

                          ³ ITEM>    ³
                          ³          ³

Step 10 - Repeat steps 7 - 9 until all items have been programmed.

Step 11 - Press SEND to write the information.  The display will read:

                          ³ NAM WR   ³
                          ³ -PASS-   ³

Step 12 - Press END to return to normal mode.

³ITEM³          DESCRIPTION              ³       VALID DATA              ³
³ 0  ³Home System Identification (SID)   ³5 Digits (00000 through 32767) ³
³ 1  ³Local Use Mark (LU) tells the      ³1 Digit (0 or 1)               ³
³    ³mobile if it must be preregistered ³                               ³
³    ³with the system.                   ³                               ³
³ 2  ³Access Method (MIN MARK) Designates³1 Digit (0 or 1)               ³
³    ³whether an area code is always to  ³                               ³
³    ³be sent when making a call.        ³                               ³
³ 3  ³Mobile Identification Number (MIN) ³10 Digits                      ³
³    ³Area Code plus the phone number    ³                               ³
³ 4  ³Initial Paging Channel (IPCH)      ³4 Digits (0333 for the "A"     ³
³    ³                                   ³System or 0334 for the "B")    ³
³ 5  ³Access Overload Class (ACCOLO)     ³2 Digits (00 through 15)       ³
³    ³The intention of this entry is to  ³                               ³
³    ³allow the cellular system to be    ³                               ³
³    ³able to determine priority in the  ³                               ³
³    ³event of a system overload.        ³                               ³
³ 6  ³Preferred System Mark (PS) should  ³1 Digit (0 for "B" or 1 for "A"³
³    ³identify with the initial paging   ³                               ³
³    ³channel.                           ³                               ³
³ 7  ³Group Identification Mark (GIM).   ³2 Digits                       ³
³    ³The GIM is a 4 Bit number          ³                               ³
³    ³indicating how many Bits of the    ³                               ³
³    ³SID starting with the most         ³                               ³
³    ³significant digit will be sent.    ³                               ³
³ 8  ³Lock Mode                          ³4 Digits (0000 through 9999)   ³
³ 9  ³DTMF Duration                      ³1 Digit (0 for 100 MSEC or 1   ³
³    ³                                   ³for End to End)                ³

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