Manual scan of 1-800-729-42xx scanned and typed up by: Jamie Faith (Cuebiz) <cuebiz> w0cka w0cka <r0xy> all you guys ever do is talk about sex <cuebiz> ch1x w1th d1x <r0xy> believe me ceubiz <r0xy> i dont have a dick <cuebiz> can I see? <r0xy> i will if you dcc me codes <cuebiz> if you say so *DCC SEND k0dez.gz r0xy <cuebiz> there *DCC SEND complete *** r0xy has left #2600 <cuebiz> hehe 1-800-729-4201 DISconnected 1-800-729-4202 VOICE 1-800-729-4203 invalid tele. # 1-800-729-4204 pager 1-800-729-4205 voicemail system 1-800-729-4206 cannot be completed as dialed 1-800-729-4207 reorder 1-800-729-4208 voicemail system 1-800-729-4209 out of my calling area 1-800-729-4210 science aplic. <voicemail system> 1-800-729-4211 creative arts <answering machine> 1-800-729-4212 pager 1-800-729-4213 voicemail box 1-800-729-4214 voicemail box 1-800-729-4215 VOICE 1-800-729-4216 voicemail box 1-800-729-4217 pager 1-800-729-4218 fronier comm. (9999 works) 1-800-729-4219 VOICE 1-800-729-4220 20 easy reach 800 1-800-729-4221 cannot be completed as dialed 1-800-729-4222 easy reach 800 1-800-729-4223 ad 1-800-729-4224 16-4 1-800-729-4225 message center for "abie?" 1-800-729-4226 Ultrack ABM data-systems <VoiceMail System> 1-800-729-4227 national run-away switch 1-800-729-4228 dispatch people 1-800-729-4229 voicemail box 1-800-729-4230 pager 1-800-729-4231 pager 1-800-729-4232 ring out 1-800-729-4233 ring out 1-800-729-4234 ring out 1-800-729-4235 DISconnected 1-800-729-4236 VOICE 1-800-729-4237 CEP 1-800-729-4238 pager 1-800-729-4239 CBW switch 1-800-729-4240 pager 1-800-729-4241 voicemail box 1-800-729-4242 ring out 1-800-729-4243 VOICE 1-800-729-4244 VOICE 1-800-729-4245 easy reach 800 1-800-729-4246 voice mail system 1-800-729-4247 VOICE - Faller Insurance (perky lady) 1-800-729-4248 cannot be completed as dialed 1-800-729-4249 pager 1-800-729-4250 DISconnected 1-800-729-4251 16-4 1-800-729-4252 pager 1-800-729-4253 VOICE 1-800-729-4254 Phone Sex (wH00t!) 1-800-729-4255 Phone Sex (wH00t!) 1-800-729-4256 DISconnected 1-800-729-4257 Phone Sex (B0inG!) 1-800-729-4258 answering machine 1-800-729-4259 mobile customer is out of reach 1-800-729-4260 voicemail box 1-800-729-4261 voicemail box 1-800-729-4262 invalid # 1-800-729-4263 ring out 1-800-729-4264 not in service 1-800-729-4265 health access New Jersey 1-800-729-4266 VoiceMail System - AGM 1-800-729-4267 cheesy telco recording 1-800-729-4268 ad 1-800-729-4269 easy reach 800 # 1-800-729-4270 VOICE - small sounding lady 1-800-729-4271 voicemail box 1-800-729-4272 VOICE 1-800-729-4273 gay phone sex line ;( 1-800-729-4274 the nightline international (recording) 1-800-729-4275 Cancer screening labs (VoiceMail System) 1-800-729-4276 cannot be completed as dialed 1-800-729-4277 phone sex (visa, master card verification) 1-800-729-4278 cannot be completed as dialed 1-800-729-4279 VOICE 1-800-729-4280 pager 1-800-729-4281 pager 1-800-729-4282 easy reach 800 # 1-800-729-4283 16-4 1-800-729-4284 easy reach 800 # 1-800-729-4285 VOICE - (mean lady!) 1-800-729-4286 reorder 1-800-729-4287 insurance co. (voicemail system) 1-800-729-4288 VOICE 1-800-729-4289 air-tickets - (recording) 1-800-729-4290 DIV - Voicemail box 1-800-729-4291 out of calling area 1-800-729-4292 real estate school - voicemail box 1-800-729-4293 answer 1-800-729-4294 DISconnected 1-800-729-4295 DIV / House Secuirity? 1-800-729-4296 busy 1-800-729-4297 VOICE 1-800-729-4298 pager 1-800-729-4299 pager 1-800-729-4200 out of calling area