[Phile 1.3] The Phreak's Vitals: ==================== True Definition Of The Phreaker ------------------------------- "Many people think of phone phreaks as slime, out to rip off Bell for all she is worth. Nothing could be further from the truth! Granted, there are some who get their kicks by making free calls; however, they are not true phone phreaks. Real phone phreaks are 'telecommunications hobbyists' who experiment, play with, and learn from the phone system. Occasionally, this experimenting and a need to communicate with other phreaks, without going broke, leads to free calls. The free calls are but a small subset of a >TRUE< phone phreak's activities." - Wise Words Of The Magician The Phone Phreak's Ten Commandments ----------------------------------- I. Box thou not over thine home telephone wires, for those who doest will surely bring the wrath of the Chief Special Agent down upon thy head. II. Speakest thou not of important matters over thine home telephone wires, for to do so is to risk thine right of freedom. III. Use not thine own name when speaking to other phreaks, for that every third phreak is an FBI agent is well known. IV. Let not overly many people know that thy be a phreak, as to do so is to use thine own self as a sacrificial lamb. V. If thou be in school, strive to get thine self good grades, for the authorities well know that scholars never break the law. VI. If thou workest, try to be an employee and impressest thine boss with thine enthusiasm, for important employees are often saved by their own bosses. VII. Storest thou not thine stolen goodes in thine own home, for those who do are surely non-believers in the Bell System Security Forces, and are not long for this world. VIII. Attractest thou not the attention of the authorities, as the less noticeable thou art, the better. IX. Makest sure thine friends are instant amnesiacs and willst not remember thou hast called illegally, for their cooperation with the authorities willst surely lessen thine time for freedom on this earth. X. Supportest thou TAP, as it is thine newsletter, and without it, thy work would be far more limited.