TUCoPS :: Phreaking Cellular - Other Manufacturers :: techno~1.txt

Technophone TP2xx/TP3xx Programming

                   Technophone TP-2xx/TP-3xx Programming



        ENTER #000000## 953739# MEM99 MEM MEM (SWITCH OFF AND BACK ON)

        1. No of NAMS..............1(single nam)
                                   2(dual nam)             Press F

        2. WHICH NAM.............. 1                       Press F
        3. DEFAULT(NOTE:early versions skip this step)     CLR
        4. SID.....................02051 (Vodafone)
                                   03600(Cellnet)          Press F

        5. SCM.............................................Press F
        6. MIN2............................................Press F
        7. MTS.....................0860, 0831, 0836, ECT   Press F
        8. MIN1....................(0860)2XXXXXX
        (XXXXXX=LAST 6 MOB No)     (0836)0XXXXXX
                                   (0585)9XXXXXX            Press F

        9. NUMBER...................XXXXXX                  Press F
       10. ACCOLC.........................................  Press F
       11. EX1......................0                       Press F
       12. ISR......................0                       Press F
       13. 1PCH.....................23(Vodafone)
                                    323(Cellnet)            Press F

       14. ICC......................23 (Vodafone)
                                    323(Cellnet)            Press F

       15. NP                        23(Cellnet)            Press F

       16. AREA.....................4 MEM 22 MEM            Press F
       17. SYS......................888 MEM(Vodafone)
                                    222 MEM(Cellnet)        Press F

       18. INT1............................................ Press F
       19. EMERS........................................... Press F
       20. OPER............................................ Press F
       21. CCM......................0 (Vodafone)
                                    1(cellnet)              Press F

       22 WHICH NAM.................                        Press *F
          NOTE:(to program nam 2, go from step 21 to step 2)


Thanks to sales@mass.softnet.co.uk (Malcolm)


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