2 Number: 2 Title :PHREAK I By :BLUEBEARD Date :12/17/84 -------------------------------------- The Best from Phoenix Force: Compiled by Hellfire & Bluebeard. (We cracked Satans Hollow too!!!) Superfresh 1609-435-7429 Superfresh 1609-435-7609 M.I.T 1800-222-0555 University of Maine 1207-780-4102 U.S. Treasury 1202-353-9901 Pentagon 1202-545-6706 U.D.C College 1202-282-3010 Norad 1203-748-3947 COSMOS 1212-279-0011 Spence School 1212-369-5114 Naval Academy 1301-268-8914 Chessie System 1301-237-2374 Westinghouse 1301-962-5010 Computer Center 1615-537-9748 Dartmouth (_haha) 1603-643-6310 Herald Newspaper 1305-350-6373 Source 1800-572-2070 Source 1800-336-3366 Continued next messagePhoenix Force! <><><>Private Section<><><> MESSAGE COUNT = 4 (R)ead (E)nter (S)can (Q)uit Command (R,E,S,Q) --> R <-- (I)ndividual (F)orward (R)everse Your choice --> I <-- :::: READ INDIVIDUAL :::: Read message #3 Number: 3 Title :PHREAK II By :BLUEBEARD Date :12/17/84 -------------------------------------- Compiled and Hacked by => Phoenix Force <= Motorola 1800-323-4736 Compuserve Information 1800-848-4480 XEROX 1800-828-6321 Stocks 1800-882-1061 Amex 1800-228-1111 Citibank 1800-223-3313 MCI 1800-322-1415 Agridata 1800-558-0001 IDC 1800-344-1900 RCA/GA 1800-526-3714 E-Z Link 1800-325-4112 Lib Vax 1800-522-1800 Internal Revenue 1800-428-4732 TWA (2 tickets-Paris!) 1800-421-8480 W.I.T.S (??hmmm.WITS?) 1313-769-8803 Wylbur (Another strango)1212-246-7170 Woodhill Medical 1817-692-0537 United Stationary 1609-662-0015 Cigna 1609-346-3679 Cigna 1609-435-7974 Cigna 1609-435-0960 Continued Next MessagPhoenix Force!!! <><><>Private Section<><><> MESSAGE COUNT = 4 (R)ead (E)nter (S)can (Q)uit Command (R,E,S,Q) --> (>