PART IV. NAM FORMAT MAP HEX MARK DEFINITION MOST <- BIT SIGNIFICANCE -> LEAST ADDRESS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SIDH (14-8) 00 SIDH (7-0) 01 LU=LOCAL USE** 000000 MIN 02 LU A/B* RI* MIN2(33-28) 03 MIN2(27-24) 0000 04 0000 MIN1(23-20) 05 MIN1(19-12) 06 MIN1(11-4) 07 MIN1(3-0) 0000 08 0000 SCM(3-0) 09 00000 IPCH(10-8) 0A IPCH(7-0) 0B 0000 ACCOLC(3-0) 0C PS=PREFERRED** 0000000 PS 0D SYSTEM 0000 GIM(3-0) 0E LOCK DIGIT 1 LOCK DIGIT 2 0F LOCK DIGIT 3 LOCK SPARE BITS 10 EE=END TO END EE 000000 REP 11 SIGNALING HA 000000 HF 12 REP=REPERTORY ---------------------------------------------- HA=HORN ALERT 13 HF=HANDS FREE 14 15 16 SPARE LOCATIONS (13-1D) 17 CONTAIN ALL ZEROS EXCEPT 18 FOR MANUFACTURERS OPTIONS 19 1A 1B 1C 1D NAM CHECKSUM ADJUSTMENT 1E NAM CHECKSUM 1F The Checksum Adjustment and Checksum are calculated automatically after the data has been edited for the NAM. The sum of all words in the NAM plus the last two must equal a number with "0" in the last two digits. The radio checks this sum and if it isn't correct, the radio assumes the NAM is bad or that it has been tampered with. * - These bits are used only by AT&T,Hitachi and Mitsubishi. They are A/B Enable and Roam Inhibit. They must be "0" for all other models. ** - My information does not agree here. One source claims that address 03 has 6 bits and that address 0D has 7 bits. The other source states the the exact opposite. *****************************************************************************