TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: 585-247.txt

585-247-xxxx Scan

585-247-99xx Rochester NY
scan by Fu5|0N of PLA 716

9900 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9901 - disconnected #
9902 - using a touchtone phone please enter your phone # (pager)
9903 - using a touchtone phone please enter your phone # (pager)
9904 - modem
9905 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9906 - # has been changed 716-247-9110
9907 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9908 - modem
9909 - disconnected #
9910 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9911 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9912 - disconnected #
9913 - no answer
9914 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9915 - no answer
9916 - disconnected #
9917 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9918 - modem
9919 - no answer
9920 - modem
9921 - disconnected #
9922 - modem
9923 - disconnected #
9924 - no answer
9925 - no answer
9926 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9927 - disconnected #
9928 - busy
9929 - osc tone then silence
9930 - disconnected #
9931 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9932 - disconnected #
9933 - modem
9934 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9935 - modem
9936 - disconnected #
9937 - disconnected #
9938 - disconnected #
9939 - modem
9940 - disconnected #
9941 - disconnected #
9942 - disconnected #
9943 - disconnected #
9944 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9945 - no answer
9946 - no answer
9947 - modem
9948 - disconnected #
9949 - modem
9950 - modem
9951 - modem
9952 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9953 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9954 - modem
9955 - no response
9956 - disconnected #
9957 - disconnected #
9958 - no answer
9959 - modem
9960 - no answer
9961 - disconnected #
9962 - modem
9963 - disconnected #
9964 - disconnected #
9965 - disconnected #
9966 - disconnected #
9967 - disconnected #
9968 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9969 - disconnected #
9970 - busy
9971 - no answer
9972 - busy
9973 - modem
9974 - modem
9975 - modem
9976 - modem
9977 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9978 - no answer
9979 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9980 - no answer
9981 - no answer
9982 - modem
9983 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9984 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9985 - modem
9986 - modem
9987 - modem
9988 - disconnected #
9989 - disconnected #
9990 - using a touchtone phone please enter your phone number (pager)
9991 - disconnected #
9992 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9993 - modem
9994 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9995 - frontier internet cisco router
9996 - osc or modem (loop?)
9997 - no answer
9998 - call cannot be completed as dialed
9999 - no answer

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