-* SPECIAL NEWS RELEASE FROM THE ANTI-BELL GROUP *- RELEASED ON AUGUST 6 1994 The following 'special' 1-800 phone numbers are usable by any Canadian/USA hacker/phreaker to directly contact the operators in the following 49 countries. These 1-800 dial directly to the operator of the country of destination and bypass the Canadian phone system. This means that in any of these countries where you can use TONES to break the line and seize the phone system from the OPERATOR you can become the operator and make world wide phone calls at the expense of the originating countries phone system. These numbers should only be used by those phreakers who have experience at TONES and seizing the phone lines from the operator. These numbers were all valid as of August 6 1994 ! These phone numbers are also of interest to anyone who has phone access that will permit them to call into Canada and divert onto these numbers. Americans take note that you must first get hold of a number originating in CANADA to use these 1 800's to dial out. They will not work directly from within the United States although I assume that there must be something like these 1 800's that can be dialed directly from within the United States. So until you Yanks find the numbers that work from within the States, call up to a Canadian divertor and than use these to make the world your playground courtesy of Bell Stentnor Group. REMEMBER - these 1-800's only work if you are originating your call from a phone in Canada or diverting from a phone in CANADA - these numbers bypass the Canadian phone system and put you through directly to the OPERATOR in the country you are calling - many countries are hip to the old 2600 tone tricks but some are still pretty stupid - look at Denmark and Spain as two primary examples of countries that still fall for the TONE tricks ahahahah AUSTRALIA 1 800 663 0683 AUSTRIA 1 800 463 6352 BAHAMAS 1 800 463 0585 BAHRAIN 1 800 463 7396 BELGIUM 1 800 363 4032 BELIZE SOUTH AMERICA 1 800 463 1154 BERMUDA 1 800 363 4099 BRASIL 1 800 463 6656 CHINA ( Red China ) 1 800 663 4405 CHILE 1 800 463 2492 COLUMBIA 1 800 463 9587 COSTA RICA 1 800 463 0116 CROATIA 1 800 463 7719 CYPRUS 1 800 463 3053 DENMARK 1 800 363 4045 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1 800 463 3958 FINLAND 1 800 363 4035 FRANCE 1 800 363 4033 - Automated Service 1 800 463 6226 - International Automated GERMANY 1 800 465 0049 GUATEMALA 1 800 463 3180 HONG KONG 1 800 663 0685 1 800 663 5798 HUNGARY 1 800 463 8810 ICELAND 1 800 463 0085 INDONESIA 1 800 665 2596 IRELAND 1 800 463 2050 ISRAEL 1 800 463 1148 ITALY 1 800 363 4039 JAPAN 1 800 663 0681 1 800 663 0120 1 800 663 4816 1 800 665 2485 KOREA 1 800 663 0682 1 800 663 9889 LUXEMBOURG 1 800 463 3780 MACAO 1 800 463 0809 MALAYSIA 1 800 663 6817 NETHERLANDS (HOLLAND) 1 800 363 4031 NEW ZEALAND 1 800 663 0684 NICARAGUA 1 800 463 0729 NORWAY 1 800 363 4047 PHILLIPINES 1 800 565 7445 PORTUGAL 1 800 463 2776 PEURTO RICO 1 800 463 8909 SINGAPORE 1 800 665 6002 SPAIN 1 800 463 8255 SWEDEN 1 800 463 8129 TAIWAN 1 800 663 0688 THAILAND 1 800 663 7174 TURKEY 1 800 463 9433 UNITED KINGDOM 1 800 363 4144 1 800 463 0004 URAGUAY 1 800 463 3796 Enjoy and have fun with these 1 800 numbers dudes... and let Ma Bell know you appreciate this 'convenient' way of allowing Canadian hackers/phreakers to gain easy access to the phone systems of the countries listed above. And remember, only use and abuse these 1 800's if you know how to use tones to seize a phone line from an operator. The last thing we need are some wienies phucking around on these 1 800's who don't know what they are doing...