<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <> OLIVER JONES' GUIDE TO PHREAKING <> <> <> <> VOLUME I...<OTHERS WILL INCLUDE <> <> MORE WIERD SHIT!>.... <> <> <> <> <I'M DOING THIS BECUZ I'M BORED> <> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> First off: This is not meant for a good phreak, such as, Chris Chronos. This file is meant for people who are interested in getting into phreaking. This is not so much my own work, as it is a compilation of a bunch of others. So, don't get uptight if you reconize stuff. =-]BASICS A phreak is either: (1) Someone who just uses mci, etc... or: (2) Someone who is into boxing, etc... -------------------------------------- =-]TRASHING becuz i am saying what comes to mind i'll start with this. this is the *BEST* way for phreaks to get info. now it was recently brought to my atention, that some peopl don't know what trashing is, so, here is a basic definetion; Trashing is the art of raiding your local c.o. (central office, where all calls are connected) dumpster, getting printouts, invoices, maybe discarded parts, but anything of interest. Now the way (best) to do it is, to wait until nite, with a raincoat, flashlite, something to carry your goodies home in, go to you c.o.'s dumpster, climb in, and get what you will... This is a *FEDERAL OFFENSE* (big deal!), bell has busted a lot of people for doing dis, so be fucking careful, if you get anything, post the results on the boards at the end of this phile. -=]CALLING PHREE Now this is all the 1st type of phreak does, #2 phreaks do this also (unless they're millionares...), so, i'll explain the basic principle. You 1st get an extender/port, what they're is what mci, sprint, allnet, etc... use. the basic principle is, you call, mci picks up, gives a tone, key in your code (mci=5 digits), and then the npa <area code>, and the exchange/# so, if you wanted to dial say, gse, you'd go... 123-4567, it'd ring, pick up, type: 517312037756392 ^^^^^|||||||||| code phone # to call it's really quite simple. --------------------------------------- -=]INTERESTING NOTE becuz of a law passed in '82 <i think>, any phone numbers that are used on t.v./radio, and occasionaly movies, the exchange *MUST* be 555, why, you might ask...well that is bell's special exchange, for instance, if you wanted to get the number for a place in San Fransisco, but lived in Flordia, you'd dial: 415-555-1212 415 sends your call to Ca, 555 alerts the computer to route it with bell's special calls, and the 1212 tells it it's an information call (411)... just thought you'd be interested in that. --------------------------------------- -=]BOXING Boxing ('specially blue), is the best way for a phreak to interact with the phone system, in a future phile i'll go more into it, but for now, i'll just give you a basic idea of what it tis...boxes are electronic creations which somehow interact with the phone system, the famous ones are: blue: allows you to become an operator red: simulates coins in a pay (fortress ) phone, allowing phree calls. and now there is a whold new slew of 'em...such as mirror: rumored to trace brown: connects to lines, wierd! silver: creates 4 new keys for dtmf (touch tone) pad... white: portable dtmf pad cheese:used with call forwarding, basically red black: now defunct, but would work on bells system of billing. ==================================== the above are just a few of the many boxes...some have multiple names, such as, beige or bud..they are basically lineman's handsets... ------------------------------------ -=]LINEMAN'S HANDSETS a lineman's handset (lh) is what the telephone repairmen use to help aid in fixing a phone. recently, when my line was on the fritz, the repairman came to fix it. i was in the middle if a phone conversation, when i hear a bunch of static, and someone's voice boom out: "is this 555-4980?" my answer was yes, and he said he was here to repair the line. what he did was climb up the telephone pole, where there was a silver box (rectanglish), he opened it and there were a bunch of pairs of terminals, each one was a phone line for that block. The reason for a phreak to build an lh is to tap into people's lines to: (A) make free calls (B) run it back to his house as a tap (C) using a,b to call up traced #'s such as cosmos (bell's computer), and not worry 'bout getting caught. (D) this reason is the most fun, to harass the operator... -------------------------------------- -=]COSMOS Okay, becuz this is just a primer, i won't bother with what to do when you <and how to> get on a cosmos system, they will come later in life (err, this series), but here is what cosmos basically consists of: COSMOS is: the computer(s) which operators, information, the cn/a operator, use. it is used to keep track of bills. it can be used to: trace calls, disconnect phone lines, order new parts for c.o., set up loops, establish credit, establish a new frame (in the computer's mind), stack calls (make all the lines (trunks ) from here to say tokyo busy! and it has many more capabilities, as you can see though, Cosmos is *POWER*, so it is a vital phreak tool. Now here is where some ambugitity (howeva ya spell the shit) forms. Becuz a phreak isn't a hacker, how can they use cosmos, simple, becuz Cosmos is part of bell, and it is what keeps Bell running these days, to play hell with it, is to Phreak, by defintion. Now while *ALL* hackers are leech phreaks, some are also true phreaks, so, there is really no problem, but if a cloud of doubt had formed in your mind, this was meant to dis-spell it. So in a later volume, i will have it all Cosmos... -------------------------------------- -=]Switching Systems a switch system (ss) is what connects, complete your calls. there are four main ones (a fifth is being testedin some hicktown in Pa.), they are: SxS, the 1st switching system, was invented by an undertaker, becuz he felt that a biased switchboard operator was routing all calls for a undertaker to the operator's husband. In 1979 53% of the bell network was SxS (or step by step), and by 1990 only 'bout 10 sxs offices will remain in the u.s. <wah!, it is the best to phreak on, even though they do have penregisters, etc...> also, with sxs, there is no dtmf (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency, aka touch- tone) on sxs, what you might have is a converter, but then the call goes thru, just as slowly. So that's sxs now onto: Crossbar; Crossbar is the next step up in the ss hierarchy, crossbar is slightly more advanced than sxs, and dtmf is real on it, but it is just 'bout as safe (as of 11/1/85) as sxs, but remember, just 'bout anything is safe at a fortress (pay) phone, 'cept if you repeatdly box there, becuz the s.s. (bell security), has been known to stake out f.f. now onto the world's worst nightmare... --------------------------------------- -=]ESS I gave ess it's own section, becuz i have so much to write 'bout it. ess stands for: Electronic Switching System, and thatis just what it is. by using computers, calls are processed by copmuter, are connected instantly after the last digit is dialed, and can be traced in a mille-second <some short amount of time, that's approx. it>, so, ess is quite dangerous (if you're reckless, i mean i'm on it, and i haven't been caught yet, course, i use mci, so bell doesn't give a shit! ), now then back to ess... ess also can do the following: call waiting <if somebody else calls while you are already online, they hear a ring, while your hear a slight tone, you hang-up/pick-up all in 1 second, the orginal party is put on hold, while you talk to the 2nd party, you can switch back and forth> speed dialing <kinda stupid, just like auto-dial memory phones, only it's stored in the c.o.> call forwarding <key ingredient to a cheese box, and very useful, if you were going to be at an orgie say, but you needed to get your calls, you'd type: *, then the number you'd be at. very cool!> three way calling <also cool, allows you to call someone (a), then using the same procedure as with call waiting only instead of someone being on the other line, you get a dial tone, dial out, then when party b answers, press the hung-up switch down for a second, release it, and presto, you have a three way connection (mini-conference). those are the main "home" features offered by ess, besides that, if you don't pay your bill, it takes one minute to disconnect your line (see cosmos section above) well, there is more info on ess, but i don't remember it off hand.... -=}Digital related to ess, only totaly electronic, whereas with ess there were still some switches, this is all solid (altered, haha) states, which reminds me, with ess/digital, it is very easy for the phone co. to tap your line <it is a little harder in other ss's>, of course with the advent of remobs, it is now east in any ss... ______________________________________ Special Note Related to Above: ciss, don't know what it stands for, but it incorparates every thing that digital/ess does plus a couple of other things, the main one is auto-tracing from the house, what happenes, is when somebody calls you, you press a button on your phone, and a thermal printer prints out the number of the person who is calling you. This probally won't catch on (thank you god! ) though becuz it requires leasing a phone with a printer attached for 'bout $30 a month, tres expensive! ======================================= -=]REMOBS a remobs, whilei don't have any at the moment, they are incredibly cool. can tap into somebody's line by: dialing up the remob, dialing in the access code, then the #, without npa, becuz these can't cover a whole npa, just a part of it, then you are tapped into the line, you can listen in, but your mouthpeice is cut-off (if noone's using the phone, you hear silence, but calls can still be recived/initaited), plus there is some other shit it can do... ===================================== Well, I tink I'll end the first volume with a bunch of phone numbers, these have all been tested within the last week, so they should work...here ya' go: 212-976- 5050-ARIES HOROSCOPE 5151-TAURUS 5252-GEMINI 5353-CANCER 5454-LEO 5656-VIRGO 5757-LIBRA 5858-SCORPIO 5959-SAGITTARIUS 6060-CAPRICORN 6161-AQUARIUS 6262-PISCES 3737-PORNO 2626-PORNO 2727-PORNO 2828-PORNO 1-415-976 6969-PORNO 3636-PORNO PREP (7737)-PORNO 212-799-5017-ABC FEED LINE, WIERD! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} BOARDS TO CALL TO CONTACT ME OR {} {} TO ASK ME QUESTION ABOUT MY FILE {} {} {} {} AMERICAN BBS:303-457-0976 {} {} THE K.G.B. :303-499-7801 {} {} THE F.W.S.O.:303-755-8263 {} {} THE GSE :203-775-6392 {} {} SWAP SHOP :409-244-5154 {} {} {} {} IN ALL CASES LEAVE MAIL TO: {} {}---------->OLIVER JONES<----------{} {} "O.J." {} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} DISCLAIMER: THIS PHILE WAS INTEDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, ANY USE THEROF IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AUTHOR, AND THEREFORE, HE CAN NOT BE PROSECUTED BECUZ, SOMEBODY GOT BUSTED USING THIS INFORMATION, IT WAS INTENDED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> WRITTEN ON: JANUARY 1, 1986 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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