The Arcane art of Finding UXD5b Switches By Keltic Phr0st The UXD5b Switch is a 600 line Rural Telephone Exchange Mechanism based around a basic Reed-Switching frame under MicroProcessor Control. It allows for On-site Maintennance via a CSS Teminal located within the Exchange Building, and has provision for external maintenance via a dedicated dial-in service running at 2400bps. This Provides the user or field Engineer with all the facilities he or she needs to control the switch processes, and check on system status. A line is also provided for Operator usage. This is the line we are interested in : The one linking the UXD to the outside world. It is tied into a part of the system designated the OSS or Operator Sub System, and allows full operator control over the exchange in question. Finding and determining Exchange type ===================================== Take a look in your phone book. Look for numbers that are listed as Three figure or six figure numbers. They should be presented as so: 01-234-567-XXX Where X is the Subscribers Directory No. Look for two numbers on the same exchange that have the same first eight digits. If that holds true, then congratulations, you may have found one. Get a pen and paper, and a DTMF Dialler. Pick up your phone and start dialling. Try these numbers: 299 Should ring long, short, Long short 370 Plays 404hz like USA Ringer 394 May play constant 404hz or 1633hz 395 May play constant 404hz or 1633hz 403 Should ring out 720 Should be busy 721 Should get carrier at 2400 174 Issues 404hz, Rings back (Faultsman Ringback) 175 Should do Nothing (SALT) 176 Should do Nothing (Line Check) 299 : Labelled as 'UXD Test Number' on Main Distribution Frame Records Should hold true for most exchanges. 370 : Labelled as 'MAC Test Number' on Main Distribution Frame Records Possibly Manual Access Controller? (NB : Measurement and Analysis Centre Interface) 394 : Labelled as 'Gateway H O/G' on MDF Records. Alarm Extension Outgoing 395 : Labelled as 'Gateway H I/C' on MDF Records Alarm Extension Incoming 403 : Labelled as an Internal Number. This is the number of the phone designated for Engineer use within the Exchange. DO NOT ring this during the daytime. Could vary from Exchange to Exchange. 720 : Labelled as Routiner Answer Relay Set (Routiner Access) Could be dedicated Data link to X25 or simple leased line for Dial in Maintennance. Permanently engaged. 721 : Carrier at 2400. This is the decider. If none of the above worked, but this does, then you have struck gold. The Exchange I tested fully was only handling 272 subscribers, listed 200 to 400/450. The number range 000-200 is kept free for test numbers and like, and the upper empty range used for various BT Equipment, mostly held in 7XX. A few test numbers are allocated next to subscribers for some reason. Looking at the CASS Printout for your exchange (If you find it through trashing) will list all numbers of Intrest as connected, but with a Batch Metre Reading of 00-000000000. Normal Subscribers have their Batch Meters running, taking into Account line rental and billing.