Note: The 235-XXX-XXX manuals do not provide maintenance procedures for the repair of equipment (for example, tape drives or disk drives) manufactured by vendors other than AT&T. To identify the appropriate maintenance manual for each unit of such vendor equipment, refer to Section 3 of AT&T 235-001-001, Documentation Description and Ordering Guide. This guide only provides the vendor's address associated to the unit in question, not the procedures used to repair the faulty equipment. This document describes the maintenance concepts and built-in maintenance capabilities of the 5ESS(R) switch. The information is necessary to perform system evaluation and maintenance. To be adequately prepared to maintain the 5ESS switch, the following prerequisites are recommended for maintenance personnel: a. Must be familiar with telephone equipment and terminology. b. Must complete maintenance training on the 5ESS switch. c. Must be familiar with the information in the following manual(s): o AT&T 235-100-125, System Description 5E6 and Later o AT&T 235-900-106, Product Specification 5E6 o AT&T 235-900-107, Product Specification 5E7 o AT&T 235-900-108, Product Specification 5E8. o AT&T 235-900-109, Product Specification 5E9(1). Note: These manuals also contain a section concerning Environmental Specifications (physical specifications) that can be useful to maintenance personnel. Product rating for the 5E2(2), 5E3, 5E4, and 5E5 software releases has been changed to Discontinued Availability (DA). Effective with Issue 7.00, all information on the DA rated software releases is being removed from this document. This document is updated to provide coverage for the 5E7 (Issue 5.00), 5E8 (Issues 6.00 and 6.01), and 5E9(1) (Issue 7.00) software releases. Sections .RM 1.2.2/, .RM 1.2.3/, and .RM 1.2.4/, respectively, contain update information on these software releases. Note: The 5E2(2) through 5E5 information is removed in Issue 7.00 of this document. (See statement relative to DA rating of software releases at the beginning Section .RM 1.2.1/.) For the 5E7 software release, Issue 5.00 of this document was updated for the following reasons: o Removed information on the 5E2(1) software release from all sections. [All 5E2(1) offices have been retrofitted to a later software release.] o Updated Table .AW TA/. o Changed information on the Call Monitor feature is Sections 2 and 3. o Updated information on the Office Data Base Editor (ODBE) is Section 3. o Updated information on the Access Editor (ACCED) is Section 3. o Updated information on the Current Update Data Base and History File Editor (UPedcud) is Section 3. o Made screen corrections, added screen abbreviations, and added command descriptions on Trunk and Line Work Station (TLWS) Task Selection Pages for 5E2(2) through 5E6 software releases in Section 3. o Added information on TLWS Task Selection Pages for the 5E7 software release in Section 3. Note: Information on TLWS task selection pages and commands is completely rewritten in Issue 7.00 of this document. o Reorganized and reformatted information on Generic Utilities to present information on this tool in a more descriptive format as opposed to the redundant Input/Output message data included in previous issues. o Added the master control center (MCC) Page Location Guide to the Introduction subsection in Section 4. Note: In Issue 7.00, the title of the Introduction subsection is changed to Introduction to MCC Pages. o Updated, added, and deleted text and screen displays in Subsections 5E2(2) through 5E6. These updates, additions, and deletions were the result of in-depth reviews for accuracy of all MCC page displays and associated text by BTL developers. o Added the 5E7 Subsection to Section 4. The 5E7 Subsection contains the MCC page displays that changed with the 5E7 software release. o Made minor corrections to text, tables, and figures throughout the document. Note: The 5E2(2) through 5E5 information is removed in Issue 7.00 of this document. (See statement relative to DA rating of software releases at the beginning Section .RM 1.2.1/.) For the 5E8 software release, Issues 6.00 and 6.01 of this document were updated for the following reasons: o Updated Table .AW TA/. o Updated information on Software Release Retrofit/Update/Large Terminal Growth in Section 2. o Updated information on Access Editor (ACCED) in Section 3. o Added information on Common Network Interface Data Base Consolidator (CNIDBOC) in Section 3. o Updated information on BROWSE in Section 3. o Updated information on Generic Access Package (GRASP) in Section 3. o Updated information on the Operation Support System (OSS) Routine Exercises (REX) Scheduler Program in Section 3. o Added information on the Automatic REX Scheduler in Section 3. o Added information on the 108-type test line in Section 3. o Added information on basic rate interface (BRI) access to the 108-type test line in Section 3. o Added information on Trunk and Line Work Station (TLWS) Task Selection Pages for the 5E8 software release in Section 3. Note: Information on TLWS task selection pages and commands is completely rewritten in Issue 7.00 of this document. o Updated the Generic Utilities information in Section 3 to add commands for two new 5E8 processors, Integrated Digital Carrier Unit (IDCU) and Integrated Digital Carrier Unit Loop Side Interface (IDCULSI). o Updated information in Table .AW TAD/, Directory of Service Centers. o Updated information in Table .AW TAE/, Directory of Service Support Organizations. o Updated the master control center (MCC) Page Location Guide in the Introduction subsection of Section 4. The update included adding all MCC pages in the 5E8 subsection. Note: In Issue 7.00, the title of the Introduction subsection is changed to Introduction to MCC Pages. o Updated the general description of the 1000 SM Page Index page in 5E2(2) through 5E7 subsections. o Updated information on MCC Page 105/106 in the 5E2(2) subsection. o Updated information on MCC Page 1950 in the 5E5 subsection. o Updated information on MCC Pages 115 (CM2 version), 116, and 1950 in the 5E6 subsection. o Updated information on MCC Pages 110, 116, 123, 125, 1800,X, 1850, and 1851 in the 5E7 subsection. o Removed information on MCC Page 1950 from the 5E7 Subsection. (The update to the 1950 page in the 5E6 Subsection applies to 5E6 and later software releases.) o Added the 5E8 Subsection to Section 4. The 5E8 Subsection contains the MCC page displays that were added with or changed with the 5E8 software release. o Made minor corrections to text, tables, and figures throughout the document. This document is updated to Issue 7.00B, May 1994, to add the results of call failures in Section .RM, Call Monitor Reports. This document is updated to Issue 7.00A, December 1993, for the following reasons: o To remove the requirement for circuit packs to be tested on site o To add the DGR state to MCC page 118 o To update information on MCC pages 1521,XX and 1522,XX,Y. o To add a note for the user to insert RC/V view 8.3 if it does not exist. For the 5E9(1) software release, Issue 7.00 of this document is updated for the following reasons: o Update Table .AW TA/. o Update information on the Call Monitor in Sections 2 and 3. o Update Single Process Purge and Selective Initialization information in Section 2 to include wideband calls. o Add information on the automatic trunk test scheduler (ATTS) in Section 3. o Update Trunk and Line Work Station (TLWS) information in Section 3 for 32 test positions in 5E9(1) and to include test position resources and resource assignment. o Update line and trunk testing information in Section 3 to include wideband calls. o Change the format of information on TLWS Task Selection Pages in Section 3 to eliminate redundancy and reduce the number of text pages. o Add 5E9(1) examples of all TLWS pages to reflect new page layout and command changes and add information on new 5E9(1) Pages 5000,3 (line), 5000,3 (trunk), 8000, 9000,1, 9000,2, and 9201. o Add information on input message editing and history in Section 3. o Add information on the Ring Generic Access Package (RGRASP) in Section 3. o Add information on the Automated Circuit Pack Return Tag (RTAG) tool in Section 3. o Add information on the Automated Static ODD (SODD) Audit in Section 3. o Update the master control center (MCC) Page Location Guide in the Introduction to MCC Pages (formerly Introduction) subsection of Section 4. The update includes removing references to the 5E2(2) through 5E5 software releases and adding references for all MCC pages included in the 5E9(1) subsection. o Remove subsections 5E2(2) through 5E5 in Section 4 and move to the 5E6 subsection all MCC page displays valid for 5E6 (or 5E6 and later) that were previously included in subsections 5E2(2) through 5E5. o Add the 5E9(1) subsection to Section 4. The 5E9(1) subsection contains MCC page displays that were added with or changed with the 5E9(1) software release. o Make minor corrections to text, tables, and figures throughout the document. The information in this document is applicable to all switches equipped with 5E6 and later software releases. When text applies to a specific software release, the applicable software release is indicated. When new software releases are developed that affect this document, updates will be made. Also, this document is utilizing an issue number. The overall structure is outlined as follows: 1. Section 1--Introduction: This section summarizes the type of information contained in the document, gives the purpose of this information, and defines its organization. In addition, this section identifies the three maintenance manuals provided for maintenance and explains the function of each. 2. Section 2--Maintenance Philosophy: This section describes the following maintenance capabilities of the 5ESS switch: o Maintenance overview. o Remote maintenance capabilities. o Central office maintenance plan. o System evaluation and maintenance stimuli. o Maintenance tasks: a. Scheduled routine maintenance b. Nonscheduled routine maintenance c. Corrective maintenance tasks d. System recovery e. Operator Services Position System (OSPS) maintenance f. Maintenance of vendor equipment. o Line unit trouble clearing guide. o Trunk and line maintenance: a. Per-call tests b. Routine line and trunk tests c. Tests provided d. Call monitor. o Recent change (RC), field, and software release retrofit/update. o Change notices (CN). 3. Section 3--Maintenance Tools: This section describes the following maintenance tools available for use in the 5ESS switch: o Display administration process (DAP)/Non-DAP terminal. o MCC. o Supplementary trunk and line work station (STLWS). o TLWS. o Trunk and line maintenance. o Test access unit (TAU). o Directly connected test unit (DCTU). o Remote office test line (ROTL). o TLWS task selection page displays. o Recent change/verify (RC/V). o Screen program user's guide. o How to use input/output (I/O) messages. o Office data base editor (ODBE). o Access editor (ACCED). o Common network interface data base consolidator (CNIDBOC). o Automated circuit pack return tag (RTAG) tool. o Software debugging and troubleshooting tools. o Generic utilities. o System log files. o Diagnostics: -- Diagnostic types -- Diagnostic input/output messages -- Routine exercises (REX) -- Operation Support System (OSS) REX scheduler program -- Automatic REX scheduler. o How to use switching module (SM) peripheral Fault Recovery Message (Verbose Mode). o Routine tests. o How to use office backup schedules. o Circuit pack handling procedures. o Spare circuit packs. o Circuit pack repair service and return procedures. o Dynamic Audits. o Static Audits. o How to use program record and program map documents. o How to use program change document, symbol address cross-reference index, and function address program record (PR) name cross-reference index. o TR303 Integrated Digital Carrier Unit (IDCU) remote terminal provisioning. 4. Section 4--MCC Page Display: This section contains a detailed description of the page displays of the 5ESS switch MCC video terminal and the MCC Page Location Guide which can be used to locate specific page displays for specific 5E6 and later software releases. Section 4 is divided into five subsections as follows: o Section .RM 4.2/: Covers the introduction to the MCC page displays o Section .RM 4.3/: Covers the 5E6 software release o Section .RM 4.4/: Covers the 5E7 software release o Section .RM 4.5/: Covers the 5E8 software release o Section .RM 4.6/: Covers the 5E9(1) software release. Since this document has been developed to describe maintenance concepts and maintenance capabilities for the 5ESS switch, it is appropriate to identify the manuals that contain the procedures used to maintain the switch. 1. AT&T 235-105-210, Routine Operations and Maintenance Procedures: Contains the descriptive material and detailed procedures for routine operations and maintenance of the 5ESS switch. The following is a list of the sections in this document: o Equipment Test List (ETL) o Operations (system control functions) o Memory Alteration Description o Memory Alteration Procedures o Abnormal Input Message Acknowledgments o Fan and Alarm Tests o Moving Head Disk (MHD) Procedures o Miscellaneous Routine Procedures o ROTL o Routine Exercise Procedures. The AT&T 235-105-210 also has a job aid for O&M Checklist which must be ordered separately (see AT&T 235-001-001, Documentation Description and Ordering Guide). Note: Refer to Table .AW TA/ for a complete list of the operation and maintenance procedures included in AT&T 235-105-210. 2. AT&T 235-105-220, Corrective Maintenance Procedures: Contains three sections as follows: o Hardware - Maintenance Procedures: This section contains a series of task-oriented corrective maintenance procedures that can be used by personnel who are involved in maintaining various hardware units and circuits of the 5ESS switch. Also, some procedures are used to resolve subscribing customer service complaints. o Office Dependent Data - Maintenance Procedures: This section contains a series of task-oriented corrective maintenance procedures that can be used to maintain and repair office dependent data (ODD) associated with the switch. o Supporting Information: This section contains a tabular list that describes all the diagnostic phase descriptions and a Basic Rate Interface (BRI) trouble-shooting diagram. The AT&T 235-105-220 also has a group of job aids for the TLWS poke commands which must be ordered separately (see AT&T 235-001-001, Documentation Description and Ordering Guide). Note: Refer to Table .AW TA/ for a complete list of the operation and maintenance procedures included in AT&T 235-105-220. 3. AT&T 235-105-250, System Recovery: Contains the descriptive material and detailed procedures of the software and hardware recovery capabilities of the 5ESS switch. Both automatic and manual recovery capabilities are covered. The following is a list identifying what is covered in this manual: o System Recovery Description: In the 5ESS switch, system recovery uses the concept of a network of independent processors to localize recovery actions. The major processors involved are the administrative module (AM), communication module processor (CMP) (added in the 5E6 software release), and the individual SMs. When a fault exists, fault recovery attempts to reconfigure the system to provide full system service (primarily by excluding the faulty unit). Several levels of recovery are available, and the system can automatically escalate to higher and broader levels if initial attempts fail. The higher recovery levels often include processor initializations. This section describes the various recovery levels (and their impact) when used in the different processors. The strategy of reconfiguration and escalation to higher recovery levels is also covered, as is the mapping between manual commands and internal recovery levels. o System Recovery Procedures: The procedures provided in this section are used to clear system failures which prevent the 5ESS switch from restoring itself automatically. Also, procedures are provided for analyzing the AM and SM initializations. Note: Refer to Table .AW TA/ for a complete list of the operation and maintenance procedures included in AT&T 235- 105-250. 4. AT&T 235-105-119, Maintenance Guide Utilizing OMS5: This document provides information related to utilization of the OMS5 program. The OMS5 program summarizes the receive-only printer (ROP) output into a readable format. This program provides the maintenance personnel with an easy way to analyze how the office is performing. After analyzing the OMS5 program summary, the maintenance personnel should use the Corrective and Routine Maintenance Manuals (listed previously) with this manual to correct faults that occur in the switch. The OMS5 program runs on the switching control center (SCC) minicomputer. The tape that contains the OMS5 program can be obtained via the order number AT&T 235-105-120. This maintenance guide and the OMS5 program can only be used via the SCC. The producers of this manual are constantly striving to improve quality and usability. Please use the enclosed user feedback form [REF. .RM 1.9/] for your comments and to advise us of any errors. If the form is missing or your comments will not fit, you can write to the following address: AT&T NETWORK SYSTEMS Quality Department 2400 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Please include the issue number and/or date of the manual, your complete mailing address, and telephone number. We will attempt to answer all correspondence within 30 days, informing you of the disposition of your comments. You may also call our Documentation HOT LINE if you need an immediate answer to a documentation question. This HOT LINE is not intended to eliminate the use of the user feedback form, but rather to enhance the comment process. The HOTLINE number is 1-800-334-0404 and it is available from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time (within North Carolina, dial 1-910-727-6681). Outside of those hours, the line is served by an answering machine. You can leave a message on the answering machine and someone will return your call the following business day. Also, document users who have access to UNIX(R) system electronic mail facilities may send comments via electronic mail. The electronic address is att!wrddo!hotline5. Please make sure that the document title, number, and issue number are included in the mail along with the sender's name, phone number, and address. This manual is distributed by the AT&T Customer Information Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. Most operating telephone companies should place orders through their documentation coordinator. Some companies may allow customers to order directly from the Customer Information Center; however, the majority do not. Companies that use documentation coordinators to manage their orders receive a significant discount. If you do not know the name/number of the documentation coordinator for your company, you may call 1-800-432-6600 to obtain the name and telephone number. Customers not represented by a documentation coordinator and AT&T employees can order the documentation for the 5ESS switch directly from the AT&T Customer Information Center. Proper billing information must be provided. These orders may be mailed to: AT&T Customer Information Center Order Entry 2855 N. Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46219 Orders may also be called in on 1-800-432-6600 or faxed in on 1-317-322-6484. Technical assistance for the 5ESS switch can be obtained by calling the Regional Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) at 1-800-225-RTAC. This telephone number is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During regular business hours, your call will be answered by your local RTAC. Outside of normal business hours, all calls will be answered at a centralized technical assistance center where service-affecting problems will be dispatched immediately to your local RTAC. All other problems will be referred to your local RTAC on the next regular business day. How Are We Doing? \ \ Document Title: SYSTEM MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS AND TOOLS Document Number: AT&T 235-105-110 Issue Number: 7.00 Publication Date: November 1993 AT&T welcomes your feedback on this document. Your comments can be of great value in helping us improve our documentation. 1. 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DOCUMENTATION SERVICES 2400 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27199-2029 The following is a list of manuals that the user should be aware of when reading this document: o AT&T 235-600-700, 5ESS Switch Input Messages Manual o AT&T 235-600-750, 5ESS Switch Output Messages Manual o AT&T 235-105-119, Maintenance Guide Utilizing OMS5 o AT&T 235-105-210, Routine Operations and Maintenance Procedures o AT&T 235-105-220, Corrective Maintenance Procedures o AT&T 235-105-250, System Recovery o AT&T 235-600-104, Translations Data 5E6 o AT&T 235-600-105, Translations Data 5E7 o AT&T 235-600-106, Translations Data 5E8 o AT&T 235-600-107, Translations Data 5E9 o AT&T 235-600-400, Audits Manual o AT&T 235-600-500, Asserts Manual o AT&T 235-600-510, Software Analysis Guide o AT&T 235-600-601, Processor Recovery Messages o AT&T 235-900-106, Product Specification 5E6 o AT&T 235-900-107, Product Specification 5E7 o AT&T 235-900-108, Product Specification 5E8. o AT&T 235-900-109, Product Specification 5E9(1). Note: Other manuals not identified previously that can be helpful to the customer are listed in AT&T 235- 000-000, Numerical Index - Division 235. This index is for informational purposes only. Site