Scanning with the Oki 900 by dark fairytale So you wanna be a tuff guy and listen in on cellphone conversations? Well here's what you need to do. Materials Needed: Oki 900 Cellphone with Power Supply (Well fuckin duh.) And a Finger for hitting buttons. (Paraplegics need not apply.) Simple Instructions: Power on phone and immediately hold 7 + 9 at the same time while it boots up for about two seconds. Release 7 + 9 and hit Menu, Send, End, Recall, Store, Clear and the phone should read good timing!!! If not then restart from the beginning. If all goes well hit 1 + 3 at the same time to clear the prompt. Now hit #12 SND to recieve audio. Then hit #77 SND and you should hear a buzzing noise because you have just enabled the loud speaker. Now on another note, on rare occassions when you can hear both sides of the conversation and you have a strong signal you can transmit over cell conversations for a brief few seconds before the tower will switch the cell user's channel. If you want to do that then enter the following commands, however, if you want to simply eavesdrop I suggest not doing this because as I said the cell tower will change the user's channel in a matter of seconds. For transmit mode: Hit #14 SND to enable the transmit audio and #07 to turn the carrier on. As I said if your intentions are to eavesdrop then leave that part out. Ok, now to begin the scanning of channels enter the following command: #73AAAABBBBCC SND AAAA = 4 digit low channel number (Channel to begin scan on) BBBB = 4 digit high channel (Cell Channel to end scan on) CC = 2 digit number for how many seconds to scan each For example if you want to scan channels 50-300 at a 1 second interval you would enter: #730050030001 SND and your scan should begin. Press # when you find a channel with someone talking you want to listen to and press # again to resume scanning. Press * to restart the scan. Simple enough? Yay, have fun. Sources: Oki Faq by Iceberg.