#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%##%#%Q#%%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#B#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#I#% ---------------OO>> Hand Scan Of 1-800-737-32xx <<OO------------------ =+=+=+> The OOR Scan <=+=+=+ Z#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#J#%#%#%#A#%#%#%#%##M#%#%#%#%#%#%I%#%#%#%#%E As you all can see, Most of these numbers ended up in Canada or the northern United States. Coincidence? I like to think not. Anyway, I've decided i was do out for yet another one of my scans since,Im Waiting for VBDOS to download. Well, Here it is... Sorry, But most of 'em are outta my calling area. -Cuebiz -Number- -Ident- -Comments- 1-800-737-3201 BT 1-800-737-3202 BT 1-800-737-3203 VO 1-800-737-3204 BT 1-800-737-3205 VO 1-800-737-3206 OOR 1-800-737-3207 OOR 1-800-737-3208 OOR 1-800-737-3209 OOR 1-800-737-3210 OOR 1-800-737-3211 R Toronto AirPort 1-800-737-3212 OOR 1-800-737-3213 OOR 1-800-737-3214 VMS OCTEL VMS 1-800-737-3215 OOR 1-800-737-3216 OOR 1-800-737-3217 OOR 1-800-737-3218 OOR 1-800-737-3219 OOR 1-800-737-3220 OOR 1-800-737-3221 OOR 1-800-737-3222 OOR 1-800-737-3223 OOR 1-800-737-3224 AM 1-800-737-3225 OOR 1-800-737-3226 VO 1-800-737-3227 VMS Hey, Its CBS's system 1-800-737-3228 OOR 1-800-737-3229 OOR 1-800-737-3230 OOR 1-800-737-3231 OOR 1-800-737-3232 OOR 1-800-737-3233 N 1-800-737-3234 VMS A Bell Canada VMB (Press #) 1-800-737-3235 BT 1-800-737-3236 VMS 1-800-737-3237 N Did not go through 1-800-737-3238 PGR 1-800-737-3239 RO 1-800-737-3240 OOR 1-800-737-3241 OOR 1-800-737-3242 N 1-800-737-3243 VMS Lucent Tech's VMS 1-800-737-3244 RO 1-800-737-3245 CR Fax Machine 1-800-737-3246 RO 1-800-737-3247 BT 1-800-737-3248 OOR 1-800-737-3249 VO 1-800-737-3250 RO 1-800-737-3251 AM Boys And Girls Town MI. 1-800-737-3252 N 1-800-737-3253 BT 1-800-737-3254 VO 1-800-737-3255 N 1-800-737-3256 OOR 1-800-737-3257 R Another one of those Talk Line ads 1-800-737-3258 R Another one of those Talk Line ads 1-800-737-3259 R Sealy North Carolina 1-800-737-3260 OOR 1-800-737-3261 OOR 1-800-737-3262 N 16-3 1-800-737-3263 OOR 1-800-737-3264 R Bell Canada Changed Phone # Recording 1-800-737-3265 AM Code=1234 1-800-737-3266 KR/RO 1-800-737-3267 ? Service not available at this time 1-800-737-3268 RO 1-800-737-3269 VMS The Meeting Place 1-800-737-3270 OOR 1-800-737-3271 OOR 1-800-737-3272 R Some Research Place.. Pretty cool 1-800-737-3273 OOR 1-800-737-3274 R Time Warner Communications 1-800-737-3275 VO/AM Chirpy line! Muahahahaha! 1-800-737-3276 RO 1-800-737-3277 OOR 1-800-737-3278 OOR 1-800-737-3279 OOR 1-800-737-3280 OOR 1-800-737-3281 OOR 1-800-737-3282 OOR 1-800-737-3283 OOR 1-800-737-3284 N 16-3 1-800-737-3285 OOR 1-800-737-3286 VMB 1-800-737-3287 N 16-3 1-800-737-3288 VMB 1-800-737-3289 N 1-800-737-3290 OOR 1-800-737-3291 B 1-800-737-3292 BT 1-800-737-3293 N 800 # Dissconnected 1-800-737-3294 OOR 1-800-737-3295 OOR 1-800-737-3296 ER 1-800-737-3297 OOR 1-800-737-3298 OOR 1-800-737-3299 N Cannot be completed as dialed