PROGRAMACION DEL TELEFONO MOVIL OKI 900 (1150) SPANISH VERSION Turn on the telephone with the PWR key more than 1 second Pulsing RCL+ MENU to the same time Introducing with the keyboard* 12345678# and press two time consecutive STO key Now you in the screen will be seen the revision of the software and the numbers of series in HEX Now introduce the number of paying beginning with 2148 XX XX XX (being X the numbers of the paid without the 908) Next pulsing the STO key Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen--> Num AID Introducing 23552 with the keyboard, next pulse the STO key Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen--> IPCno.0323 Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen--> ACCOLC No.XX Introducing the numbers 05 and press STO with the keyboard Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen--> PSDDC 0323 Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen--> NPS DCC 0023 Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen --> Optionbit. The number 0001001 will appear (for defect). Changing if not correct and press STO. Pulsing the key LOWER VOLUME until appear in the screen --> Dispaly OWN. Press 0908, and next press the STO key. Turning off the telephone with the PWR key. For [ comprobrar ] if the code has been correct pulsar, after lighting , the RCL secuence## If you have information on telecards, satellite, etc. [hacking]. on code of other inducements and you desire to collaborate in this nobleman cause send it to: E-mail: t800@ [redestb.es] ;) see ya Sorry for my bad english :o