TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: 8772221x.txt

877-222-1xxx Scans

Scan By: BaGeL
Completed: 11/12/01 - 11:42am
00- pr0n line
01- AAA Automotive Services
02- AAA Travel
03- Modem
04- AAA Financial Services
05- Error 51 - Call cannot be completed
06- Personal
07- Automobile Club Customer Support Center
08- Modem->
	    Starting SecurID Authentication...
    User ID:

09- some tech support line
10- personal
11- Interal Auditing Dept. of the Auto Club
12- Audix VMS
13- AAA Claims Dept.
14- AAA Travel
15- Automobile Club of Southern California
16- "We are closed... blah blah blah" sounds like sum ghey guy
17- Audix VMS
18- Automotive Club of S. Calif.  Renewal Dept.
19- AAA Travel
20- The Auto Club
21- Fax
22- Fax
23- Fax
24- Fax
25- Fax
26- Fax
27- Fax
28- Fax
29- Fax
30- Fast Busy Signal (hey at least it wasnt another fax or AAA thing) 
31- Personal (how dare he ask who im trying to reach!)  
32- Fast Busy Signal
33- The toll free number you have dialed has been disconnected, 061T
34- Personal
35- FB Signal
36- FB Signal
37- 103.7 The Planet (radio station... you could winn $100 cash!) 
38- no answer
39- Fax (damnit) 
40- Fax (im not a happy camper)
41- Fax (where's my gun)
42- Fax (sighs)
43- Fax
44- Fax
45- Fax 
46- Fax 
47- Fax
48- Fax
49- FB Sig (thank God)
50- USI Tech
51- FB Sig
52- FB Sig
53- American Century Fund Policy
54- FB Sig, then it goes off
55- FB Sig
54- FB Sig, then it goes off
55- FB Sig
56- FB Sig
57- no answer
58- personal
59- no answer
60- Your call cannot be completed as dialed or # has been disconnected.
61- Electronics Boutique Investor Relations line
62- personal (hot chick picked up)
63- ACS (company)
64- FB Sig
65- Sum Spanish d00ds answering machine
66- The National Communications Center
67- Lillian's VMB (sounds hott) 
68- FB Sig, then goes off.
69- Please enter your 10 digit PSENG acct number, or your 10 digit fone     number.
70- Electronics Boutique 
71- Busy Sig
72- Pager
73- Busy
74- "We appologize for the delay, a representative will be with you         blah blah blah" 
75- Sun Dog Energy
76- no answer
76- Busy sig
77- no answer 
78- PSENG 24 Hour Customer Service Center 
79- FB Sig, goes away.
80- Some VMB
81- Pager
82- Some VMB
83- The Office of David Shaied
84- "Fred White, may I help you?" 
85- Sum business
86- Pager 
87- Pager
88- Your call cannot be completed as dialed, Error 51
89- Hartford's Voice Messaging System
90- Pager
91- Another VMB
92- Pager 
93- Pager
94- Pager
95- some company (couldn't understand that hyper lady) 
96- Pager
97- Pager
98- Pager
99- Pager

1-877-222-12xx By: BaGel
00- We're sorry , your call cannot be completed as dialed Error 51
01- You have dialed a number that is not available from your calling     area, 136T
02- Error 51 (see 00)
03- 136T (see 01)
04- 136T
05- no answer 
06- FB signal
07- AIRs Internet recruiting and Training Company 
08- 136T
09- 136T
10- 136T
11- Busy Sig
12- Busy Sig
13- some wierd ass error message 
14- The Bountiful Basket
15- Health Max
16- Health Max
17- Health Max
18- Health Max
19- Health Max
20- FB sig
21- Pacific Netsoft
22- The 800 Number you have dialed cannot be reached from your calling     area.
23- Your call cannot be completed as dialed.  Error 51
24- Fax
25- Fax
26- Fax (not this again!)
27- Fax
28- Fax
29- Fax
30- Fax (this sucks)
31- Fax
32- Fax
33- Fax
34- Fax
35- FB Sig
36- Your call cannot be completed as entered. 44735
37- US HomeLoan.com 
38- The toll free number you have called has been disconnected. 061T
39- FB Sig
40- We're sory, your call cannot be completed as dialed.  Error 51
41- no answer (overseas ringback?)
42- "This call may be monitored or or recorded for quality service"
43- Fax
44- Fax
45- Fax ( ....)
46- Fax (incredible)
47- Fax (I'm changin my nick to fuckin "fax finder")
48- Fax
49- Fax
50- Fax
51- Fax
52- Fax
53- Health Choices
54- "Mastado" (Spanish dude or sumthen)
55- Thankyou for calling AT&T, you have reached a number that is not in     service at this time."  disconnects
56- "Your call cannot be completed as dialed, 212."
57- Fax
58- Fax
59- Fax
60- Fax
61- Fax
62- Fax
63- Fax
64- Fax
65- Fax
66- Fax
67- 32-4... The number you have dialed is invalid or blocked from your     area code.
68- odd, rings a bunch of times, then just stays on the line, silent. 
69- 32-4 error
70- 32-4 error
71- 136T (That error is scary)
72- 136T (imma shit my pants)
73- Sylvia, from Nortel Travel
74- -------
75- Disabilities Service of the SouthWest Hotline
76- We're sorry, you have reached a number that is disconnected or is     no longer in service.
77- FB Sig
78- "I'm sorry, we cannot connect your call at this time." (Net2Phone      number?)
79- Howie's AutoService
80- FB Sig
81- You're call cannot be completed, 44735.
82- sum hot chick (personal)
83- Sorry, you have reached an inactive number on the EZ-Tel Network.
84- We're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected      or is no longer in service.
85- "Thankyou for calling"...sum tech support line. 
86- Pager
87- Pager/VMB
88- No answer (weird ringback) 
89- FB sig (then goes away)
90- FB sig (then goes away)
91- Burler Associates and Visual Systems
92- Central Autoparts (Knoxville, TN) 
93- FB Sig (then goes away)
94- FB Sig (then goes away)
95- FB Sig (then goes away)
96- FB Sig (then goes away)
97- FB Sig (then goes away)
98- Fishing and Hunting (bunch or wierd-o's)
99- FB Sig (then goes away)

San of 877-222-13XX 
by: Bizurke
For: 13370 phr34k0 h34d5.cjb.net

1306 - Voice mail by audix. lots of options and menus
1307 - residential; voice mail says '842-5055'
1313 - advance medical massage, * gets u to pin prompt
1318 - long tone, when I hit '7' it said "sorry that is the wrong account number' then when I called back it said it was disconnected
1322 - long silence, error tone, then busy, then carrier signal (??)
1323 - personal, doesn't ring, some kid answered and talked to me 
1329 - busy (?)
1330 - busy (?)
1331 - busy (?)
1333 - personal
1334 - motor sports store, answering machin/vmb
1340 - apraisel company. answering machine
1346 - medical office, * asks for pin
1347 - silence, hit # and it says "thank you for calling" then dies
1348 - "please enter you employee number followed by the pound sign"
1349 - "I'm sorry but I'm not able to connect you right now please try calling back later"
1350 - same message as 1349
1351 - same again
1352 - same again
1353 - same again
1354 - same damn message
1355 - same again
1356 - I'm getting tired of that same message
1357 - same
1357 - take a guess
1358 - wow u guessed right
1360 - some printing company (called at 9pm central and they answered)
1361 - asphault paving 
1363 - some hick woman with an answering machien
1364 - sex line
1367 - avi business revenue solutions
1369 - magic cat inc.
1371 - pager
1372 - four lane magazine, * enters login prompt
1374 - answering machine or pager, no info
1378 - shauntee, stupid music, he can't reach his voice mail cause someone fucked it up
1399 - anwering machine or pager, no info

Completed: 11/18/01 - 8:57pm EST

 / \                                         /::\
 \_/__By: BaGel & ic0n_______________________\::/

00- "We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed." (Error 51)
01- Fast Busy Signal (FB Sig), then goes away.
02- "      "      "       "
03- "      "      "       "
04- FAX
05- FAX
06- FAX
07- FAX
08- FAX
09- FAX
10- FAX
11- FAX
12- FAX
13- FAX
14- Norsterm Corporate Offices
15- Eperson Lumber
16- National Communications Center
17- FB Sig, then goes away
18- "      "      "       "
19- "      "      "       "
20- *Error 51*
21- VMS/Pager, 0 to login
22- QTone Help Desk (aye, mate!)
23- FB Sig, then goes away
24- "The toll free number you have dialed has been disconnected."      (Error 061T)
25- Personal
26- Barbay Sassie Support Center
27- Personal
28- Williams Communications, AT&T Shared Resource Center
29- *Error 061T"
30- Personal
31- *Error 061T" 
32- *Error 51*
33- "You're call cannot be completed as entered." (Error 44735)
34- Personal
35- FB Sig
36- *Error 44735*
37- *Error 44735*
38- MODEM - USLink Dial-Up Service - User Access Verification @     115200bps     8-N-1
39- sum bookstore in Inglewood, CA
40- VMS/Fax, 0 to login
41- Type of 800 forwarding service, forwards to 718-672-6845
42- "For Rent Magazine"
43- Oddly-Setup VMS
44- Staff Masters, USA
45- "You've reached a non-working number..."
46- WorldCom Paging System
47- FB Sig
48- FB Sig
49- Personal
50- FB Sig
51 dis or ns
52 vms (octel) 10 digit boxes
53 nationwide messaging
54 busy
55 some offices vmb/pager
56 company~voice
57 vmb * to login
58 ansering machine
59 dis
60 skytel pager
61 nis or bfal
62 fax
63 fax
64 fax
65 fax
66 fax
67 fax
68 fax
69 fax
70 fax
71 fax
72 fax
73 fax
74 fax
75 fax
76 fax
77 fax
78 fax
79 fax
80 fax
81 fax
82 funny ringging personal assastance
83 hello
84 rang
85 dis or nis
86 hello
87 cbc
88 dis
89 vmb * to login
90 nothing
91 busy
92 the columbus company
93 cerizon voicemail 10 digit boxes
94 busy
95 busy
96 busy
97 hello
98 busy
99 us 222 rt 33 vms # to login

done: 11-14-01

 / \                                         /::\

00 Nv
01 Company~voice
02 busy
03 busy
04 busy
05 busy
06 busy
07 busy
08 busy
09 busy
10 busy
11 busy
12 busy
13 nv
14 busy
15 audix vms *8 to login  4 digit boxes
16 busy
17 busy
18 busy
19 rang
20 candle peopple's vms # to login
21 bfac
22 this service is not working anymore :(
23 busy
24 hello
25 something i forgot
26 vmb (octel)
27 bfac or nis 
28 area code 612 has changed
29 ape something vms *8 to login (audix?)
30 'how can i help you'
31 nis
32 some communication center
33 vmb # to login
34 rang
35 non working number
36 some bitch
37 beep hmmm maybe an answering machine
38 wow that's a big name
39 fb
40 skytel pager
41 silent line
42 what a goofy guy lph owns him too 
43 what a bitch tell her lph ownz her and she's got a toll free number
44 Net2fone cbc at this time
45 slinet line
46 hello
47 what a homo (prank this fag)
48 dis
49 skytel 2 way
50 dis
51 holy shit they said that fast
52 vms (octel) 10 digit boxes
53 skytel 2 way system
54 vms (meridan) i think
55 company~voice
56 company~voice
57 fax
58 fax
59 fax
60- Model/Fax Carrier
61- Modem/Fax Carrier
62- Modem/Fax Carrier
63- Modem/Fax Carrier
64- Modem/Fax Carrier
65- Modem/Fax Carrier
66- Modem/Fax Carrier
67- Modem/Fax Carrier
68- Woah, Thats odd. Reads numbers and hangs up.
69- Making Waves (some g4y company)
70- Hello
71- Cannot be competed as dialed
72- Fast busy
73- Unitel Communications
74- Rings...
75- Cannot be completed as dialed
76- Fax carrier
78- Sounds like a PBX tone, and then a fax carrier.
79- Rings...
80- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect. 
81- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
82- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect. 
83- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
84- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
85- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
86- Hello
87- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
88- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
89- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
90- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
91- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
92- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
93- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
94- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
95- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
96- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
97- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
98- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.
99- Fast busy, then line goes silent, but does not disconnect.

by: jenn

877-222-1900 Not valid.
877-222-1901 Fax.
877-222-1902 Fax.
877-222-1903 Fax.
877-222-1904 Fax.
877-222-1905 Fax.
877-222-1906 Ring. Co. Rec. Fontico (?). #=0 *=replay ogm
877-222-1907 Fax.
877-222-1908 Fax.
877-222-1909 Fax.
877-222-1910 Fax.
877-222-1911 Fax.
877-222-1912 Fax.
877-222-1913 Fax.
877-222-1914 Fax.
877-222-1915 Fax.
877-222-1916 Fax.
877-222-1917 Fax.
877-222-1918 Fax.
877-222-1919 Fax.
877-222-1920 Fax.
877-222-1921 Fax.
877-222-1922 Fax.
877-222-1923 Fax.
877-222-1924 Fax.
877-222-1925 Fax.
877-222-1926 Fax.
877-222-1927 Fax.
877-222-1929 Fax.
877-222-1930 Fax.
877-222-1931 Fax.
877-222-1932 Co. VMB. *=prompt
877-222-1933 Disconnected. 110T.
877-222-1934 Ring to reorder.
877-222-1935 Ring to reorder.
877-222-1936 Ring to nothing.
877-222-1937 Reorder
877-222-1938 Reorder
877-222-1939 5 rings. No answer.
877-222-1940 Disconnected. 110T.
877-222-1941 Co. Rec. Risco Loss Reporting for the Select something
877-222-1942 Ameritech chimes. Beep. Voice mail box. *=prompt.
877-222-1943 Co. Rec. Ans Mach. Something Marine Company.
877-222-1944 Pager. #=addtional options. Futurepage.
877-222-1945 Can not be completed as entered. 44 505.
877-222-1946 Busy
877-222-1947 Co. Rec. Ans mach. Morenco West?.
877-222-1950 Disconnected. 110T
877-222-1951 Fax.
877-222-1952 5 rings. No answer.
877-222-1953 5 rings. No answer.
877-222-1954 Disconnected. 110T
877-222-1955 Reorder.
877-222-1956 Ring to reorder
877-222-1957 5 rings. No answer.
877-222-1958 The first time I heard a stuttering dial tone. I hit # and was
forwarded to the answering service for some company. The second time I heard
2 static distorted touch tones and the same recording this time distorted
like the touch tones.
877-222-1959 Not valid.
877-222-1960 DS2. Can't be completed at this time.
877-222-1961 Can't be completed as dialed. 2EL.
877-222-1962 Can not be reached from your calling area. 47 505
877-222-1963 Ring to nothing.
877-222-1964 Co. Rec. Conservative Book Club. *=0 #=0
877-222-1965 Fax.
877-222-1966 Fax.
877-222-1967 Fax.
877-222-1968 Fax.
877-222-1969 Fax.
877-222-1970 Fax.
877-222-1971 Fax.
877-222-1972 Fax.
877-222-1973 Fax.
877-222-1974 Fax.
877-222-1975 Ring to nothing.
877-222-1976 Can not be reached from your calling area. 47 505
877-222-1977 Ring 5 times. No answer.
877-222-1978 Can not be completed as dialed. 54-1
877-222-1979 Reorder to nothing.
877-222-1980 Reorder to nothing.
877-222-1981 Reorder to nothing
877-222-1982 Ring 5 times. No answer.
877-222-1983 Reorder to nothing.
877-222-1984 Reorder to nothing.
877-222-1985 Ring. Reorder. Nothing.
877-222-1986 Reorder to nothing.
877-222-1987 Ring. Reorder. Nothing.
877-222-1988 Co. Person. Something Towing.
877-222-1989 Reorder to nothing.
877-222-1990 Person. Hello.
877-222-1991 Warble ring. World Com paging system.
877-222-1992 Double ring. 5 double rings. No answer.
877-222-1993 Ring. Reorder. Nothing.
877-222-1994 Disconnected. 110T
877-222-1995 Fax.
877-222-1996 Warbly reorder.
877-222-1997 Ring. Reorder. Nothing.
877-222-1998 Wlecome. Please enter the pound key after each entry. Please
enter the PIN number you wish.
877-222-1999 Not valid.

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