TUCoPS :: Phreaking General Information :: ccitt6.htm

CCITT Signaling System #6


Signalling System CCITT NO.6 is a system for common channel
signalling over international circuits.
This means that the signalling takes place  over a signalling
link that is seperate from the speech circuits.
Thus a great number of speech circuits can be controlled by
only one signalling link.
This system can be used over all types of international circuits,
including TASI and satellite circuits.
The main features of CCITT NO.6. are as follows.
-  The system is intended for use  on bothway trunk
   circuits with a possibility of both analogue and
   PCM transmission.
-  The call control  information includes parameters
   for terminal / transit indication, satellite circuits,
   echo suppressor function , and information on the
   category of the calling party.
-  Capacity for up to 2048 speech circuits, controlled by
   one signalling link.
-  Continuity check of speech path using a continuity tone.
-  Operator facility using Forward Transfer signal.
-  Potential for automatic repeat attempt.
-  Transmission fault supervision on a per circuit basis.
-  Network maintenance signalling.

This Test Instruction can be used when testing the following

ETC1          BFD 113 021/4 (32 Channels)
ETC 24        BFD 114 513/2
TC6D          BFD 115 532/2
PCD           BFD 123 503/3
C6ST          BFD 114 512/2
MODEM         BDF 115 025/2 (ZAT 2400-6)
-  The BT's (PCD) for the speech and signalling links are
   strapped according to the exchange Transmission Level
-  The RP's and EM's for the BT's, ST's and TC's are tested
   and working (EXEMP:RP=rp,EM=em;).
-  The external echo suppressors are ready to be used
   (strapped etc) and are functioning. Their connection and
   operation should have been checked in a separate test.
-  The Modems and the PCD's connected to them are strapped
   for correct levels and function of System 6.    (*)
   (See Permanent Exchange Adaption 1/15518-CNT 2181611
   for details)
-  The PCD's connected to the Transceivers are strapped
   for correct level and tested.    (*)
   (*) NOTE:
    If looped in own exchange, the transmission level
    diagram has to be revised (no transmission equipment
    between transmit and received side).

Loop using two Link Sets each with two Signalling Links
                 SL=0         2.4 Kb                 € GSS   €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €       €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡.......†‡‡‡ ETC 32 †‡‡‚
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €     . €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰  €
                                                     €   .   €               €
                 LS=L032                             €  .    €               €
                              2.4 Kb                 € .     €               €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €.      €               €
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡       €               €
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €       €               €
                  SL=1                               €       €  SIGNALLING   €
                                                     €       €  LOOP         €
                                                     €       €               €
                                                     €       €R=C6S32O&C6S32I€
                 SL=0         2.4 Kb                 €       €               €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €       €               €
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡ .     €               €
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €   .   €               €
                                                     €    .  €               €
                LS=L132                              €    .  €               €
                              2.4 Kb                 €    .  €               €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €     . €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚  €
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡.......†‡‡‡ ETC 32 †‡‡‰
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €       €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰
                 SL=1                                €       €
                             Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €       €
                 Through     € TCN6  †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡       €
                 Connection  ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €       € R=BT6320O&BT6320I
                 Tester                              €       €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚
                              Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚               €    ...†‡‡‡ ETC 32 †‡‡‚
                              €      €     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €  .    €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰  €
                    A‡sub<‡‡‡‡      †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡..     €    Speech     €
                    B‡sub<‡‡‡‡ BL   €     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €  .    €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚  €
                              €      €               €    ...†‡‡‡ ETC 32 †‡‡‰
                              ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰               €       €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰
                                                     €       € R=BT6321O&BT6321I

Loop using two Link Sets each with two Signalling Links.
                 SL=0         2.4 Kb                 € GSS   €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €       €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡.......†‡‡‡ ETC 24 †‡‡‚
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €     . €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰  €
                                                     €    .  €               €
                 LS=L024                             €   .   €               €
                              2.4 Kb                 € .     €               €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €.      €               €
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡       €               €
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €       €               €
                 SL=1                                €       €  SIGNALLING   €
                                                     €       €  LOOP         €
                                                     €       €               €
                                                     €       €R=C6S32O&C6S32I€
                 SL=0         2.4 Kb                 €       €               €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €       €               €
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡ .     €               €
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €   .   €               €
                                                     €    .  €               €
                 LS=L124                             €    .  €               €
                              2.4 Kb                 €    .  €               €
      Š‡‡‡‡‚    Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €     . €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚  €
      € RP †‡‡‡‡ C6ST †‡‡‡‡‡ MODEM †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡.......†‡‡‡ ETC 24 †‡‡‰
      ƒ‡‡‡‡‰    ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €       €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰
                  SL=0                               €    .  €
                              Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €       €
                 Through      € TCN6 †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡       €
                 Connection   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €       €R=BT6240O&BT6240I
                 Tester                              €       €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚
                              Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‚               €    ...†‡‡‡ ETC 24 †‡‡‚
                              €      €     Š‡‡‡‡‡‚   €  .    €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰  €
                    A‡sub<‡‡‡‡      †‡‡‡‡‡ PCD †‡‡‡..     €    Speech     €
                    B‡sub<‡‡‡‡ BL   €     ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‰   €  .    €   Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚  €
                              €      €               €    ...†‡‡‡ ETC 24 †‡‡‰
                              ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‰               €       €   ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰
                                                     €       €R=BT6241O&BT6241I

Connection between C6ST and MODEM

       C6ST                     MODEM               MODEM            MODEM
       ROF 137 1583/1        ROF 137 1101/1      ROF 137 1101/1   ROF 137 1101/1
       pos. 16                  pos. 10               pos. 12
       Š‡‡‡‡‚                   Š‡‡‡‡‚                Š‡‡‡‡‚         Š‡‡‡‡‚
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €    €
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €    €
       †                       †                    †             €    €
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €    €
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €    €
       †                       †‡‡‡‡                †‡‡‡‡         €    €
       €    €                   €Š‡‡‚€                €Š‡‡‚€         €    €
       €    €  Modem 1          €€  €€  Modem 3 to    €€  €€         €    €
       †      to S.T. 0 or 4 ‡‡…  €€  S.T. 2 or 6 ‡‡…  €€         €    €
       €    €                   €€  €€                €€  €€         €    €
       €    €                   €ƒ‡‡‰€                €ƒ‡‡‰€         €    €
       †‡‡‡‡                   †‡‡‡‡                †‡‡‡‡         †‡‡‡‡
       †‡‡‡‡                   †‡‡‡‡                †‡‡‡‡         †‡‡‡‡
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €Š‡‡‚€
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €€  €€
       †                       †‡‡‡‡                †‡‡‡‡         €€  €€
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €€  €€
       €    €                   €    €                €    €         €€  †…‡‡> To
       †‡‡‡‡                   †‡‡‡‡                †‡‡‡‡         €€  €€    CHUT
       €Š‡‡‚€                   €Š‡‡‚€                €Š‡‡‚€         €€  €€    and
       €€  €€                   €€  €€                €€  €€         €€  €€    CHUR
  Š‡‡‡‡…  €€             Š‡‡‡‡‡…  €€        Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡…  €€         €€  €€    in PCD.
  €    €€  €€             €     €€  €€        €       €€  €€         €€  €€
  €    €ƒ‡‡‰€             €     €ƒ‡‡‰€        €       €ƒ‡‡‰€         €ƒ‡‡‰€
  €    ƒ‡‡‡‡‰             €     ƒ‡‡‡‡‰        €       ƒ‡‡‡‡‰         ƒ‡‡‡‡‰
  €                       €                   €
  ƒ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‰                   €
                   Modem  2                  Modem 4
                   to S.T. 1 or 5            to S.T. 3 or 7

See application info. for block C6ST (1/15518-CNT 218 1011 Ue)
for Strapping and Connection of PCD and MODEM.
See 'Transmission Level Diagram' 1915-711/02 for the exchange
for strapping of PCD levels.

C6ST STIC ROF 137 1450

             Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚        Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚
             €                 €        €                 €
         €                                                    €
         €                                 .  P1              €
         €                                                    €
         €                                 .  P2              €
         €                                 €                  €
         €                                 .  P3              €
         €                                                    €
         €                            .  P1                   €
         €                            €                       €
         €                            .  P2                   €
         €                                                    €
         €                            .  P3                   €
         €                                                    €
         €                            .  P1                   €
         €                            €                       €
         €                            .  P2                   €
         €                                                    €
         €                            .  P3                   €
         € .  P3                                              €
         €                     P3  .                          €
         € .  P2                           .  P1              €
         € €                   P2  .       €                  €
         € .  P1                   €       .  P2              €
         €                     P1  .                          €
         €                                 .  P3              €
         €                                         .‡‡.       €

TC TCC6 ROF 137 1597/1
             Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚        Š‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‚
             €                 €        €                 €
         €                                                    €
         €                    .‡‡.  165                       €
         €                                                    €
         €                    .  .  164                       €
         €        .  .  150   .‡‡.  160                       €
         €        .‡‡.  151   .  .  163                       €
         €        .  .  154   .‡‡.  159                       €
         €        .‡‡.  152   .  .  158                       €
         €        .  .  155   .‡‡.  162                       €
         €        .‡‡.  153   .‡‡.  157                       €
         €        .‡‡.  156   .  .  161                       €
         €        PAD 3       PAD 4                           €
         €                                                    €
         €                                                    €
         €                                                    €

              Table for Pad Strapping.

          € TRANSMIT  €                   €€ RECEIVE   €                     €
          € Att in dB € 'U' Link Numbers  €€ Att in dB € 'U' Link Numbers    €
          €   0.5     € 152, 153, 154     €€           €                     €
          €           €                   €€           €                     €
          €   1       € 150, 152, 153     €€   1       € 158, 159, 160, 161  €
          €           €                   €€           €                     €
          €   2       € 151, 152, 153     €€   2       € 157, 159, 160, 162  €
          €           €                   €€           €                     €
          €   4       € 153, 155          €€   4       € 157, 158, 160, 163  €
          €           €                   €€           €                     €
          €   8       € 152, 156          €€   8       € 157, 158, 159, 164  €
          €           €                   €€           €                     €
          €   0       € 152, 153          €€   0       € 157, 158, 159, 160  €

MODEM ROF 131 584/1

     SW-1              SW-2            SW-3             SW-4
   1     OFF         1     OFF       1     OFF        1     ON
   2     ON          2     OFF       2     OFF        2     OFF
   3     ON          3     OFF       3     ON         3     OFF
   4     OFF         4     OFF       4     ON         4     ON
   5     OFF         5     OFF
   6     ON          6     OFF
   7     OFF         7     OFF
   8     OFF         8     ON
   9     ON          9     OFF
    SW-5              SW-6             SW-7
   1     OFF         1     OFF       1     OFF
   2     OFF         2     OFF       2     OFF
   3     OFF         3     OFF       3     OFF
   4     OFF         4     OFF       4     OFF
                                     5     OFF
                                     6     OFF
                                     7     ON
                                     8     OFF
                                     9     OFF

     SW-9              SW-10           SW-11            SW-12
   1     OFF         1     ON        1     OFF        1     OFF
   2     ON          2     OFF       2     OFF        2     OFF
   3     ON          3     OFF       3     OFF        3     OFF
   4     ON          4     OFF       4     OFF        4     OFF
   5     ON          5     OFF       5     ON
   6     OFF         6     OFF       6     OFF
   7     OFF         7     OFF       7     ON
   8     OFF         8     OFF       8     OFF
   9     OFF         9     OFF       9     ON
   1     ON
   2     ON


Size Alteration Events
Global Events
SAE=102,(No. of Link Sets.)
SAE=103,(No. of Sig. Route Sets.)
SAE=104,(No. of Sig. Term. Pts.Sig. Route Set.)
Local Events
SAE=500,BLOCK=BTN6D32,BTN6D24,BTM6D32,BTM6D24,TC,C6ST (No. of Tel. Devices.)
SAE=504,BLOCK=BTM6D32,BTM6D24 (Routes per device block)
SAE=519,BLOCK=C6DR (No. of BTMEM.)
SAE=520,BLOCK=C6DR (No. of Bandmem.)
SAE=527,BLOCK=BTN6D32,BTN6D24  (Signal Buffer.)
Check that the allocation  of the ETC , C6ST and Transceiver
individuals in the GSD has been made in the exchange data
already loaded.
Check that Route Data has been made and correct FNC's allocated
         ie.  FNC=5 (Sig.Route)
              FNC=3 (Speech Route)
              FNC=1 (Sig.Terminal)

Data for ETC signalling routes.

Define the signalling route for the ETC-32  Transfer Links.
Define the signalling route for the ETC-24 Transfer Links.
Connect the ETC-32 BT  devices to be used for signalling.
Physically loop BTN6D32-00&&-31 to BTN6D32-32&&-63.
Physically loop BTN6D32-64&&-95 to BTN6D32-96&&-127.
Use channel 1 as the signalling channel.
Connect the ETC-24 BT  devices to be used for signalling.
Physically loop BTN6D24-00&&-23 to BTN6D24-24&&-47.
Physically loop BTN6D24-48&&-71 to BTN6D24-72&&-95.
Use channel 0 in each as the signalling link.

Data for C6ST signalling routes.

Define the route for the C6ST's.
Connect the ST devices
Check that C6ST's are connected to GSS
If not, connect the ST devices

Data for C6 Link Sets.

Define Link Sets for ETC-32.
Define Link Sets for ETC-24.
Connect the Signalling Links to BTN6D32 channels for signalling.
The next available C6ST will be used, and a semipermanent connection
is set up between it and the BTN6D32 device, and they will both go SEBU.
<C6SLI:LS=L032,SL=1,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D32-1   ! 1st Sig. Link;
<C6SLI:LS=L032,SL=2,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D32-33  ! 2nd Sig. Link;
<C6SLI:LS=L132,SL=1,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D32-65  ! 1st Sig. Link;
<C6SLI:LS=L132,SL=2,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D32-97  ! 2nd Sig. Link;
Connect the Signalling Links to BTN6D24 channels for signalling.
The next available C6ST will be used, and a semipermanent connection
is set up between it and the BTN6D24 device, and they will both go SEBU.
<C6SLI:LS=L024,SL=1,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D24-00  ! 1st Sig. Link ;
<C6SLI:LS=L024,SL=2,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D24-48  ! 2nd Sig. Link ;
<C6SLI:LS=L124,SL=1,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D24-24  ! 1st Sig Link  ;
<C6SLI:LS=L124,SL=2,SLT=PST,ALTR,DEV=BTN6D24-72; ! 2nd Sig Link  ;

Reset Data

Define the Reset Function.

Signalling Route Set Data

Connect Linksets to Routeset for ETC-32.
<C6SRI:SRS=1,LS=L032,ALTR,INFO=ASS;    (SRS-1 to LS=L032)
<C6SRI:SRS=2,LS=L132,ALTR,INFO=ASS;    (SRS-2 to LS=L132)
Connect Linksets to Routeset for ETC-24.
<C6SRI:SRS=3,LS=L024,ALTR,INFO=ASS;    (SRS-3 to LS=L024)
<C6SRI:SRS=4,LS=L124,ALTR,INFO=ASS;    (SRS-4 to LS=L124)

Insertion of Band Data.

Define Band Data with 2 CSG's for ETC-32.
Define Band Data with 2 CSG's for ETC-24.

Data for looped ETC-32 devices.

Define a route for the outgoing side of the loop.
Define a route for the outgoing side of the loop.
Connect Circuits to Routes
    Note : MISC1 = CIRC, CIRCUIT NO within CSG
           MISC2 = SRS, as defined above in Signalling data.
           MISC3 = CSG, as defined above in Signalling data.
           MISC4 = 0
           HNB   = Hunting Number. (H'FF00 ==> allocation down)
           Devices 1,33,34 and 97 were used for signalling links.
           Channels 0 and 16 are not available for speech.
           Devices in looped ETC  pairs MUST have
           corresponding CIRC, SRS, CSG when connected.
       MISC1=0,MISC2=1,MISC3=1,MISC4=0,HNB=1             ! SRS=1,CSG=1;
                                                         ! 29 devices
       MISC1=0,MISC2=1,MISC3=2,MISC4=0,HNB=30            ! SRS=1,CSG=2;
                                                         ! 29 devices
       MISC1=0,MISC2=2,MISC3=1,MISC4=0,HNB=H'FF00        ! SRS=2,CSG=1;
                                                         ! 29 devices.
       MISC1=0,MISC2=2,MISC3=2,MISC4=0,HNB=H'FF00        ! SRS=2,CSG=2;
                                                         ! 29 devices.

Data for looped ETC-24 devices.

Define a route for the outgoing side of the loop.
Define a route for the outgoing side of the loop.
Connect Circuits to Routes
    Note : MISC1 = CIRCUIT NO within CSG
           MISC2 = SRS, as defined above in Signalling data.
           MISC3 = CSG, as defined above in Signalling data.
           MISC4 = 0
           HNB   = Hunting Number. (H'FF00 ==> allocation down)
           Devices 0,24,48 and 72 were used for signalling links.
           Devices in looped ETC  pairs MUST have
           corresponding CIRC, SRS, CSG when connected.
       MISC1=0,MISC2=3,MISC3=1,MISC4=0,HNB=1             ! SRS=3,CSG=1;
       MISC1=0,MISC2=3,MISC3=2,MISC4=0,HNB=16            ! SRS=3,CSG=2;
       MISC1=0,MISC2=4,MISC3=1,MISC4=0,HNB=H'FF00        ! SRS=4,CSG=1;
       MISC1=15,MISC2=4,MISC3=2,MISC4=0,HNB=H'FF00       ! SRS=4,CSG=2;

PBX data and Routing Cases

Define data for BL's for test calls
     If necessary, define a PBX hunt group using BL's.
      Define an EOS for RC congestion.

Routing Cases.

Define new Routing Cases  for ETC-32 speech routes.
Define new Routing Cases for ETC-24 speech routes.

B-number Analysis.

These are the digits to be dialled to access the speech routes.
Dial : 6320      to occupy all devices in BT6320O & terminate to 1102.
Dial : 6321xxxx  to occupy one device  in BT6320O & terminate to xxxx.
Outgoing Data
Incoming Data
<ANBSI:B=100-0,N=0;             ( Strip of info digit)
<ANBSI:B=101-1,N=0;             ( Strip of info digit)
These are the digits to be dialled to access the speech routes.
Dial : 6240      to occupy all devices in BT6240O & terminate to 1102.
Dial : 6241xxxx  to occupy one device  in BT6240O & terminate to xxxx.
Outgoing Data

Test of Signalling Terminals.

1   Deblock the Sig. Terminals.                <BLODE:DEV=C6ST- ;
2   Check the state of the deblocked           <STRDP:R=C6ST;
    Signalling Terminal.
3   If any C6ST's are ABL, print out
    Check printout,                        CCITT SIGNALLING TERMINAL DIAGNOSTICS
                                           DEV   FCODE   MAG    BOARD
    FCODE = 21 ==> C6ST  - MODEM  connection
    FCODE = 22 ==> MODEM - PCD    connection
4   Repair any faults found in steps 2-3.
    NOTE - Signal Terminal Diagnostics are carried out autonomously
           and the command C6TDP only prints out the result if any
           are faulty.

Activation of Signalling Links.

1   Configure the exchange as shown in section 6.
2   Deblock all Signalling Terminals.          <BLODE:DEV=dev...;
    Check that all are IDLE.                   <STRDP:R=C6ST;
3   Deblock the Signalling Links in the        <C6LBE:LS=ls,SL=sl...;
    Link Sets defined in section 6.
    The first IDLE C6ST will be selected
    and a semi permanent connection will
    be set up between it and the BT connected
    to the SL.
    Wait for Synchronization.
    Print Link Set configuration.              <C6LCP:LS=ls;
    Check that the SLSTATUS for the regular
    link is WORKING, and that a C6ST is
4   Check that the C6ST is SEBU.               <STRDP:R=C6ST;
5   Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all SL's.
6   Check which C6ST's are SEBU.               <STRDP:R=C6ST;
    If all are, then continue to
    next section.
7   Block all  Signalling Links in the         <C6LBE:LS=ls,SL=sl...;
    Link Sets defined in section 6.
8   Block all THE C6ST'S that were SEBU        <BLODI:DEV=C6ST-.....;
    in step 6.
9   Repeat steps 3 - 8  until all C6ST's
    have been used in Signalling Links.

Test of looped ETC's

1   Refer to data in section "Test Data".
    Make necessary physical connections
    between ETC magazines.
2   Check that the O/G routes are deblocked.   <BLORP;
    Deblock all test routes that are blocked   <BLORE:R=route;
3   Deblock one magazine of BT's in BT6320O       <BLODE:DEV=dev...;
    and BT6321I. Check that they go IDLE.
    (In case of C6-24, do BT6240O&BT6241I;)
4   Make a call over the loop. Check the call
    is successful and that all of the devices  <STRSP:R=BT6320I1&BT6321I;
    deblocked in BT6320O and the corresponding  DEVICE STATE SURVEY
    devices in BT6321I are seized.
    (For C6-24, check BT6240O&BT6241I)
5   Repeat the test two or three times for each
6   Block the devices tested in BT6320O and       <BLODI:DEV=dev...;
    deblock the devices in the next magazine      <BLODE:DEV=dev...;
    to be tested.
7   Repeat steps 1 to 6 until all magazines
    of BT's for CCITT No.6. are tested.
8   Remove all loops and restore data to normal.


1. Note - The BT that is connected to the Signalling
   ----   Terminal is normally MANUALLY BLOCKED and goes
          to state SEBU when connected to a Sig. Link.
2. Note - When Sig.Terminals are deblocked they try to
   ----   synchronize to themselves by forming  a loop
          through the GSD.
          When ST's are connected (in data) to a Sig. Link
          a semi-permanent conn. is formed through the GSD.
          This conn. remains until the Sig. Link is blocked
          then it is released.
3. Note - The Transceiver is used to transmit a 2 KHz check
   ----   tone at the beginning of a call and is then
4. Note - All commands are with relation to Exch. A.
5. Note - It is helpful to draw a diagram of your
   ----   configuration with numbers of Sig. Links,
          Link Sets etc.
--bRAiN5tOrM--potgirl-- Shouts to POTS, d4rkcyde, 9x, b4b0, SEH

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