NIIF ISSUE IDENTIFICATION FORM ISSUE TITLE: Test Number Guidelines For Switches With End Office/Tandem Functionality ISSUE ORIGINATOR: George Stanek ISSUE #: 0053 COMPANY: AT&T FORMER ISSUE#: TELEPHONE #: 908-580-8730 DATE ACCEPTED: 03/05/97 FAX#: COMMITTEE ASSIGNED: NIMC E-MAIL ADDRESS: CURRENT STATUS: Final Closure RESOLUTION DATE: REQUESTED RESOLUTION DATE: ISSUE CHAMPIONS: Is this an ESP Request (Y/N): N ISSUE STATEMENT: The Testline Guidelines Section of the Operations Reference Document identifies trunk testing procedures between two tandem switches using 3 digit test numbers (and corresponding 7 digit test numbers), and between tandem switches and end office switches using 7 digit (NPA specific) test numbers. More recently, some ASPs have deployed switches in their networks with combined tandem / end office functionality. ASCs would like to be able to test the tandem to tandem portion of this network trunking arrangement using the 3 digit test numbers. However, since this is also an end office some ASPs have only provided the 7 digit (NPA specific) test capability to test the tandem to end office portion of the network trunking. SUGGESTED RESOLUTION: Recommend in the Testline Guidelines Section that ASPs deploying switches with combined tandem / end office functionality should provide 3 digit test capability to test the tandem to tandem trunking, as well as, 7 digit (NPA specific) test capability to test the tandem to end office trunking whenever technically feasible. OTHER IMPACTS (if any): NIIF Issue #0025 (formerly NOF Issue #260) CURRENT ACTIVITY: 03/05/97 It was agreed to accept this issue for work by the NIMC. 04/28/97 Status: Active Action Items: ASP participants are to report back and discuss their 3 and 7 digit testline capability for combined tandem/end-offices. George Stanek, AT&T, will draft language for inclusion in the guidelines related to this issue. Agreement Reached: It was agreed that IXCs will be asked about the possibility of reciprocal 3 and 7 digit testing capabilities under new business at NIMC #4. 06/26/97 Status: Active Action Item: NIMC participants are to review the proposed resolution to Issue #53 as follows: 3.0 Testline Access 3.1 It is recommended that all interconnected service providers (ASPs and ASCs) should provide testline access to their end office and/or tandem switches. Testline access to end office switches should be provided utilizing a seven (7) digit test number format (i.e., NXX-XXXX). Testline access to tandem switches and combination end office/ tandem switches should be provided utilizing: ** a three (3) digit test number (i.e., XXX) as the primary test number format ** a seven (7) digit test number (i.e., 958-XXXX) as a secondary test number format ** a seven (7) digit test number (i.e., 959-XXXX) as a secondary test number format for embedded AT&T testline access 08/21/97 Status: Initial Closure NIMC participants are to review the proposed resolution to Issue #53 as follows: 3.0 Testline Access 3.1 It is recommended that all interconnected service providers should provide testline access to their end office switches, tandem switches and combination end office/tandem switches. Testline access to end office switches should be provided utilizing a seven (7) digit test number format (i.e., NXX-XXXX). Testline access to tandem switches or to the tandem function of the combination end office/tandem switches should be provided utilizing: ** a three (3) digit test number (i.e., XXX) as the primary test number format ** a seven (7) digit test number (i.e., 958-XXXX) as a secondary test number format ** a seven (7) digit test number (i.e., 959-XXXX) as a secondary test number format for embedded AT&T testline access 25. Participants agreed to move Issue #0053: Test Number Guidelines for Switches with End Office/Tandem Functionality, to initial closure. 10/22/97 Status: Final Closure Agreement Reached: Participants agreed to move Issue #0053 to Final Closure. RESOLUTION: The following text was agreed to by the NIIF and will be included in the NIIF Operations Document (Part V, Testline Guidelines & Coordinator's Directory) as the resolution to this issue: 3.0 Testline Access 3.1 It is recommended that all interconnected service providers should provide testline access to their end office switches, tandem switches and combination end office/tandem switches. Testline access to end office switches should be provided utilizing a seven (7) digit test number format (i.e., NXX-XXXX). Testline access to tandem switches or to the tandem function of the combination end office/tandem switches should be provided utilizing: ** a three (3) digit test number (i.e., XXX) as the primary test number format ** a seven (7) digit test number (i.e., 958-XXXX) as a secondary test number format ** a seven (7) digit test number (i.e., 959-XXXX) as a secondary test number format for embedded AT&T testline access DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENT: NIIF Operations Document (Part V, Testline Guidelines & Coordinator's Directory)