TUCoPS :: Phreaking General Information :: bt_oops.txt

British Telecom keeps lists of excessive 0800 users!

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 SySopS = DangerMouse Afl     |_  | | | __|       Co/SySopS = Marantz Afl
        = Dennis T  Shining/DC  | |   | __                  = IceBerg
        = Shinobi Afl         _ |_|_: |___| _               = Magic SKN
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	From a reliable internal BT source:

	British Telecom now has a list of most of the active abusers of
	international toll frees (0800 numbers) and is monitering the
	afforementioned lines pending prosecution.
	How? Well, although BT are not stupid, and were not actively
	monitoring boxer's lines, but after the BTBILLS.TXT was released,
	many dudes telephoned their local exchange for the current
	billing of their line.. This, together with scene informants
	information on the release date of the text, gave BT the legal
	right (see section 17 on customers rights - )

	quote: "..if there exists reasonable grounds for suspicion of
	misuse of telephone sevices.."

	to assume monitoring of suspected misuse.
	This, coupled with the release of BTBILLS.TXT and the rise in
	household bill enquiries on that date, gave British Telecom a
	list of 945 "possible misusers" of telephone services.

	Monitoring commenced on all 0800 calls from those 945 enquiries
	on March 14 1993 and although some of those enquiries were from
	genuine customers, over 820 are now registered as "CLU" (internal
	BT-speak for "Confirmed Line Misuse"

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                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.0 By A¡Rcø]

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