OKI 710, 750 NOTES: The 710 is dual NAM, the 750 has five NAMS. The ESN prefix is 129 decimal & 81 hex. OKI: 1-800-554-3112 TO ACCESS PROGRAMING MODE: New or reset units: 1. Turn power on. 2. Within 30 seconds press * & # keys together and release, enter * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #. 3. The phone will display "EntEr PW-Sto" you may enter a ten digit password at this stage to be used in future re-programings. Press STO to retain default password or enter a ten digit password and press STO. 4. The phone will display "rE EntEr PW-Sto" re-enter the password, press STO to confirm. Again, press STO to retain default password. Back door: 1. If the password is not known substitute the following code in step 2 above: * 7 4 6 4 6 9 5 2 # Reprograming if a password has been set, and is known: 1. Turn power on. 2. With in 30 seconds press MENU & RCL (FCN & RCL for 710) keys together and release, enter the 10 digit password. If you are successful the phone will enter programing mode. NAM PROGRAMING: Having completed one of the above access methods the phone will display the software version and hex ESN for two seconds followed by: "Spd Dial Mem Clear" and two seconds later: "To Reset Press 0", press 0 to reset and display changes to: "Spd Dial Cleared" The phone will then display: "Default Data Set" and two seconds later: "To Reset Press 0", press 0 to reset and display changes to: "Def Data Reset" Pressing CLR will allow you to bypass the above steps, you may also use volume up & down to bypass/scroll these selections. 1. The STO key stores each entry. 2. The Volume UP key scrolls down through the steps. 3. The Volume DOWN key scrolls UP through the steps. 4. At any time press CLR to exit program mode. Phone will display "NAM 2 Program" press CLR to exit, or continue with additional NAMS. You may also go directly to any NAM by pressing Volume Down when phone displays "NAM x Program". NAM's 2 through 5 only have steps 01 - 03 below. PROGRAMMING DATA: STEP# #OF DIGITS/RANGE DISPLAY DESCRIPTION 01 10 DIGITS Own# MIN (AREA CODE & PHONE NUMBER) 02 5 DIGITS System SYSTEM ID 03 4 DIGITS IPCH NO. IPCH AUTOMATICALLY SET 04 2 DIGITS ACCOLOC ACCESS OVERLOAD 05 3 OR 4 DIGITS Unlock # LOCK CODE 06 2 DIGITS GIM GROUP ID (10 FOR USA) 07 4 DIGITS SCM STATION CLASS MARK, USE 1000. 08 4 DIGITS/0 OR 1 OPTION OPTION BITS: 1 enables, from left to right: Hands Free Local Use MIN Mark NOT USED 9 6 DIGITS SECURITY SECURITY CODE (DEFAULT IS LAST SIX DIGITS OF ESN) CHANGING LOCK CODE: With phone out of programing mode press MENU repeatedly until phone displays "UNLOCK CODE SET", press RCL, enter security code to display current lock code. Enter new 1 to 8 digit lock code and press STO. LOCK: Press MENU until phone displays "LOCK PRESS 0" then 0 to lock. UNLOCK: Enter lock code.