TUCoPS :: Phreaking General Information :: zaphk.txt

South African Phreaking technique

.:--==--==--==--==>> Unnamed SA Phreaking Teqneek by Gevil <<--==--==--==--=:.
::                                                                          ::
:: Right, this phreak is based on a German Phreaking Teqneek, but has much  ::
:: more effect. Right, now here's how to do it in step-by-step form...      ::
::                                                                          ::
:: 1) Find an Old Public Coin Phone on the Oldest exchange you can (It will ::
::    not work on new exchanges - or new phones for that matter)            ::
::                                                                          ::
:: 2) Phone the public phone from the public phone next to it or your cell  ::
::    phone. Hang up the phone that's calling and quickly answer the other  ::
::    one. It will say "Incoming Call: 10 minutes left" or whatever even    ::
::    though you are not connected.                                         ::
::                                                                          ::
:: 3) Using a Tone Dialer, dial whatever number you want to call. On a new  ::
::    exchange, or a card phone, it will ring, but disconnect as soon as    ::
::    they pick up. On an old exchange... phone anyone in the world ;-)     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: All comments should be mailed to Gevil of the SoS at gevil@hotmail.com   ::
::                                                                          ::

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