Title: Definitions
Author: Mntfloppy
Date: 10.14.2000
Here is a list of some words used in the cellular industry and there definitions.
ACD (AD or FMR+) Automatic Call Delivery: a call delivery system that delivers calls automatically.
Access Number Telephone numbers used in combination with ten-digit cellular number to reach a Roaming customer.
CGSA Cellular Geographic Service Area.
Clone A fraudulent cellular unit which uses the MIN and ESN of a legitimate customer.
ESN Electronic Serial Number.
EVRC Enhanced Variable Rate Coding: A System enhancement to improve the quality of our digital systems as well as adding many other enhancements to our digital system.
FMR Follow ME Roaming: A call delivery system (*18+SEND daily or in each new city)
Foreign Roamer A customer Roaming in a different cellco's system.
Fraud Manager Program used by GTE-TSI to validate Roamers.
HLR Home Locator Registration: A switch database that contains information regarding the current locations/validation status of customers.
HRR Home Rate Roaming: Roaming airtime billed at the same rate as in the home area.
MIN Mobile Identification number: Cellular number including the area code.
NOC Network Operations Center.
NPA/NXX Area code and prefix.
PRL Preferred Roaming List: phones that are hard coded with a predetermined list of SID codes
RSA Rural Service Area
SID System Identification code: a 5 digit number programmed in a phone and cellular towers. The SID identifies a mobile unit as a Roamer
Validation Process that takes place when the customer is Roaming outside their home area to verify the customer is a valid Roamer