TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: 555-95xx.txt

800-555-95xx Scan

Scan of 1-800-555-95xx by Freespeachlamer 
	00 Non working toll free number 
      01 Talkline Ad. 
      02 Cannot be completed 
      03 Answering machine 
      04 Cannot be completed 
      05 Pornline 
      06 Busy 
      07 No answer 
      08 Catalog request service 
      09 Disconnected 
      10 No answer 
      11 Cannot be completed 
      12 American Express 
      13 AT&T Easyreach 800 
      14 Empty 
      15 Pornline 
      16 AT&T Easyreach 800 
      17 AT&T Easyreach 800 
      18 Disconnected 
      19 Disconnected 
      20 Cannot be completed 
      21 High pitched beep 
      22 Disconnected 
      23 No answer 
      24 No answer 
      25 Cruise Director 
      26 Talkline Ad. 
      27 Sales technical support 
      28 Cannot be reached from calling area 
      29 Disconnected 
      30 Busy 
      31 "Bonjour." 
      32 Busy 
      33 Please wait for next availble customer representative 
      34 Carrier 
      35 Mastercard prepaid phone card 
      36 Answering machine 
      37 Cannot be completed 
      38 "Hello?" 
      39 Pornline 
      40 Your call did not go through 
      41 Invalid number 
      42 Pornline 
      43 Talkline Ad. 
      44 Invalid number 
      45 Busy 
      46 Pornline 
      47 Pornline 
      48 Invalid number 
      49 Carrier 
      50 Talkline Ad. 
      51 Invalid number 
      52 Invalid number 
      53 Invalid number 
      54 Invalid number 
      55 Empty 
      56 Invalid number 
      57 Receipt hotline 
      58 Skytel 
      59 Busy 
      60 "This call is being answered (Click) .. " 
      61 Cannot be completed 
      62 Fax 
      63 Talkline Ad. 
      64 Monkey Marketing 
      65 Cannot be completed 
      66 Senior hearing specialists 
      67 Disconnected 
      68 Talkline Ad. 
      69 Cannot be completed 
      70 Cannot be completed 
      71 AT&T Easyreach 800 
      72 Not in service 
      73 Talkline Ad. 
      74 No answer 
      75 Not availible from calling area 
      76 Talkline Ad. 
      77 Please -Ring-  Thank you for calling Abacus communication (Weird..)
      78 Invalid number
      79 Invalid number
      80 Invalid number
      81 Invalid number
      82 Invalid number
      83 All agents are currently planning vacations for others
      84 No answer
      85 Busy
      86 Talkline Ad.
      87 Busy
      88 Talkline Ad.
      89 Golf adventures
      90 Currently all our lines are busy.
      91 All circuits are now busy
      92 Gibberish (Live person, couldn't understand it.)
      93 No answer
      94 Please enter the number you are calling
      95 Pornline
      96 MBNA America
      97 The satellite customer you are calling is unavailible
      98 No answer
      99 Talkline Ad.

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