________________________ ____ ____ ____ TRUE PHREAKING SECRETS ____ ****________________________**** ************************** Authored By: Roke The Wizard¤ ________________________ |__Index:________________| Introduction: | | |Loops Explained | This Text Philes is to address phone phreaking |1-800 Collect Fraud | and the easiest ways to achieve the basic goals |959 Numbers | This phile will not share beliefs or values of |exchange scanning | the "true"/hardcore phreaker. it is attended for |payphone key | the small time novice who wants to impress his |At&t answering Machines | friends. |Telenet Local # finder | |________________________| **************************************************************************** ____________________________________________________________________________ Loops Explained: A loop is a connection between two lines, they have a high and a low number. So basically when you call a person it goes to a switch board right? yes and no it also goes to a loop. The loop transfers your call to the other number in the switch. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1-800 Collect Fraud: 1-800 Collect which is hosted by MCI is usually not targeted byt phreakers. AT&T and Sprint are more likely targets but hell you can get free calls and that can be useful while trying to communicated with a party line or some pal who lives half a world away. the sequence for getting free service is below. first you have to be at a payphone now dial a mci calling code. i'll give it to you. 10222+0+718+123+4567 now the number you wish to call. when the operator askes if you'd like to make a collect call please press ect. type "11". now enter a de-activated credit card number example. 5371-5990-0600-2787 when it asks for the experation date enter something like 01/98 or 01/99 for the zip code enter "00000" this will make the mci computers that it's an overseas account and won't catch that it's de activated. ____________________________________________________________________________ 959 Numbers: 959 numbers are one of AT&T's oldest networks. they are used now for linesman testerlines mostly. What You can use them for are another way of exchange scanning. try numbes like 512-959-1XXX or 360-959-1XXX don't worry about the area codes because all the 959 numbers are free to call. if you ever get a bill it will be .99$ and don't pay it. AT&T might try to threaten you/ect. they are full of crap no matter what they say take my word for it. numbers after 959-2100 are people who work of at&t helpers/ect. most of them have no idea they have a 959 number. these numbers don't work in all areas and don't work from GTE,UNITED, or ALLTE payphones. ____________________________________________________________________________ Exchange Scanning: You can scan your local exchange to find dial ups, loops, ect. this is a very easy process, it just takes along time. use your local exchange like 425-353 or 360-794 then try numbers between 9900 and 9999 you may get lucky. In some areas you must scan numbers between 00XX and XX99 so in those areas you'd call 425-353-00XX X=anything. ____________________________________________________________________________ Payphone Key: To break into a coin box of a payphone you'll need a small electric screw driver and a key which you can make. use the diagram below. ____ _______| |________ | | <---- approximatly ¼ of an inch |_______ ________| inch wide. _| |_ / \ *------^ ^------* / \ | | \ / *-------------------------* once you've made it out of some crappy metal. screw a hole in the lower left side of the box. now insert this key in the front and turn to the right. once you've done this it's yours. ____________________________________________________________________________ AT&T Answering Machines: Dial the Telephone Number and wait for the machine to answer then dial in this init string. 1234567898765432135792468642973147 4193366994488552277539596372582838 491817161511026203040506070809001 after you enter it the messages will start playing. below is a list of commands you may enter to manipulate there service. 7 --- Listen to Mesages 6 --- Listen to New Messages # --- Stop 2 --- Rewind Tape 5 --- Fast Forward Tape 3,3 --- Clear Messages * --- Record Memo 4,* --- Record Annoucement 4,1 --- Play Announcement 0 --- Turn System Off 8,8 --- Turn System On ____________________________________________________________________________ Telenet Local # finder: Dial 1-800-424-9494 (1200 7E1) hit enter you'll get this prompt @ now type @c mail <cr> (<cr> = control) for login and password type "phones" for both. now locate your local number. (USA's DNIC is 03110 - telenet and 09000 - Dialnet) ____________________________________________________________________________ This Phile Was Written on March 24th 1999 By Roke the Wizard¤ ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ®®®®®®®®®®®® All Rights Reserved ®®®®®®®®®®®® HTTP://WWW.D-H-C.ORG -=DHC=- HTTP://DHCS.CJB.NET