********************************************************* * * * * * A month in the Life of * * * * AT&T revisited * * (December 1991) * * * * Another Modernz Presentation * * * * by * * Digital-demon * * * * (C)opyright January 1, 1992 * * * ********************************************************* ********************************************************* The Modernz can be contacted at: MATRIX BBS - Sysops: Wintermute & Digital-demon (908) 905-6691 The Church of Rodney - Sysop: Tal Meta (908) 830-7960 ********************************************************* Also can be reached at : Hellfire BBS - SANctuary World HQ Sysop: Red (908)495-3926 ********************************************************* This is our first issue as a SANphile so of course I'd like to go into a little background and greetings. The Panther Modernz started as a small group devoted to information gathering in the known networks (also known as hacking to most people.) We were actually just a loosely held together group of friends who decided to learn from one another... Well as you can see as a group we never wen't very far...as we were still mainly freelancing. Our group grew with leaps and bounds, through no knowledge of the main group. Just people from all over started claiming to be memebers of ours, and mainly giving us a bad image. so it was decided that it would be best for all of us to go our seperate ways. Okay, and as for the san history.. well, umm... good question...guess I gotta ask someone some time. ___________________________________________________________ Greetings to Red, Havok, Midnite, Ghost, Tal Meta, and others. ----------------------------------------------------------- As for this file, it another background file on the disgraces of the largest phone company in the United States. At least this month AT&T has had a lot less problems then the last report I gave on them. ------------------------------------------------------------ 12-1 New Jersey AT&T initiates Voice Verification on all thrid party billing except from Hospitals and TDD. Isolation Country code 63+535 Philipines- local exchange down due to storm damage. Isolation 304+988 Sissonville, WV lec switch trouble. Hard to Reach 408 Selina, Ca lec facility trouble. ___________________________________________________________ 12-2 HTR out of Austin, TX 512-293,798,865 facility prob. 915+572, 767, 723, 548, 537, 583, 228, 846, 736, 798, 786, 529, 554, 743 isolated lec fac trouble. ------------------------------------------------------------ 12-3 HTR 805+967, 964, 683, 681, 686 due to ATT facility. Isolation 606+439, 436 Hazard,KY lec switch trouble. ___________________________________________________________ 12-4 Many NXX's in 512 NPA (SW Texas) affected by lec cable cut. hard to reach CC:53+118 Guantanamo, cuba - non ATT Isolation country code 231 (Liberia) cicuit outage. Isolation country code 228 (TOGO) circuit outage HTR 606+432, 437, 498, 564, 623, 638, 744, 789, 886, 987 NOC. Isolation 501+358 Marked Tree, AR due to a local. ___________________________________________________________ 12-7 Isolation 405-365 Sterling, OK lec cable cut. Heavy caling due to tornedo passing through springfield, ma codes 417+725, 831, 833, 865, 866, 881, 882, 883, 886 NOC. ___________________________________________________________ 12-8 Hard to reach 512+273, 352, 455, 556, 752, 758, 859, 862, 898. Hard to reach operator traffic out 209+942, 944, 463, 465 NOC. ___________________________________________________________ 12-13 Phillipines 63+535 still down until further notice. Isolation 803+283 ATT trouble. Isolation 512+232, 426, 563, 934, 928 San Antonio. Isolation 309+365 and 815 various- lec fiber cut. ----------------------------------------------------------- 12-14 Internation directory assitance charge delayed until 12/22/91. Hard to reach 800 out of numerous east cst switches. ----------------------------------------------------------- 12-16 Isolation 405+225, 243, 821 Elk City, OK lec facility trouble. Isolation 912+525, 546 local cable cut. Isolation 501+276 Success, AR- lec problem. ___________________________________________________________ 12-18 Isolation country code 964- Iraq- circuit outtage. Hard to reach & isolated 60nxx's in 407 NPA local trouble. Country code (CCD) 354 Iceland - Hard to reach. ----------------------------------------------------------- 12-21 Lampasa, TX isolated 512+556 - office flooded. Isolation - originating calls to ATT from 904+227, 229, 827, 057, 762, 653, 349, 674, 643, 648, 539, 547, 927, 282, 286, 663, 670, 697. Branit Shoals, TX 512+598 due to lec trouble. Between 19:45 and 19:50 an OSPS in NJ was down due to processor troubles. between 19:50 and 20:00 the OSPS in NJ was giving improper results from the backup processor. ___________________________________________________________ 12-22 Texas, various NXX's in the 512 NPA isolated due to flooding. Valleypark, MO 314+225, 825, 827, 861 NOC. International Directory assistance in affect $1.50 charge per number given. ___________________________________________________________ 12-23 Kansas City, MO 816+531, 561, 751, 753, 756, 757 HTR Chief TRTS. HTR 512+765- Zapata, TX local facility trouble. HTR 816+761, 763, 765, 767, 966 end office trouble. Isolation 405+various NXX's Ardmore & Sulphur, OK - lec trouble. ___________________________________________________________ 12-24 HTR most International calls due to upcoming holiday. ___________________________________________________________ 12-25 HTR most internation calls HTR Florida HTR California HTR parts of New York HTR the islands. ___________________________________________________________ No other serious problems for the month. All in all a rather boring month...even with all the problems. call MATRIX BBS (908)905-6691 for the latest Modernz Philes.