British Telecom Work Manager System (W.M.S) iNFERNO 1995 The Work Manager System is used in the main by B.T engineers who may do many jobs in one day without having to visit the exchange much. A special field terminal called HUSKY is used which is basically a portable computer coupled with a modem. Data couplers are used which can be used in conjunction with a mobile phone, but I don't think they employ this on grounds of a crap connection. One use of the acoutic coupler, and I think the main one is with payphones. To use W.M.S, the B.T employee puts up Husky and from there it is all configured and should dump him into a terminal program.. the terminal program uses the modem to dial out onto W.M.S and log him onto the system. From here, he can pull his jobs for the day and send infomation about a job carried out. The infomation pulled all comes from The Customer Services & Systems (CSS), it acts around three basic components :- Field Terminal -> Field Access Interface System -> Work Manger-> CSS However, (unfortunatly) there is no DIRECT link to CSS and only the JOB infomation can be pulled. This is an overall view of the W.M.S system : Customer CSS Local Lines | Structured Access <- - Order and Fault Entry - -> Appointment Module DP Type | Auto input QUs Job Management Job Recording | | Job File Activity Progress | | | | | -> PrintOut -----> CSS | Pool of Work / | | / | Resource Roster<-->Allocation System ---> Resource managmentTeam l Algorithems \--------------> Real Time Tour Build | | | | Field Access interface System ---> Field Terminal Support | | Field Terminal The number for W.M.S is an 0800, however, i know a number for it that is not freephone, yet it does not respond (a standard one carridge return after connection should suffice) so I think it will only accept calls that have been rerouted (perhaps) from the 0800. Inferno `95..