1-866-4xx-6245 Scan BY: ic0n e-mail: ic0n@phreaker.net Scan Done 5/23/01 Legend: vmb = Voice Mail Box Am = Answering Machine fb = Fast Busy Nis = Not In Service Nv = Not Vailed Hello = Someone Picked up Bfac = Blocked From Area Code Vms = Voice Mail System (type) Cbc = Can't BE Completed dis = Disconnected Now on with the scan..... 00 nv 01 nv 02 nv 03 hello 04 fb 05 dis 06 vms (forgot) 07 Rang once and died 08 Rang Forever 09 nv 10 nv 11 nv 12 Beep 13 nv 14 am 15 bfac 16 nv 17 nv 18 nv 19 nv 20 nv 21 nv 22 Ibc 23 Could'nt Understand the bitch 24 nv 25 Dot Risk Unlimited Vms 26 Am 27 vmb 28 nv 29 nv 30 nv 31 nv 32 Vms (audix) 33 nv 34 Some Company 35 nv 36 MOdle Comm 37 Nv 38 vms (audix) 4 digit boxes 39 nv 40 nv 41 nv 42 Some Company 43 nv 44 Another lame Company 45 nv 46 nv 47 nv 48 Cindy Vms I think 49 Hello 50 nv 51 nv 52 Rang Forever 53 Dis 54 Some Company 55 vms 56 nv 57 nv 58 nv 59 nv 60 nv 61 nv 62 nv 63 Some Company 64 nv 65 nv 66 busy 67 nv 68 Sounded LIke a bar 69 nv 70 nv 71 skytel 2 way pager/vmb 72 nv 73 vms (audix) my box 5007 74 nv 75 busy 76 nv 77 nv 78 vms (audix) 79 Rang Forever 80 nv 81 nv 82 nv 83 Dis 84 Busy 85 Cbc 86 nv 87 nv 88 Muster Hut Verizon Vms 89 nv 90 Call Did not go threw 91 nv 92 weired ringing then to fax 93 nv 94 Some Company 95 hello 96 nv 97 nv 98 vms (octel) 4 digit boxes 99 nv