Cabinet Phreaking With ITM V3 - NaNTo I managed to place my hands on a partial manual for this *very* interesting system and have done some extensive playing around with it. After this ezine I will organise some scans so you can all help out working out new commands, syntax etc. If you have any information about this system (esp. exchange uses etc.) please email at NaNTo199@yahoo.com. I have included the commands that I have actually got to work here, but there are more. Considering the time and effort I have put into gathering this information it should be well worth your reading. ITM stands for Individual Trunk Monitoring and is used by Telstra to perform service tasks and connections at SLICs or cabinets (whatever you want to call them). They are the junction boxes that provide services such as connecting home loop runs to pressurised cables and fiber optic cables for the run to the exchange, amplification of loops on long runs etc. The ITM system is accessed by a serial port on the left lower box of the SLIC and the bit protocol used is ASCII. I use my modem port to interface. The only problem with this is that you need to have the key for the cabinet to be able to access the port. This is obtained by going through a van, or from an employee if you can become friends with one (highly recommended.) You could also pick it open as access to the system is dependant upon physical access to the port only. You also need a program that can transmit on the serial port. There are plenty of old DOS programs that perform this function. - Commands - When I use <something> that means don't put in the <>, just put in the feeder number (or whatever.) :FL:<prefix> - Feeder List. This will provide a list of feeder numbers that are serviced by this SLIC. The prefix on the end is the reference for the group that is to be displayed as the system only seems to give out feeders 10-25 or so at a time. ** Feeder numbers are like : 0297412719U0201 So the first 10 numbers are the actual telephone number, the letter 'U' is the feeder group number and I don't know that the other numbers do. You have to use *existing* feeder #'s as this system doesn't initialise them, the exchange does. However, you can change how the SLIC treats that Feeder #. :ATT:<Incoming Feeder #>:<Incoming Feeder #> - Route. I think the ATT stands for attach (???) What this does is routes the first feeder number through to the second feeder number, creating a loop at the SLIC. The first feeder # will be silent and the second feeder # will have a high pitched tone on it. If you ring one, you'll be able to listen to the other and vice-versa. You can't use it to dial into one and dial out the other which kinda sucks as that would have been very useful ;) S:ATT:<Incoming Feeder #>:<Outgoing Feeder #> - Route. When I say outgoing feeder here, I mean the original feeder connected to a home loop run. This routes the Outgoing Feeder #'s home loop run to the specified incoming Feeder #. Using this, I have successfully routed a home loop run I had my beige box on to another feeder # and rung ANI. I could transfer it back and forth at my whim, effectively changing the number of the line I was calling from! I don't know what happens to the Incoming Feeder # I 'hijacked' but it remained on the feeder list and it could be put back later on with the same command. :TONE - Put 25,000 hz tone on the line. This doesn't affect the DC conditions on the line and is used to find the correct feeder cable once you have added the feeder # to the Feeder List and now wish to manually attach it to the frame. My guess is there is a line back to the exchange for telling it which # to put the tone on. The 25,000 hz is designed to be above human hearing and is detecting using an inductive amplifier. <Feeder #>:FL - Adds Feeder # to the Feeder List. :<Feeder #>:FL - Removes Feeder # from the Feeder List. Can be used to disconnect ppl you don't like ;) 1:GAIN - Adjusts decibel gain of Feeders to home loops by 0.1 db. You can also specify other number up to 10. You can also specify negative values, which lowers the db instead. :1:GAIN - Adjusts decibel gain of Home Loops to Feeders by 0.1 db. The same as the first GAIN command, but increases the gain from the other way. - Conclusion - That is everything that I have got to work so far. When I get access to a scanner I will scan the whole manual (or what I have of it) for Phrost Byte so you can try out some of the other commands/command sets. Also, there was reference in the manual to ITM operations at the exchange itself. I would be very interested if anyone has information on that. NaNTo - NaNTo199@yahoo.com