+==========================================+ | _______ NPA: 800 | | ######### EX.: 987-99xx, 987-00xx | | ###|___|### SCANNED FROM: 718 | | * 123 * DATE: 6/9/2001 1:00am | | * 456 * | | * 789 * | | *********** --Venadium | +==========================================+ --INCOMPLETE SCAN-- 9900 - Corporate Image Marketing Incorporated 9901 - (Rec.) The mobile sattelite customer you are calling is unavailible. Please try your call again later. M M 2 0 9902 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9903 - Rec. You have dialed a non-working 800 number... 9904 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9905 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9906 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9907 - Rec. The toll free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9908 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9909 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9910 - Person 9911 - Bordentown Driver Training School 9912 - Rec. We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9913 - No answer 9914 - Benson Company 9915 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9916 - Company (didn't understand the name), live person 9917 - Co. answering machine 9918 - Co. PBX double-ring Press * for prompt, # to enter mailbox (mailbox 9999 pin 9999) 9919 - Phsychic line (no, not Miss Cleo) 9920 - Pharmaceutical company 9921 - reorder 9922 - Rec. The toll free number you have dialed has een disconnected... 9923 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9924 - no answer 9925 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9926 - reorder 9927 - Blitz Research 9928 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9929 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9930 - Doctor's office 9931 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9932 - Rec. DS-2. We're sorry, your call cannot be completed at this time... 9933 - Fax 9934 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9935 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9936 - Co. 9937 - reorder 9938 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9939 - Co. 9940 - reorder 9941 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9942 - Feuneral service (person) 9943 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9944 - Rec. The toll-free number you have diald has been disconnected... 9945 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9946 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9947 - Message Center for Forrest Hill Memorial Gardens 9948 - Rec. 26-4, the number you have dialed is invalid... 9949 - modem ( atdt 18009879949 CONNECT 9600 Starting Radius Authentication... @ Userid: ) -- something running annex CLI, probably a router 9950 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9951 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9952 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9953 - Fax 9954 - Reorder 9955 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9956 - VMB 9957 - Person 9958 - No answer 9959 - Rec. We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed 9960 - Busy 9961 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9962 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9963 - Rec. We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9964 - Co. Logo of the Americas again 9965 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9966 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9967 - Fax 9968 - Hotel reservation line 9969 - reorder 9970 - VMB 9971 - Reorder 9972 - Busy 9973 - Magnavox Mobile 911 9974 - Co. 9975 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9976 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as entered... 9977 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9978 - Rec. 26-4 The number you dialed is invalid... 9979 - Co. Shamrock Ford Auto Nation 9980 - Sex line 9981 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9982 - Fax 9983 - Strange beeps, no idea, doesn't respond 9984 - Sex line (good ol' Pilgrim Telephone. They had 1800-FUCK-ATT, anyone remember?) 9985 - Co. answering machine 9986 - No ring, no answer, silent, disconnects 9987 - Co. 9988 - Co. 9989 - VMB 9990 - Co. Bank of America Commercial Services Center 9991 - Rec. Your call did not go through... 9992 - Co. some cigar company 9993 - Person (old woman) 9994 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9995 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 9996 - Rec. We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9997 - Rec. 26-4, The number you have dialed is invalid... 9998 - Rec. We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed... 9999 - Co. 0000 - Rec. We're sorry, you've reached a number that has been disconnected... 0001 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 0002 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 0003 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 0004 - Home answering machine 0005 - reorder 0006 - Co. 0007 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 0008 - Rec. Your call cannot be completed as dialed... 0009 - Yacht dealer 0010 - Co. PBX Network... apparently they service PBXs 0011 - no answer, but nice-sounding ring 0012 - AT&t EasyReach 800 (pin 1111) 0013 - Co. Logo of the Americas 0014 - Rec. 26-4. The number you have dialed is invalid... 0015 - Rec. 26-4. The number you have dialed is invalid... 0016 - no answer, shitty connection 0017 - Debora at Genral Systems Solutions (had gotten into mailbox, but not sure how... involved *, #, and I think 0 and 9) 0018 - reorder 0019 - Co.'s answering service 0020 - Co. ETC Group 0021 - Co. Consolidated Stamps 0022 - Rec. The toll-free number you have dialed has been disconnected... 0023 - Rec. The number you have dialed is invalid... (Will finish later)