TUCoPS :: Phreaking General Information :: testpred.txt

IIN Testing Using Predictor System

    SUBJECT:         IIN Testing Using Predictor System

    DATE:            November 7, 1988

    FILE:            WT88-26-03 (Revised)

    PROCEDURE FOR:   DSOC Personnal

    INFORMATION FOR: I&M Field Personnel

    AUTHOR:          Donald Aber, (414) 678-6866

    This letter replaces WT88-26-03 dated February 2, 1988.

    Our DMS, #5ESS and Siemens central offices can provide a Centrex service
    that the rest of our central offices can't offer, called Integrated
    Information Network or IIN.

    This service allows the use of a new type of telephone called a Meridian
    Business Set (MBS).  However, the MBS can only be used in a DMS type
    office. What's unique about the MBS is a special "line card" (LEN) in the
    central office associated to the MBS's Primary Directory Number (PDN).
    The "line card" allows 56 separate telephone numbers to be assigned to a
    single cable pair.

    Other services and features are explained in the following UPDATE letters:

       WT87-26-05 Integrated Information Network (IIN) Service
       WT87-26-05A, B, C... IIN Customer Profiles
       WT87-26-06 IIN Centrai Office Features - DMS 100
       WT87-26-07 IIN Central Office Features - 5ESS
       WT88-26-01 CRSAB Repair Answer for IIN Service
       WT88-26-02 IIN Business Set Trouble Shooting Procedures

    IIN service with Meridian Business Sets are not MLT testable. Predictor is
    the vehicle that must be used when testing under these conditions.

    Attached you'll find flow charts, sign-on and sign-off procedures, testing
    sequences and explanations to testing IIN MBS lines.

    This letter will be revised as new tests and procedures are developed and
    added as new attachments.

    Please refer your questions and concerns regarding this subject to the
                                  IIN TESTING
                                   USING THE
                               PREDICTOR SYSTEM
                                  FOR TESTING
                            MERIDIAN BUSINESS SETS

                           BASIC MBS TROUBLE REPORT FLOW


        To assist the DSOC in analyzing the customer's trouble report, the
        Repair Service Attendant (RSA) should ask our customer the following

             1.  Primary Directory Number on Key 1.

             2.  Location of the Business Set.

                 a.   Floor
                 b.   Room
                 C.   Desk

             3.  Complete description of the problem.

                 a.   Time problem occurred.
                 b.   What number(s) was the customer talking to and who called
                 c.   Does the problem occur all the time or at times.
                 d.   Does the problem occur while using a feature.
                 e.   Etc.

             4.  Handle Code - MBA.

             5.  Contact name and number.

             6.  Time received and commitment.

             7.  Send to OSOC.

         NOTE - When received, make sure that the report is not involved
                with a cable trouble or service order activity.

                             SIGN-ON/OFF PROCEDURE

         MBS are unique in that you can't test them with LMOS.  MBS will test
         as a short or open depending on the customer's equipment that is
         associated with the MBS.  MBS troubles must be tested using
         Predictor.  The following is the sign-on procedure to be used to
         verify and test MBS lines.

         AT&T 6500 Sign-On -

         1.  Obtain session that contains Predictor (usually D)
         2.  Depress Command Key
         3.  Cursor to CH (Change Host)
         4.  Depress Enter Key
         5.  Cursor to ASYNC MODEM
         6.  Depress Enter Key
         7.  Check CAPS LOCK (will use lowercase)
         8.  Depress PF3 for Modem/Dial
         9.  Depress PFZ for Select
         10. Enter Predictor number
         11. Depress PF1
         12. Enter login:  ver (lowercase)
         13. Enter Password:  VER (uppercase)
         14. Enter Terminal VT100
         15. Response will be $

         At this point, you are now signed on to Predictor.

         16. Enter Query
         17. Enter Switch I.D. (Wire Center's lowest NXX)
         18. Response will be a ?
         19. Enter login
         20. Enter User Name: LOCTST
         21. Enter Password:  LOCTST

         At this point, you are now signed-on to the DMS switch.

22. Verify Directory Number
    (QDN) and LEN (QLEN)

        AT&T 6500 Sign-Off
Any time you are not using Predictor to verify a DMS line, you must sign-off
from the switch and also Predictor. This will free up the customer's line and
also free up the ports to Predictor and the switch as there are a limited
number of ports.



MBS will only work in a DMS type office.  Since MLT cannot be used to properly
test MBS, Predictor is your only vehicle for testing.  To test MBS with
Predictor, you must gain access to the various "maintenance levels" In the
DMS switch.  The Maintenance Level Flow Chart is on Attachment 3A.

There are various methods of signing on to the Maintenance Levels and they are
as follows:

Method 1                 Method 2                Method 3
--------                 --------                --------

Enter MAPCI              Enter                     (Future)
Response MAPCI:          MAPCI; MTC; LNS; LTP;
Enter MTC                Response
Response MTC:            MAPCI; MTC; LNS; LTP;
Enter LNS                MAPCI:
Response LNS:            MTC:
Enter LTP                LNS:
Response LTP:            LTP:

Once access is gained to the DMS switch by any of the methods listed above,
you now have access to various tests located within the levels you sign-on to.
There are 5 tests that must be performed on all trouble reports.  These tests
are addressed on Attachments 4 through 8.


         Testing Levels:

         MTC     = Maintenance
         LNS     = Lines
         LTP     = Line Test Position
         LTP MAN = Line Test Position Manual
         LTPLTA  = Line Test Position Line Test Access

         Additional tests will be added as procedures are developed.

                         MAPCI TEST SEQUENCE PROCEDURE

         To properly analyze and test MBS trouble reports, Attachments 4
         through 8 must be followed In proper sequence.  Any deviation c6uld
         result in improper analysis and tests and possibly an irate customer.

         To begin the testing sequence, you should have a printed copy of the
         Primary Directory Number (PDN) by using the Query Directory Number
         (QDN) command and a copy of the LEN information by using the Query
         Line Equipment Number (QLEN) command.

         In other words, this is a comparison between what's programmed in the
         switch and what's in the field.

                         EXAMPLE OF IMPROPER RESPONSE

ADDRESS                         0    1    2    3    4    5
DATA FILLED                     6    7
                                - = MBS w/Add-on
                                          -    -    -    -
                                -      = Add-on not

                                                          Attachment 4A
                                                          MBS and Add-Ons

C        NOTE A - When an address (0-3) has a (.) under it, It would indicate

         DATA FILLED Address 0 = Main Station on MBS
         DATA FILLED Address 1 = First Add-on module
         DATA FILLED Address 2 = Second Add-on module.
         DATA FILLED Address 3 = Third Add-on module

         RESPONDING Address 0 = MBS on RESPONDING Address 1 = Module
         Dr~DnknT"(' AAA-~~~ ~ =
                                 line and appears to be working on line and is
                                 nn ~ ~nd i~ r~~nondinci
                 request, do not retype tne commano.  me swi~~n a~r~~uy ~"uw~
                 ~ command you entered so just reenter the DN or LEN.

                 If you make an error for the "command" entry, i.e., QND
                 instead of QDN, you get an error message directed to the

                                                   Attachment ~
                                                   MBS and Internal


  To properly analyze and test MBS trouble reports, Attachments 4 through 8
  must be followed in proper sequence.  Any deviation could result in improper
  analysis and tests and possibly an irate customer.


                       RES          CAP         VAC      VDC
        TIP           999.K        2.055UF      0         0
        RING          999.K        1.O5SUF      0         0
        TIP to RING   999.K        1.OO5UF      0         0

         The above results could indicate an open ring side out in the field.
                       RES          CAP         VAC     VOC

        TIP           qqq.K        ~~flflH~      -~      -5

                                                      Attachment 7
                                                      DIAG LC
                                                      Line Card Operation


                         MAPCI TEST SEQUENCE PROCEDURE

         To properly analyze and test MBS trouble reports, Attachments 4
         through 8 must be followed in proper sequence.  Any deviation could
         result in improper analysis and tests and possibly an irate customer.

                                    DIAG LC

                                                      Attachment 8
                                                      Full Test

                         MAPCI TEST SEQUENCE PROCEDURE

    To properly analyze and test MBS trouble reports, Attachments 4 through 8
    must be followed in proper sequence.  Any deviation could result In
    improper analysis and tests and possibly an irate customer.

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