NEW CORDLESS TELEPHONE FREQUENCY LISTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHANNEL BASE PORTABLE TELEPHONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 46.610 49.670 2 46.630 49.845* 3 46.670 49.860* 4 46.710 49.770 5 46.730 49.875* 6 46.770 49.830* 7 46.830 49.890* 8 46.870 49.930 9 46.930 49.990 10 46.970 49.970 Some of the older cordless phones using the frequencies marked by the <*> asterisk are paired with frequencies around 1.7 MHz. Listening to the 1.7 MHz side will yield both sides of the conversation. The best frequencies to monitor are the 46 MHz as they will repeat both sides of the conversation. Power output of both base and hand units are less than 100 Mw or 1/10 watt so the range is limited. Careful monitoring will produce some outstanding results. It is not uncommon to hear conversations up to a mile away. NOTES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1986-G THE EXCHANGE! RBBS-PC Post Office Box 12601 Tallahassee,FL 32317-2601 DATA: (904) 878-4413 300/1200/2400 Baud