TUCoPS :: Phreaking Cellular - Other Manufacturers :: nec.txt

NEC EEPROM Programming

Manufacturer: NEC
Programmer: K3ypad..
ESN Pr3fix:
	Decimal: 135
	Hexidecimal: 87
ESN/Serial Number Match: Yes (135+First 8 digits of serial number)
Number of Channels: 832
Number of NAMz:2
Stamped Model Number:
	P110: MP5A1B1-1A
	P120: MP5A1B1-1A
	Talktime 180: MP5A1B3-1A
	Sport: MP5A1B3-1A
Format: Analog

=-=-This phone can be programmed a maximum of five times! After the 5th time you
are fucked... return the fone to the manufacturer to be reset!! -=-=-

Programming Sequence:
	Power On
	Programming Mode Is Accessed in 4 Steps.
	You Need the Current 4 Digit Security Code XXXX (preset=0000)
Enter:		XXXx + FCN + 9 ("P" will display)
Enter:		XXXX + FCN + MEM + 7 + 6
		(if this entry is correct, the display will be blank..
		 if "STO" displays, Security Code is Wrong.)
Enter Test Mode:MEM + # + 0 + 1 (display should be all 8's)
Enter:		MEM + # + 7 + 1 + #      for NAM1
		MEM + # + 7 + 1 + 2 + #	 for NAM2

(press # to store and go to next step.)
(press and hold "CLR" to write NAM and exit)
(enter MEM + # + 0 + 2 to return to normal operation)

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