by THE MASTER The Master on out-of-state boards. A CN/A is a section of AT&T ket up to supply it's offices' with Names and addresses of people who own a certain number. CN/A stands for: Customer's name and address. Of course, they have to call seperate numbers to find out this info so, it is possible for phreakers to find out this info too. Example conversation: Caller: Hi I'm Jim Dennis from the resedential center in Miami. I need the number for a customer and the address would be helpful. Operator: Of course, Jim. What is the number? Caller: It is 237-5601. Operator: Is that in the 504 area code? Caller: Yes, it is. pause Operator: That number belongs to David Hundley who lives at 5201 Rockherd Ave. in zip code 47512. Caller: Thank you very much! Operator: You are very welcome. See how easy that is? You don't need passwords or anything. Here is a list of numbers for every area code. Area code Number -------------------------------- 201 201-676-7070 202 301-384-9820 203 203-789-6815 204 204-949-0900 205 205-988-7000 206 206-382-8000 207 617-787-2750 208 303-399-4200 209 415-546-1341 212 518-471-8305 912-784-9111 306 None:None 307 303-399-4200 308 402-345-0600 309 217-525-7000 312 312-796-9600 313 313-223-8690 314 314-726-7142 315 518-471-8111 316 816-275-2782 317 217-265-4834 318 318-227-1551 319 402-345-0600 401 617-787-2760 402 402-345-0600 403 403-425-2652 404 912-784-9111 405 405-236-6121 406 303-399-4200 408 415-546-1132 412 412-633-5600 413 617-787-2760 414 608-252-6932 415 415-546-1132 416 416-922-6686 417 314-726-7142 418 514-861-2635 419 614-464-2345 501 405-236-6126 502 502-583-286 517 313-223-8690 518 518-471-8000 519 416-922-6686 601 601-961-0877 602 303-399-4200 603 617-787-2750 604 604-432-2996 604 402-345-0600 606 502-583-2681 702 415-546-1341 703 804-747-1411 704 912-784-9111 705 416-922-6868 707 415-546-1132 709 None:None 712 402-345-0600 713 713-820-4112 714 213-501-4144 715 608-252-6932 716 518-471-8111 717 412-633-5600 801 303-399-4200 802 617-787-2750 803 912-784-9111 804 804-747-1411 805 415-546-1341 806 512-828-2501 807 416-922-6686 808 212-334-4336 809 List below 812 317-265-4834 813 813-223-9678 814 412-633-5600 815 217-525-7000 816 216-275-2782 817 214-948-5731 819 514-861-2635 901 615-373-5791 902 902-421-4110 903 None:None 904 912-784-9111 906 313-223-8690 907 None:None 912 912-784-9111 913 816-275-2782 914 518-828-2501 916 415-546-1341 918 405-236-6121 919 912-784-9111 And that is it! Happy phreaking to all of 'ya phone freaks and hackers! 918 405-236-6121 919 912-784-9111 And that is it! Happy pt is it!