HOW TO GET $30 A DAY FROM AT&T ------------------------------ By: Tesla You can earn $30 per day from the local BELL payphone and AT&T will be the ones paying it. AND even if you get caught, which you won't, there is nothing that can be done, thanks to the FCC and AT&T's current ILLEGAL monopoly on DIAL-1 calls from BELL PAY TELEPHONES ---------------------------------- This article was written in retaliation for FEDERAL CRIMINAL COURT CASE #93-133 in the US DISTRICT COURT of WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA titled, "USA vs KEITH MAYDAK ET AL" This case is based on fraudulent and false claims by AT&T. We will not tolerate this. Be advised, Keith Maydak does not condone stealing from AT&T nor has he authorized this notation. We have taken it upon ourselves to spread the word that AT&T is a giant rip-off. It's all part of the I-SCAM! The AT&T I-SCAM. I is for IDIOT. Idiot=anyone who has AT&T for dial-1 long distance. ======================================== Okay, I don't know if you know this, but AT&T is the long-distance carrier at all GTE, BELL, and ALLTEL pay telephones when it comes to DIAL-1 CALLS. Even if you dial 10222(MCI)+1+ACN, AT&T gets paid for the call. EVEN IF THE PHONE SAYS MCI, IT'S STILL AT&T. This is due to, "technical limitations on coin telephones" HELLO!!!!!!! AT&T BUILT THE GODDAM SYSTEM, WHY CAN'T THEY CHANGE IT? They could, they won't, why should they? They build the ESS SWITCH! WHY SHOULD THEY MAKE IT SO DIAL 1 CAN BE ACCESSED BY ALL. ENOUGH, let's learn how to get money. ------------------------- Okay, dial this from your local pay station: 011-871-1101101# The Operator will come on confused and say something like, "$32.70 please" or "what are you calling" If she doesn't tell you the rate, ask her. It's usually anywhere from $28.50 to $33.00 depending on where you are. Why so much? It's a boat. And this is the rate. NOW HANG UP! Now, call 10288-0 wait for the operator. Ask for a supervisor. (NOTE: YOU DON'T HAVE TO, BUT the regular operator will just listen to your story and put her supervisor on, so just do it this way.) AT&T: Service assistant, may I help you? YOU: Yes, this is absurd. I called this number and the AT&T operator said it was $32.00 (or whatever the rate is). She made me put $3.00 in at a time and then connected the call. Right after the call answered the party was disconnected. I didn't get my money back. AT&T: Umm, yeah, right. What number did you dial YOU: 011-871-1101-101 Check the rate. AT&T: <<Shocked>> Okay sir, we'll mail you a refund, what is your name and address? YOU: NAME & ADDRESS (go ahead, don't be shy, they'll mail your money, they have to, FCC RULES SECTION 47 of US CODE) Do this daily from different pay stations. PROBLEMS: Okay, AT&T operators are all mean and will give you shit. You need to be prepared to answer some questions. AT&T: We don't have a call that much, are you sure it was AT&T? YOU: Yes, it says, "AT&T" they operator said, "AT&T may I help you." AT&T: I can't make a check that high. (she's right) YOU: Can you send two checks for $15 each (that she can do) AT&T: Where did you get all the change? YOU: I don't like being called a liar, what was your name again? The store here had no problem giving it to me! This is absurd. AT&T: I talked to you yesterday. YOU: Yes, it happened yesterday too. AT&T: We'll send a man out to check the payphone. YOU: Good. That's a good idea. In the mean time, can you put in for my refund? (they can't send a man, it ain't there phone) AT&T: I requested a refund, but they will look into it. YOU: I hope they do. (they won't) NOTES: ALWAYS GET HER OPERATOR NUMBER If you don't get your $30.00 bitch. Even go to the FCC. Some operators just don't put in for it. We have done this over 300 times for a profit of $10,000. Nearly 90% send your money especially if you are pissed. AT&T issues over 10,000 refunds per week and it's all automatic. Do not worry about them adding this all up. There's nothing they can do. They can't accuse you of lying, they could be sued. IT's never happened, but if it does, remember: 1. They have no clue how much money is in the payphone 2. It ain't there phone 3. They are required to send the refund by law 4. The only people who ever get busted are those who admit shit; why do you think Feds and cops always tell you they have evidence you better talk. If they had enough to convict you, they wouldn't want you to talk. HOWEVER, THIS WORKS FINE EVERYTIME And, don't feel bad. AT&T does not deserve to profit from payphones. They are theives. Scamming crooks. THEY HAVE AN ILLEGAL MONOPOLY ON PAY TELEPHONES! Give this to all your phriends as it's just another part of AT&T's way to rip off the world: THE I SCAM. I FOR IDIOT. -------------------- ATTN: AT&T EMPLOYEES: GO AHEAD GIVE THIS TO CORPORATE SECURITY. BETTER YET, WE'LL FAX IT TO THEM FOR YOU! I HATE TO TELL YOU PEOPLE, BUT CORPORATE SECURITY GESTAPO ARE NOT POLICE THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY. NO-ONE IS AFRAID OF THEM. ALSO, REMEMBER, OUR GOOD ARTICLES AREN'T OUT YET. THEY WILL BE. COMING SOON FROM TESLA, THANKS TO AT&T. WE'LL SEE YOU IN BANKRUPTCY COURT. BASTARDS.