MICRO-TAC ELITE CF-10 CABLE DIAGRAM Brought to you by Vidiot and the Technical Advisory Group email: vidiot@paranoia.com tag@paranoia.com File created on March 18, 1996 Below are the cable diagrams for making your own CF-10 Loader cable and pin-outs for the MicroTac Elite Accessory RF Port. Use at your own risk... I assume no responsibility for it's use or mis-use! Above all...distribute this phile freely, as long as proper credit is given to me and the crew! Shoutouts to all da homies on #cellular....<u know who u r>- CF-10 PHONE 20 & 21 JUMPERED 3--------------------------------------6 -LOGIC GROUND | | GRND 9 -MAN TEST 4-- | 5-| | +12V SPST SWITCH 18----------------------------/ /_--------------- 5 R DATA Part Two MicroTac Eleet Battery Connector features a new external connector which is functionally very similar to earlier MicroTac connectors, and now includes an external RF connection. The pinout of the MicroTac Elite external connector is as follows: Battery Connector Pinout \ \ \ \ Pin 1 ....battery ground \ \ Pin 2 ....thermistor detect \ 4 3 2 1 \ Pin 3 ....battery B+ \ [] [] [] [] \ Pin 4 .... E-F battery data \--------------\ Part Three Accessory RF Port __________________ External Connector / \ Pinout / \ Pin 1.. audio grnd / \ Pin 2.. ext. B+ / \ Pin 3.. T data / \ Pin 4.. O data /______________________________________\ Pin 5.. R grnd | | | | | | | | | | Pin 6.. logic grnd. {0} 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pin 7.. audio out-on/off \ Pin 8.. audio in Accessory RF Port Pin 9.. manual test The RF level at this point Pin 10.. battery feedback is approx. 2db lower than the level at the antenna. The battery connector is fully compatible with all previous models. Also includes a fourth terminal which senses battery information from E+P batteries. There is no longer a recessed manual test connection at the battery connector block since that function is now part of the external connector. **NOTE** The manual test pin is now located in the EXTERNAL CONNECTOR and NOT at the battery connector block! MicroTac Elite phones may be placed in test mode by grounding the manual test pin during power-up, just like other Mot. models. Use caution when placing the phone into test mode or damage could occur to the external connector. Manual test mode commands are the same as previous models. Have phun!! Brought to you by: vidiot and T.A.G.