TUCoPS :: Phreaking Cellular - Misc. :: esnman~1.txt

ESN Manufacturer Assignments

ESN Manufacturer's Code Assignments

Last Updated on January 25, 1999

Manufacturer                             Decimal         Binary
(See exceptions)                            0       (See exceptions)
(See exceptions)                            1       (See exceptions)
not assigned                                2          0000 0010
not assigned                                3          0000 0011
not assigned                                4          0000 0100
not assigned                                5          0000 0101
not assigned                                6          0000 0110
not assigned                                7          0000 0111
not assigned                                8          0000 1000
not assigned                                9          0000 1001
not assigned                               10          0000 1010
not assigned                               11          0000 1011
not assigned                               12          0000 1100
not assigned                               13          0000 1101
not assigned                               14          0000 1110
not assigned                               15          0000 1111
not assigned                               16          0001 0000
not assigned                               17          0001 0001
not assigned                               18          0001 0010
not assigned                               19          0001 0011
not assigned                               20          0001 0100
not assigned                               21          0001 0101
not assigned                               22          0001 0110
not assigned                               23          0001 0111
not assigned                               24          0001 1000
not assigned                               25          0001 1001
not assigned                               26          0001 1010
not assigned                               27          0001 1011
not assigned                               28          0001 1100
not assigned                               29          0001 1101
not assigned                               30          0001 1110
not assigned                               31          0001 1111
not assigned                               32          0010 0000
not assigned                               33          0010 0001
not assigned                               34          0010 0010
not assigned                               35          0010 0011
not assigned                               36          0010 0100
not assigned                               37          0010 0101
not assigned                               38          0010 0110
not assigned                               39          0010 0111
not assigned                               40          0010 1000
not assigned                               41          0010 1001
not assigned                               42          0010 1010
not assigned                               43          0010 1011
not assigned                               44          0010 1100
not assigned                               45          0010 1101
not assigned                               46          0010 1110
not assigned                               47          0010 1111
not assigned                               48          0011 0000
not assigned                               49          0011 0001
not assigned                               50          0011 0010
not assigned                               51          0011 0011
not assigned                               52          0011 0100
not assigned                               53          0011 0101
not assigned                               54          0011 0110
not assigned                               55          0011 0111
not assigned                               56          0011 1000
not assigned                               57          0011 1001
not assigned                               58          0011 1010
not assigned                               59          0011 1011
not assigned                               60          0011 1100
not assigned                               61          0011 1101
not assigned                               62          0011 1110
not assigned                               63          0011 1111
not assigned                               64          0100 0000
not assigned                               65          0100 0001
not assigned                               66          0100 0010
not assigned                               67          0100 0011
not assigned                               68          0100 0100
not assigned                               69          0100 0101
not assigned                               70          0100 0110
not assigned                               71          0100 0111
not assigned                               72          0100 1000
not assigned                               73          0100 1001
not assigned                               74          0100 1010
not assigned                               75          0100 1011
not assigned                               76          0100 1100
not assigned                               77          0100 1101
not assigned                               78          0100 1110
not assigned                               79          0100 1111
not assigned                               80          0101 0000
not assigned                               81          0101 0001
not assigned                               82          0101 0010
not assigned                               83          0101 0011
not assigned                               84          0101 0100
not assigned                               85          0101 0101
not assigned                               86          0101 0110
not assigned                               87          0101 0111
not assigned                               88          0101 1000
not assigned                               89          0101 1001
not assigned                               90          0101 1010
not assigned                               91          0101 1011
not assigned                               92          0101 1100
not assigned                               93          0101 1101
not assigned                               94          0101 1110
not assigned                               95          0101 1111
not assigned                               96          0110 0000
not assigned                               97          0110 0001
not assigned                               98          0110 0010
not assigned                               99          0110 0011
not assigned                               100         0110 0100
not assigned                               101         0110 0101
not assigned                               102         0110 0110
not assigned                               103         0110 0111
not assigned                               104         0110 1000
not assigned                               105         0110 1001
not assigned                               106         0110 1010
not assigned                               107         0110 1011
not assigned                               108         0110 1100
not assigned                               109         0110 1101
not assigned                               110         0110 1110
not assigned                               111         0110 1111
not assigned                               112         0111 0000
not assigned                               113         0111 0001
not assigned                               114         0111 0010
not assigned                               115         0111 0011
not assigned                               116         0111 0100
not assigned                               117         0111 0101
not assigned                               118         0111 0110
not assigned                               119         0111 0111
not assigned                               120         0111 1000
not assigned                               121         0111 1001
not assigned                               122         0111 1010
not assigned                               123         0111 1011
not assigned                               124         0111 1100
not assigned                               125         0111 1101
not assigned                               126         0111 1110
Raytheon TI Systems                        127         0111 1111
reserved for expanded ESN                  128         1000 0000
Oki                                        129         1000 0001
Motorola                                   130         1000 0010
E. F. Johnson                              131         1000 0011
Hitachi                                    132         1000 0100
Fujitsu                                    133         1000 0101
Mitsubishi                                 134         1000 0110
NEC                                        135         1000 0111
Matsushita (Panasonic)                     136         1000 1000
Harris                                     137         1000 1001
Toshiba                                    138         1000 1010
Kokusai                                    139         1000 1011
Clarion Company, Ltd.                      140         1000 1100
Goldstar Products Co., Ltd.                141         1000 1101
International Systcom (Novatel)            142         1000 1110
Ericsson                                   143         1000 1111
Murata Machinery, Ltd.                     144         1001 0000
DI-BAR Electronics, Inc.                   145         1001 0001
Ericsson                                   146         1001 0010
Gateway Telephone, Inc.                    147         1001 0011
Robert Bosch Corporation (Blaupunkt)       148         1001 0100
Universal Cellular, Inc.                   149         1001 0101
Alpine Electronics of America, Inc.        150         1001 0110
Verma Laboratories                         151         1001 0111
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.                      152         1001 1000
C M. Communications, Inc.                  153         1001 1001
Sony Corporation (Japan)                   154         1001 1010
Tama Denki Company, Ltd.                   155         1001 1011
Mobira (Nokia-Kinex)                       156         1001 1100
Ericsson GE Mobile Communications, Inc.    157         1001 1101
AT&T Technologies, Inc.                    158         1001 1110
QUALCOMM, Inc.                             159         1001 1111
Hyundai                                    160         1010 0000
Satellite Technology Services, Inc.        161         1010 0001
Technophone Limited                        162         1010 0010
Yupitera Industries Co., Ltd.              163         1010 0011
Hughes Network Ssytems                     164         1010 0100
TMC Company Limited (Nokia)                165         1010 0101
Clarion Manufacturing Corporation of
America                                    166         1010 0110
Mansoor Electronics Ltd.                   167         1010 0111
Motorola International                     168         1010 1000
Hanwha Corporation (formerly Otron)        169         1010 1001
Philips Telecom Equipment Corporation      170         1010 1010
Philips Circuit Assemblies                 171         1010 1011
Uniden Corporation of America              172         1010 1100
Uniden Corporation - Japan                 173         1010 1101
Shintom West Corporation of America        174         1010 1110
Tottori Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.            175         1010 1111
Samsung Communications                     176         1011 0000
INFA Telecom Canada, Inc.                  177         1011 0001
Emptel Electronics Company Ltd.            178         1011 0010
Qualcomm                                   179         1011 0011
ASCNET                                     180         1011 0100
Yaesu USA                                  181         1011 0101
Tecom Co. Ltd.                             182         1011 0110
Omni Telecommunications, Inc. (formerly
Valor Electronics, Inc.)                   183         1011 0111
Royal Information Electronics Co. Ltd.     184         1011 1000
Tele Digital Development, Inc.             185         1011 1001
DNC                                        186         1011 1010
Haitai Electronics Ltd.                    187         1011 1011
Myday Technology, Ltd.                     188         1011 1100
NEC America, Inc.                          189         1011 1101
Kyocera Corporation                        190         1011 1110
Digital Security Controls                  191         1011 1111
CTCELL Digital, Inc.                       192         1100 0000
Matshusita Communication Industrial
Corp. of America                           193         1100 0001
HS Electronics Corporation                 194         1100 0010
Motorola, Inc.                             195         1100 0011
Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc.       196         1100 0100
Maxon Systems, Inc., (London) Ltd.         197         1100 0101
Hongsheng Electronics Company Ltd.         198         1100 0110
M/ACOM                                     199         1100 0111
CHANNLE LINK                               200         1100 1000
L.G. Information & Communications          201         1100 1001
Intel Corporation                          202         1100 1010
Air Communications, Inc.                   203         1100 1011
Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.     204         1100 1100
Goldtron RF PTE Ltd.                       205         1100 1101
Sierra Wireless Inc.                       206         1100 1110
Mitsubishi International Corp.             207         1100 1111
JRC International Inc.                     208         1101 0000
Sapura Holdings SDN. BHD.                  209         1101 0001
Inex Technologies, Inc.                    210         1101 0010
Sony Electronics (U.S.A.)                  211         1101 0011
Motorola, Inc.                             212         1101 0100
Motorola, Inc.                             213         1101 0101
Standard Communications Corp.              214         1101 0110
Carillon Corp.                             215         1101 0111
Nippondenso America, Inc.                  216         1101 1000
International Business Machines            217         1101 1001
Nokia (Hong Kong)                          218         1101 1010
Nokia (TMC Co. Ltd)                        219         1101 1011
TEMIC                                      220         1101 1100
Northern Telecom                           221         1101 1101
Telrad Telecommunications Ltd.             222         1101 1110
Motorola, Inc.                             223         1101 1111
Motorola, Inc.                             224         1110 0000
Telital s.r.l                              225         1110 0001
Nokia (Manau, Brazil)                      226         1110 0010
ADI Limited, Systems Group                 227         1110 0011
Philips Consumer Communications            228         1110 0100
NEC America, Inc.                          229         1110 0101
TELLULAR Corporation                       230         1110 0110
Ericsson Inc.                              231         1110 0111
Siemens Business Communications Systems
Inc.                                       232         1110 1000
Samsung Teleommunications America, Inc.    233         1110 1001
Niigata Seimitsu Co., Ltd. (formerly
Kodenshi)                                  234         1110 1010
Nokia Mobile Phones                        235         1110 1011
Wireless Link Corporation                  236         1110 1100
Motorola Inc.                              237         1110 1101
Telson Electronics Co., Ltd.               238         1110 1110
NEC America                                239         1110 1111
Ericsson                                   240         1111 0000
Samsung Telecommunications America, Inc.   241         1111 0001
Toshiba America Information Systems        242         1111 0010
Appeal Telecom, Co., Ltd.                  243         1111 0011
Pantech Co., Ltd.                          244         1111 0100
Trimble Navigation, Ltd.                   245         1111 0101
Innovative Global Solutions, Inc.          246         1111 0110
SANYO Electric Corporation Limited         247         1111 0111
Ericsson, Inc.                             248         1111 1000
SK Teletec Co., Ltd.                       249         1111 1001
not assigned (not available)               250         1111 1010
Garmin International                       251         1111 1011
Motorola, Inc.                             252         1111 1100
Nokia Mobile Phones                        253         1111 1101
Qualcomm, Inc.                             254         1111 1110
not assigned (not available)               255         1111 1111


Manufacturer                             Decimal         Binary
Reserved                                  00000    00 0000 0000 0000
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00001    00 0000 0000 0001
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00002    00 0000 0000 0010
Reserved                                  00100    00 0000 0110 0100
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00101    00 0000 0110 0101
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00102    00 0000 0110 0110
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00103    00 0000 0110 0111
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00104    00 0000 0110 1000
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00105    00 0000 0110 1001
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00106    00 0000 0110 1010
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00107    00 0000 0110 1011
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00108    00 0000 0110 1100
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00109    00 0000 0110 1101
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00110    00 0000 0110 1110
QUALCOMM, Incorporated.                   00111    00 0000 0110 1111
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00112    00 0000 0111 0000
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00113    00 0000 0111 0001
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00114    00 0000 0111 0010
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00115    00 0000 0111 0011
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00116    00 0000 0111 0100
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00117    00 0000 0111 0101
SONY Electronics, Inc.                    00118    00 0000 0111 0110
Samsung Communications                    00119    00 0000 0111 0111
Samsung Communications                    00120    00 0000 0111 1000
not assigned                              00121    00 0000 0111 1001
not assigned                              00122    00 0000 0111 1010
not assigned                              00123    00 0000 0111 1011
not assigned                              00124    00 0000 0111 1100
not assigned                              00125    00 0000 0111 1101
not assigned                              00126    00 0000 0111 1110
not assigned                              00127    00 0000 0111 1111
                 END OF RANGE

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