Optus Mobile National Activation Center - NightScout - An Introduction to Mobiles in Australia - Telstra and Optus, unlike Vodafone, usually sell mobile fones through dealers. This means that the company you buy from is merely acting as an agent, and once you are connected they have nothing more to do with you (except possibly for the fone's warranty). All Vodafone sales, plus some Telstra and Optus sales, are made by individual companies (sometimes called resellers) that purchase air-time from the network carrier. You can basically tell which you are with by who sends you a bill. If the networks send you a bill, you bought through a dealer - the safe (but usually more expensive) option. If a different company sends you the bill (eg Mobile Innovations, B, Oxygen, etc) then you bought from a reseller. This is usually cheaper, but riskier - if your reseller goes bust, anything could happen. Chances are the network would step in and continue your contract (you're paying them money, so why not?) but one never knows when it comes to Australia's telcos. If you buy from a dealer, the store earns a rebate to cover the cost of the phone (say $300) and of course a profit for connecting you to their network. A good store will connect you on the most appropriate plan for you, and sell you only those extra services that you require. A bad store will try to push you into going on a higher plan (they get more profit for connecting you on a $100 plan than a $10 plan) and sell you extra services like insurance which they earn commission on. - The Connection on Paper - While a reseller generally connects you themselves because they are effectively your network provider (although your fone still says 'Yes Optus'), a dealer is merely the connection agent. Once the sale is made, the sales assistant will fill out an A4-sized form titled "Application for Mobile Digital Service" (a CDMA or MobileSat connection is similar, but not covered here). A scan of the form is attached. In the left column, they fill out an Outlet Code. Each dealer has their own code, which is two letters followed by three numbers. I am still trying to find more outlet codes, but at the moment I know that Tandy is TAxxx, so I'm guessing most other stores work on a similar format (eg Optus Direct is probably OPxxx or ODxxx). Choose a low number for the xxx - say 034 for example. Then the salesperson fills in their name (first name only usually). Outlet name/number is just a general term - Optus Direct Sydney would be specific enough. This is not asked on the fone, so for our purposes is not necessary. ID should be collated below this area. The standard combination is Drivers Licence (40 points), Credit Card (40 points), and rates notice/bank statement (30 points). If in doubt make stuff up, but there must be at least one photo id (licence, passport) and note that birth certificates are NOT valid ID, and you cannot have two of one thing (two bank statements are NOT okay, but one rates notice and one bank statement is okay). The sales assistant signs the area below this. - Part A - Tick Personal account, and fill in the details of the person signing the contract. Account name is the person's full name (middle initial/name included). Existing mobile number is only valid if the person already has an Optus digital mobile and wants to keep that account for their new phone. User name is if the person using the phone is a different person (eg dad buying phone for kid). The person who signs the account still gets the bill. Date of birth and drivers licence should be filled out (if u can't get a licence number the whole process will take much longer). Fill in time at home address (generally be fairly honest here even if you illegally signing someone else up, sometimes they can get access to these figures). Previous address applies if time at current is less than 2 years (so ppl who have just moved aren't disadvantaged by these stats). Residential status is best if it is owner/buyer (at this point I'll mention that a computer decides if the account is approved, not a human, so some answers are 'better' than others, but don't lie too much. A person being connected with ideal information is likely to arouse the suspicion of the data entry person from Optus. Tick whatever credit card is applicable - it is used to get a credit rating. You do not need to provide the card number, but if you say the person has a Mastercard and they don't, the data entry clerk will be suspicious. The next part is employment status, employer, position, and length. Ignore the business applicant and customer upgrade from analogue sections. - Part B - The non-fixed term plan section is only for people with an existing phone, there is no difference (they still run a credit check) so for now just sign up to a fixed-term contract. Optus offers 'yes' Value 10 and 15, and 'yes' Plus 25, 35, 55, 75, 100, and 155. Make sure you refer to the plan by its full name (not 'yes 15' or 'the 15 dollar one', but 'yes value 15'). - Part C - The access card no is the little number printed on the back of a SIM card. Obtaining these could be a problem, since you need a card number that is not already taken. I cannot provide those from my place of employment as Optus registers each card number and knows where they go to. I am researching if there is some way of generating these numbers. Please contact me if you can help. The Optus clerk will ask for the code, but generally don't require those digits preprinted on the form. The mobile number is provided by the clerk later. Write down the handset model (eg Nokia 5110, Ericsson T10s) and the IMEI number (the number written on the box of the fone, on the back of the fone, and stored inside the fone, which you can retrieve by pressing *#06#). These cannot be traced by law (even the Federal Police can't trace these) so you can use your own fone's, or if you want to be extra-safe, anyone else's (borrow their fone for a minute and copy the IMEI code). Leave call access and diversion open (don't tick any boxes). - Part D - This is the part where you can sign up to charged services. Firstly CallerID, which is still a free service. In order to get it, don't tick a box, just tell the clerk you want it when they ask. This way if Optus decides to charge for it in the future they will have to ask you if you want it continued, since you never signed for it (theoretically at least). VoiceMail is another one they ask you about. You only have to tick boxes here if you want special VoiceMail, like the group services feature. For simplicity's sake, I would not suggest getting these. Optus UpDate is one of those features the telcos charge ridiculous rates for, in return for simply sending an SMS message to your phone every now and then with some information. Until this gets cheaper no-one but top business executives are going to see how useful mobiles can be as a news receiving device. Don't subscribe to this unless you want an extended setup time. SurePage is a feature than makes your fone act like a pager (you get a special number and when ppl call it a text message is sent to your fone). SafeGuard Insurance is offered, which insures your fone against things like theft or accidental damage. The service is also ridiculously expensive for what it offers. The higher the service (Business is the highest, Basic the lowest, with Essential a medium one) the more things are covered, but the higher your premiums are. Finally we have free services - Call Hold/Wait - tick it if u want it, and Directory Assistance. Tick this one if you want the number listed in the white pages (the clerk sometimes asks "Do you want it in the white pages?" instead of "do you want directory assistance?" for this section, since the term listed is confusing). Finally how do you want your account sorted - date or number called. The last section must be signed and dated before the Activation Call is made. - The Connection - Optus National Activation Center - After this is all completed, you must call the Activation Center. The number is 1800 551 300, but I would advise blocking your number with the prefix 1831 just in case. A computer answers, press 1 for the Digital Activation Center. Note that since someone is about to give Optus money, they give this section ultra-high priority, so you will rarely be put on hold. Get ready to be put onto a real person immediately. These people get in trouble if they don't reach certain call quotas, so be prepared for a fast-talking clerk. They will answer, usually with their name, and ask how they can help. Be friendly at this point, but don't beat around the bush. Some clerks become pricks if you are not friendly, but if you waste their time others will also get angry. Speak pleasantly and at a reasonable pace, without sounding rushed. A little background noise typical of a store could help, but don't make it obvious you are putting it on. Say "Hi, how are you going, my name's NightScout (replace with name of choice) and I've got a digital activation for you". They will ask where you are calling from. Give them your Outlet Code in the phonetic alphabet (eg T=Tango, A=Alpha, O=Omega, etc - this alphabet should be on the net somewhere). So OA034 would be Omega-Alpha-Zero-Three-Four (I am not saying this store exists, it's just a random code). The next question (unless they ask for your name again) will be "what ID have you sighted?". You do not have to give the point value, just the name (eg "licence, visa card, rates notice"). There is only space for 3 forms of ID, but up to about 4 or 5 is okay if necessary. Optus takes your word for it that you have used your judgement that all ID is valid and okay. Next they ask "Is the customer new to Optus?". In most cases the answer is yes, if not they assume they are upgrading their current analogue or digital phone and ask for their current number. Next comes the personal details in Part A. Sometimes the order will swap around a bit (eg they might ask for a drivers licence number before their address, or whatever). I advise you to fill out the form even if you are just calling for experimentation's sake. This way you will have details ready even if they swap around with their questions. It also makes you sound a little more realistic if you sound like you are looking at the contract in front of you. Eventually they will ask for the plan - remember to refer to it by it's full name, and if they ask, you want a fixed term plan (they will usually assume this unless you specifically ask for a 'SIM-only Connect'). The contract length is 24 months - they sometimes ask this to catch out ppl that aren't genuine, but not often. Give them the Access (SIM) card number, IMEI number and Handset model (they will repeat it back to you for confirmation). At this point they generally ask you to hold for the credit check, or they may ask for the Part E section details first. I am guessing that during this time they verify the Access card number as well, but am not positive. When they come back, they will tell you if the application has been successful or not. You should be fairly wary at this point. I am not sure what Optus will do if their verifications show them you are not genuine, they might just tell you to phuk off and hang up or they might stall you and trace the call. Generally they will just say the application has been successful or denied. If it was denied they offer to speak to the customer at which time they talk about why they were declined and mention offers like Optus Express (prepaid). If it was successful they will usually ask you for all the optional service options like Caller ID, VoiceMail, UpDate, SurePage, SafeGuard and the Optional Services section. Then they will talk to the customer and "congratulate them on choosing Optus", and confirm the details. This includes their name and address, and also which optional services they want (so that commission-paid salespersons don't 'accidentally' tick SafeGuard), and if they have any questions - necessary by law so ppl aren't forced into signing without understanding something first. Finally they will ask for the salesperson and give them the mobile fone number, to be filled out on the form. They then ask if there is anything else - tell them "no and thanks very much" and hangup. Within minutes the SIM card will be given authority to access the network. - Uses of this Information - Well if you're reading this you probably consider yourself a hacker or a phreak, so you should already have some idea of the possible uses of this information. As I said in the disclaimer I do not condone the misuse of this text, but a number of possibilities exist for its use. You may just want to test this out for fun or to learn. You may have somehow obtained a blank SIM and want to connect your fone using phony details so u can get some free calls. Or lastly you could probably do this all in your enemy's details so that they receive a bill for a service they never applied for. I should mention a few things first though. Firstly, remember that excessive misuse of this information will result in the whole thing being spoiled for everyone. Optus may end up requiring passcodes for individual activators like what happens in some places overseas. My advice is that if you get worried that the clerk suspects you, or even if they come back and say that your Access (SIM) card number is invalid, you could probably get out of this without making it sound like you are phony by saying something like "I'm sorry, the customer (maybe refer to them by name to sound more convincing) has a few concerns and questions. I won't keep you waiting, how about I call back in 5 minutes?" This kind of thing will get you off the hook (no pun intended) without arousing further suspicion. If you really want to get off the fone immediately (you strongly suspect they are tracing you) you could say something like "I've gotta deal with a shoplifter, I'll call back". Whatever you do, don't just hang up without saying anything. Doing so will probably result in them investigating the call, and maybe phoning the store who's outlet code you gave and asking if "NightScout" works there. This is the kind of thing that makes the security of the system get harder to beat. Use your social engineering skills as a hacker/phreaker to sound convincing. Put yourself in the shoes of a salesperson and sound like them. It might be wise to say something at the start of the call like "This is the first connection I've done, so I might have a few questions". This is more likely to get the clerk to slow down and take it easy on you when you make mistakes as well. So how can you get Outlet Codes? Well if you've got any social engineering skills you should know this should be fairly easy. Phone a place that you know is an Optus Dealer (remember, DEALERS only - they will probably have a sign in their store like "Optus Exclusive Dealer", or go in and ask them) and say you are from the Optus National Mobile Activation Center and need to know their Outlet code for some reason or another. This may be more likely to work if the 15-year-old sales assistant answers, since even they are fairly likely to know the code. If not tell them it might be written with their Optus connection sheets. On the other hand, you might be more likely to convince the store to give you their code if you ask for the manager right away. It's up to you, but have a good reason for asking for the code before you call. My suggestion is as follows: My name is NightScout and I'm calling from the Optus National Activation Center. We're having some database problems and need to verify some store details with you. Now this is Optus Direct, Shop 1234, Westfield Parramatta Shoppingtown, Parramatta, right? Okay, that's great, now just to confirm this for us could you please give us your Activation Center Outlet Code? Terrific, your details are all fine, thanks for your time." Don't repeat this exactly, as it's my script, but you get the idea. If you don't have their shop number (it's usually on a little sticker next to the sign at the front of the store if they are in a shopping center) make one up and pretend to note the new number when they correct you. So what is the point of the form if the connection is done over the phone? Well the form is necessary to make the contract legal, which is why it must be signed. It is done in triplicate, with the top (white) copy to be sent to Optus within a week or so in a special Optus-security envelope. The customer keeps the middle (blue) copy, and the store keeps the bottom (pink) copy. I am not sure what happens if Optus does a connection without receiving the letter. Presumably they would call the store after a week or so, who would of course tell them they don't have any record of the contract. As for the person getting a bill for service fees (even if no calls are made) I don't know if they would get it before Optus 'clicked' and realised what has happened or not. So now, the only problem is getting SIM card numbers (if you don't know what a SIM card is, you shouldn't try this out). Generally the card number is 05 xxxxx xxxxx x, but I am not sure as to whether this number is generated credit-card style or not. One thing I do know is that each card is issued to a store, and they have a database of where each card has gone. Even if you get a correct card number, they may question the fact that you are claiming to call from Optus Direct Parramatta when their database shows the card was issued to a suburban Tandy store near Perth. At this point, you could have a problem. If the card was issued to the same chain of stores they might not question it (they often send blank SIMs to each other if a store runs out) but otherwise they may. The only possible solution is to, before giving them the SIM card number, tell them to ensure the registration goes to your store because you ran out of SIM cards and your Optus rep (shop-talk for a sales representative) obtained some from somewhere else for you. Then give the code. As for the problem of actually getting valid unused SIM card numbers, I am currently researching this topic, but if you know a) how they are generated or b) how to get a list, please email me using the address below. If you test this information out, you do so at your own risk, but I would still like to hear from you to see how you went, and if you've learned anything about Optus and the mobile network. NightScout - nightscout@mail.com