%(( 800-238-12xx ))% key: ro - ring out AM - ans machine 00 audix vmx (losangeles, ca) ext 1540,1555,1554,1546 01 ro 02 ro 03 ro 04 fax 05 skytel pager 06 mediaOne Customer Service 07 merlin mail vmx 08 ro 09 "cant call this number" 10 ro 11 vmx (car dealership) 12 pbx (7 digit ext) 13 some telco op 14 www.buyitnow.com 15 ro 16 AM 17 marketEer (only $19.95 plus shipping!) 18 ro 19 ro 20 fax 21 ro 22 ! "cant call this number" 23 mci worldcomm (press 1 if customer, 2 for new service) 24 AM 25 "program has ended" 26 fax 27 carrier 28 ro 29 ro 30 marketEer 31 vmx 32 "cant call this number" 33 vmx 34 ro 35 fax 36 meridian mail vmx box 300/42000 37 ro 38 ro 39 ro 40 AM 41 ro 42 someone answered.. kept hanging up 43 ro 44 ro 45 vmx 46 marketEer 47 AM 48 ro 49 vmx 50 audix vmx *8 (ext;528,529,530,531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538,540) 51 marketEer 52 hangs up 53 hangs up 54 ro 55 ro 56 fax 57 ro 58 cant call this numer 59 ro 60 residence 61 ro 62 "call 800-400-TALK" 63 marketEer 64 marketeEr 65 ro 66 norweigen cruise line 67 busy? 68 ro 69 someone's receptionist (at 3am) 70 audix *8, 528 (same as 8002831250?) 71 ro 72 Dr. Romaz? 73 residential 74 ro 75 ro 76 ro 77 vmx (7 digit) 78 some 24/hr company 79 ro 80 DELL Computers vmx 81 ro 82 ro 83 fax 84 ro 85 louisiana travel nfo (they repeat a goofy introduction if you cant hear) 86 ro 87 ro 88 ro 89 Merryl Lynch; audix vmx #,*8 90 no longer in service 91 ro 92 vmx (* for prompt, box/pin 1231/1231, 1242/31337) 93 ro 94 meridian mail vmx [name search=2112#] 95 ro 96 ro 97 ro 98 ro 99 ro **NOTE** if it's marked "cant call this number" that means the method i was using to call wouldnt allow me to get through. check those out.