| | Everything you'd ever need or want to know about Phree Phonesex | |_________________________________________________________________________| | | | | |Written by: Ben Wa | On 8/1/89 | u/l'ed to Metal AE 201-879-6668 pw=KILL| |____________________|___________|________________________________________| Phonesex is a big $$ industry and I can't figure out why... besides the fact that there are plenty of fucked up weirdos out there like you only PAYING for it. "Real" phonesex (i.e. you pay upwards to $100 with a credit card for it) is really and truly a big ripoff. I've sampled the best and I must say I can tell little difference between them and a 50cent recording (976-FUCK). I don't care what Oprah or Geraldo tell ya' phonesex is not normal and it is not healthy. As a fellow member of the human race, I urge you sincerly not to risk CC fraud (The Big One) for something like this. But, that has never stopped you in the past, so... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Do It Legitimately Call any of the generously supplied numbers below (24 hours a day) and say "I'd like to receive your service" (note: I did not say to say "Hi baby I'm super-horny and want to jack my big pole with you off right now." Although, that phrase may also work.) Then you give them credit card ordering information (#,exp,billing adress and phone) and a call-back number. They will then verify your card, verify your phone number, and call you back (usually collect). Once you get the call, you can say/do anything you like, and I mean ANYTHING. For $50+ these bitches will go along with no-holds- barred, one-hundred percent vile desecration and depravity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How To Do It For Free You'll have to know the difference between phreaking an eating feces from your own butthole to do this. Graphic sickness aside, you'll need a loop, a valid credit card number, and a method of calling long distance. And, of course, tell them you're over 21 years old. Most places only take visa and mastercard, but big ones take amex & discover. FYI, phonesex establishments in New York state and California want call-back numbers in their state, so you'll need loops in those states. NY/Cali loops are few and far between, as of today I have only 1 working NY loop and 3 working (but widely known and busy) Cali loops [which you aren't going to get from me BTW]. However, if you sound mature and super-confident (i.e. arrogant) you can talk your way into most any arrangement with the phonesex people. Remember these places are usually small and greedy, but on the other hand (no pun) as a 9 year phone phreak who is well-acquainted with social engineering, I can honestly say that phonesex receptionists are the most ignorant people on Ghod's earth. The way they check your phone number is to call directory assistance. May I recommend finding a card/loop with the billing phone number closely resembling the loop. I just did. Final note of summarization: These places are a piece of cake to rip off. Even if you have only a shitty CC with only a number and no exp date or name or anything and a payphone callback number in the wrong state, it may still work! I suggest ordering about 10 of these at once (keeping the quiet side of the loop on 3-way the whole time) to insure that at least one will come through (no pun). Remeber, when you get through, please inflict as much psycological damage on the bitch who's gettin' ya off. They really know how to take abuse. I have personally met and talked intelligently to a real-live phonsex bitch who is also a phone phreak in her off hours. Any vertan phreak of the last year wil recognize the name "Monica". You can meet her on her hang-out party line 213-598-7900 and she will even let you mastrubate while you're on the party line with her if she believes you work for an intelligence agency. [NOTE TO INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES: You can suck my dick too]. If you ever come across her real 'info' (name/adress/ phonenumber/creditcardnumbers) please don't hesitate to read them publicly on the party line and post them on this BBS; I don't like her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Numbers That Do It The cheezier the service the better. This list is culled from an August 1989 issue of Hustler. Cheeziness is based upon ad size/price. May I also recommend that you do not directly dial the 1-800 numbers listed here as it is entirely possible that they have Feature Group C ANI and can get your home phone number, CNA it, get your name and adress, then stick you for credit card phraud which is unfairly classified as a felony and could even put you in jail. = Not-Cheezy (will check out yer info pretty good) *= Cheezy (run from cramped office. Bitches paid minimum wage or lower) **=Super-cheezy (may be run from a residence!) 212-206-7182* 212-219-1115* 212-472-2769* 212-541-6446 212-614-9101 212-741-0216 212-807-8123 212-840-1060 212-840-5522 212-840-5533 212-840-6969 212-869-8998 212-921-4222 212-997-6969 213-271-4240 213-380-0060 213-556-1244** 213-620-1444 213-621-2666 213-623-4111 213-624-0500 213-624-3666 213-624-3777 213-628-0400 213-630-0813 213-651-5000** 213-652-7442 213-657-5580 213-687-8222 213-854-3425 213-859-2365** 213-859-2442** 214-233-4512/7/9* 214-956-9999 301-933-2900** 301-942-7077** 303-321-3920* 305-961-9533 305-962-4099 305-981-1011 305-983-1233 305-983-4699 312-262-9800* 312-565-0200 312-878-8640* 312-883-7294* 313-669-4511 415-282-7744* 415-391-6565 415-391-6699 415-391-7171 415-474-5577 415-543-3033 415-543-5483 415-543-6066 415-552-3464* 415-558-8222 415-558-8888 415-567-4578* 415-567-6969* 415-621-8255* 415-626-2428* 415-626-9124 415-665-4632 415-665-5216 415-681-5415* 415-931-8421 415-956-8999 415-957-0605 415-974-1010 415-974-1818 415-986-2299 415-986-4488 416-924-1852 614-459-7101** 614-461-6466 615-726-2201 702-366-8299 707-644-0474* 707-644-0484* 707-644-0925* 707-644-6062* 714-261-0400 718-520-0085 800-274-9999 800-322-2625* 800-367-5878* 800-444-5523 800-666-4688 800-678-0717* 800-826-8922** 818-506-8824 818-760-8171 901-452-5786 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fuckin' End (>Directory C1982 DSR B#254 B 135 AE T 017 SLOTBUSTER *T 006 AE.WELCOME *B 021 FCP'S 'FID' B 065 COPY //+ HD T 003 READ <- *T 005 AE HELP T 002 LUSTFER DEATH PLEASE READ T 027 PHONESEX.AUGUST.1989 T 004 CAT PROGAMMERS READ T 002 ABOUT CALL THIS # T 003 READ THIS TODAY T 012 SLOTBUSTER DOCS B 006 DDD CONVERTER T 002 DOES ANYONE REMEMBER T 002 XEBEC HD IS A SIDER(SAMETHING) T 002 THOSE DAYS IN SEPTEMBER T 005