TUCoPS :: Phreaking General Information :: headset.txt

Making a phone headset

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Making A Phone Headset
By: NegativeRage
email: nrage@hackersclub.com

   Ever seen those AT&T commercials where the operator is wearing a funky headset 
(handsfree)? Ever want one of those? Yes, well here's your chance!!
It is very simple to make, and does not take a lot of materials!

   You're gonna need a couple essential things, and there are a few optional 
items! Here is a list:
-phone receiver
-phone cord
-screw driver
-An IQ level of a screw driver
-extra wire (optional)
-soldering gun/solder (optional)
-wire hanger
-old ear phones
-duck tape
-electical tape

   First of all, gather all of your equipment... If you can't find an old phone 
receiver (the part you listen to/talk in) you can buy cheap phones at walmart 
or something like that! Take the receiver and unscrew the two screws holding 
it together, then take the two pieces apart.  You'll see something like this: 
   _________                              _________ 
  /         \                            /         \
 /  ......   \__________________________/  ......   \
|   ......                                 ......    |_____
|   ......       (+)             (+)       ......    |_____phone cord  
|   ......    ____|_______________|_____   ......    |
 \           /    |               |     \            /
  \_________/     \  The Screws   /      \__________/

   _________ WITH COVER OFF (back of phone)________ 
  /  ____   \                            / _______ \
 /  /    \   \__________________________/ |     . | \
|  /      \_______________________________|     . |_ |______
| | speaker|______________________________|(mic). |_ |______  
|  \      /   __________________________  |     . |  |
 \  \____/   /                          \ |_______|  /
  \_________/                            \__________/

   Ok, so...  all you have to do to make a basic headset is to remove the 
innards of the receiver, and mount them.  When you do this, be careful not to 
break the solder!  But if you do it can be easily repared.  Now, take the 
peice you just removed, and mount it on something, the best 
(easiest/cheapest) thing to use is an old headphone, you can just remove the 
earphone speaker, and mount the phone speaker in it's place, of course, this 
can be tricky, a little ducktape, or a glue gun can come in handy!

   If you really want yours to look nice (and to protect the wireing) You could
use the speaker from the heaphone, take it off the headphones, and remove it's 
cover.  Now cut the wire that attaches to it, you will notice that it is 
soldered on in two spots, just like your original speaker... you just have 
to solder it on two the wires that come from the mic! Of course, these wires 
are bear, so you may wish to substitute them with your own wire, find some 
(6 inches will do) that is similar, but has some sort of casing, and solder 
it the the speaker, and the mic!
   Now, ducktape this (or glue if you want) to the earphone headset! If you used 
the headphone speaker, then it should fit right back in place!  Your probably 
looking at it now and saying, "Yeah it's nice and all, but the mic's all 
flimsy!"  This is where the wire hanger comes into place! Simply cut a piece 
to fit from the ear to the mouthpeice, and shape it the way you want it!  Now 
attach the piece of hanger to the headset and wire (for support) it works well 
if you use electricall tape to do this, because it looks nicer than duck tape, 
and for this, it holds just as well!

   Well, you now have yourself a handsfree headset, they sell these for about 
12-15$ a month, you just made one with a spare phone (or a 5$ phone)!
Don't you feel proud? I also recomend getting a really long phone cord, so 
you can walk around with your headset.  You could always try and personalise 
and/or make your headset better! Here's a real challenge, make one that is 
cordless! hehe... Have fun, and if you think of any real great ideas for your 
headset, send them my way, i'd like to hear them! 
email: nrage@hackersclub.com

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