981 4 91 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________ | PROCEDURE OR | APPLICABLE | | | SUBPROCEDURE TITLE | DOCUMENT | SECTION| |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | 108-Type Test Line Capabilities | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | of ISTF, Implement | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | ACD/OSPS RISLU to ERISLU, Perform | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Conversion from | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AC Jack Amplifiers in TAU, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Check and Adjust | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Acknowledgment, Input | AT&T 235-105-210 | 6 | | Message, Resolve Abnormal | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Acknowledgment, Recent | AT&T 235-105-210 | 6 | | Change, Resolve Abnormal | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Acknowledgment, TLWS, | AT&T 235-105-210 | 6 | | Resolve Abnormal | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Activate Form, Execute the | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Air Filters, Fan Unit, Replace | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Air Filters, Fan Unit, in General | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | | Drawer-Type Units, Replace | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm - Associated with an ESM | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Fault, Respond To and Resolve | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Stuck/False Condition, Clear | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Critical, Office Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, DAYLOG Message Lost, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Respond To and Resolve | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Fuse Alarm/Power Alarm | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Failure, Respond To | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Major, Office Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Major Misc., Office Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Minor, Office Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Minor Misc., Office Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, Test 340-MB MHD | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm, RC/V Log Warning, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Respond To and Resolve | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm Circuits, Test Office Exit Pilot | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarm Display Pages at MCC | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Video Terminal, Access | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarms, Processor Control Frame or | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | | Processor Cabinet, Test | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Alarms, Respond To 5ESS(R) Switch | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | ALD1 Circuit Pack(s) - 14A Announcement | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | System, Verify Operation of | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | ALD2 Circuit Pack(s) - 14A Announcement | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | System, Verify Operation of | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | A-Link Failure in Line Unit, Clear | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM and CM Full Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S6/H4) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM and CM Full Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S7/H4) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM/CM Isolation, Clear | AT&T 235-105-250 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Initialization Failure, Analyze | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Initialization, Planned | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Initialization with AM/CM Isolation | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | (D4, S7, H0, C4), Perform | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Manual Initialization, Perform | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Minimum-Mode (Min Mode), Exit | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Off-Line Boot Verification Procedure | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | | | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM ODD Memory, Grow | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Recovery, Post, Clean Up | AT&T 235-105-250 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM and CM Selective Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S6/H3) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM and CM Selective Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S7/H3) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AM Software Fault, Analyze | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Allow Session | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Block, Dump to ROP | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Control File, Set Up | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Clear Configuration Information | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Data, Write from Disk to Tape | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Equip Disk Partitions | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA System Process (AMCP), | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Initialize in the AM | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA System Process (AMDC), | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Initialize in Each SM | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Set Stream Value | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Set Stream Value for Each SM | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA, Set Up Control File | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Tape, Mount and Verify | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Tape, Remove | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Teleprocessing Emergency | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | | Tape Writing Procedure | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Teleprocessing Operation, On-line | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Functional Test to Verify - 5E5 and Earlier | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMA Teleprocessing Operation, On-line | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Functional Test to Verify - 5E6 and Later | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMAOPTION Attribute, Change | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMAOPTION Attribute, Set | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | for AMATPS - 5E2(2) and Later | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMAOPTION Attribute, Review | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMATPS, Bring Up | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | AMATPS, Check Hardware Config. | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | ANSI(R) Standard U-Line Cards, | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Conversion Procedure to | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Application Commands (4-9), Enter | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Application Parameters, Enter | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Assert Error Report, Analyze and Resolve | AT&T 235-105-220 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Audit Error Report, Analyze and Resolve | AT&T 235-105-220 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Automated Static ODD (SODD) Audit, Using | AT&T 235-105-220 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Automated SODD Audit, Scheduling | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Automatic Line Evaluation, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Digital Subscriber Line | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Automatic Line Evaluation, EOC/TMC | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Automatic Trunk Test Scheduler | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Backup Disk, Pull Certified | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Backup Disk, Software, 5E4 and Later, Verify | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Backup Memory, (In-Core) to | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | | Primary Disk Partition | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Backup Text Tapes, 5E4 and Later, Verify | AT&T 235-105-210 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Backup Unit, 48FRI, Manually Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Basic Rate Interface (BRI) Access | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | to the 108 Test Line | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | B-Link or LUCHAN Failure in | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Line Unit Grid, Clear | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | BRI Dial-Up Test Line | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | BRI Integrity Test, Digital Subscriber Line | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Processing, Determine Hardware | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | and Software Used During | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Processing, Determine if (It) Has | AT&T 235-105-250 | 8 | | Been Restored | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Processing, Monitor | AT&T 235-105-250 | 8 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Trace, In-Progress, Perform | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Trace, Nuisance (Terminating | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Tandem/Interoffice), Perform | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Trace Data, Software, Obtain | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Most Recent | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Call Trace Procedures | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Channel Unit, Install | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Channel Unit in DCLU, Provision | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Channel Unit in IDCU, Provision | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Channel Unit in SLC(R) 5 Carrier | AT&T 235-105-210 | 3 | | System, Provision | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Circuit Module, Replacement of ASU/ASU2 | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Circuit Pack, Automated Return Tag Tool | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Circuit Packs - LU, Perform | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Sequential Removal and Insertion | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM (and AM) Full Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S6/H4) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM (and AM) Full Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S7/H4) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM (and AM) Selective Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S6/H3) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM (and AM) Selective Initialization, | AT&T 235-105-250 | 4 | | Perform (S7/H3) | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM Duplex Hardware Failure, Analyze | AT&T 235-105-250 | 5 | | and Control Repair of | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM Hardware, Diagnose | AT&T 235-105-250 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM (/AM) Isolation, Clear | AT&T 235-105-250 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM Unit, Repair Failure in a | AT&T 235-105-250 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CMP Full Initialization, Perform | AT&T 235-105-250 | 5 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CMP Memory Errors, Nondiagnosable, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Analyze and Clear | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM1, Fan Units, Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM2, Fan Units, Test | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CM2, Fuse Alarm Tests, Perform | AT&T 235-105-210 | 7 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CNI Failures, Analyze and | AT&T 235-105-250 | 7 | | Control the Repair of | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CNI Data, Temporary, Conversion | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Procedure to Permanent CNI | | | | Data for CCS Functionality | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CNI Data Base Structure, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 3 | | Change or Modify Using CNIDBOC | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CNI Power Pack Replacement | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CNI Ring Circuit Pack Replacement | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CTTU, Define Attributes | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Necessary to Add Interface | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CTTU, Bring Up | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CTTU, Enable to Be a Recipient of | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | 101 Test Line | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CTTU, Define Logical Test Port Group | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | CU Memory Errors, Nondiagnosable, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Analyze and Clear | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Base, Update, Using AT&T | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | 3B20D Computer Recent Change | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Bases, Update Backup | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Link, Reader and Writer | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Processes, Start | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Set, 212, Check Special Cable | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Between Data Set and TN75C | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Set, 212, Set DIP Switches | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Set, 2024, 2048, 2096 Series, | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Install Options | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Data Set Options After IMLT | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Growth, Set and Verify | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | DCTU PMU Circuit Packs, | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Calibration Check for | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | DCTU Port TG, TG Members, and RI | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | | Before IMLT2 Growth, Grow | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | DCTURTI on SM, Update | AT&T 235-105-210 | 9 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | DFC, Power-Up and Restore to Service | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | DFC, Remove from Service | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | DFC 0, Power Down and | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | | Remove Cables from | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Diagnostic Failure in | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | Hardware (Units/Circuits) | | | | of 5ESS Switch, Clear | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Digital Equipment Number of | AT&T 235-105-220 | 2 | | a Digital Trunk, Verify | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Digital Line, Perform Loopback | AT&T 235-105-210 | 2 | | Test on a | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Disk, Config., 5E2(2), Determine | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | | Current Disk Config. - Using | | | | Manual Procedure | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Disk, Config., 5E2(2), Determine | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | | Current Disk Config. - Using | | | | Reconfig. Scripts | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Disk, Config., 5E3, Determine | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | | Current Disk Config. | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Disk, Connect Off-Line Spare | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | | in Running System | | | |_________________________________________________|_________________________|_________| | Disk, Convert Warm Disk Spare | AT&T 235-105-210 | 8 | | to Off-Li