TUCoPS :: Phreaking General Information :: waycalli.txt

Making and Taking advantage of Three Way Phones

||                                                                          ||
||            Making and Taking Advantage of THREE-WAY FONES...             ||
||                         By Evil Genius of Wired                          ||
||                                                                          ||
   Many of you have CONFERENCE CALLING, or a THREE-WAY FONE...This enables you
to do a lot of cool stuff...Like calling three people at the same time...But
that's just the beginning...I'll explain a few of these uses in this file...

   One of the many great uses of THREE-WAY FONES is for helping friends call
long-distance, or helping yourself call long-distance for that matter...All 
you have to do is this:
   Say a friend lives in a suburban area of the main city, and wants to call
to a board in another suburban area, but it is long distance because it's on
the other side of the city...While you, living in the city, can call either of
them with no problem...What you do is call your friend (If you are in the sit-
uation of the friend, and you have a friend in the situation of you, switch
places in this file)...After you call your friend, call the computer, or who-
ever on the other side of town...Hang-up once the person on the other line
answers (NOTE: If calling a computer, hang-up before they connect or they will
be disconnected)...This will put them on the other persons line for free! I
do this all the time for various friends of mine who don't phreak...
   Another use of THREE-WAY is to have a conference without using a conference
service...This is very rare, though easily done...All you need is a whole
bunch of people with THREE-WAY FONE capabilities, call one person who has
THREE-WAY and then have them call another, and you may call another, keep it
going on and on as long as you want...Another way of doing this that seems
possible isn't...This is when you call another person who has THREE-WAY and
have them call another person, and then hang-up...Then you call the person
with THREE-WAY, and they call another and hang-up, and so forth...As I said
don't waste your time doing this because it will NOT work...Though, it seems
it would...

   Another use of THREE-WAY calling is to set a long distance service up with
it...Like it the file "PHREAKERS NET" by The Blue Buccaneer...This is somehow
setting your Apple-Cat up so that it will answer with the voice, and ask for
an authorization code...Having the person on the other line put in the author-
ization code, and fone number, then have your Cat go on the other line, call
a long-distance service, type in a code, and the number they wanted to call,
and then return to them...Have a clock in your computer time it, and send the
caller a bill....
   Lastly, a way I just thought up, hacking with THREE-WAY...This could be
done by having a friend go to someones house with a THREE-WAY FONE, call you,
and call a place to hack into...You do the hacking while the fone on the other
line is sitting there unused...This would send all traces to the person with
THREE-WAY...Not you...I HOPE! Do NOT rely on this because I have no way of 
really knowing for sure...

   One more thing, for you who don't have THREE-WAY, but wish you did, here's
how to build one:
   First of all this requires having two lines in your house...If you have two
lines, you're ready...Ok, take off the boxes inside your house in which your
fone plugs into...This should contain a green, a red, a yellow, and a black
wire inside it...Now take the green and red wires from each box and attach a
wire to each of these, so you have four unconnected wires(two per box)...Hook
a two way switch with two terminals up by putting the two green wires on one
side, and the reds on the other...That's it...Now just switch the switch and
you should hear a dial tone...Just dial someones number, and there you are...
You now have a THREE-WAY FONE...
   For more help, or information on THREE-WAY FONES just call one of the fol-
lowing great boards and leave a message to "EVIL GENIUS"...

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