TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: db001006.txt

Toll-free numbers

                       -=-   TOLL FREE NUMBERS   -=-

     Speed Calling                1-800-321-4600
     TELEX                        1-800-842-8781
     Auto-Net                     1-800-521-2255
     Citibank   p/w 101.013       1-800-527-5439
     MIT                          1-800-222-0555
     Navy Finance Center          1-800-321-1082
     Motorola Ditell              1-800-323-4756
     Combat Arms and Service
     Enlisted Mobilisation Div.   1-800-325-4072
     Combatporch Branch           1-800-325-4095
     Western Union  P/W: ID BGT900100 or BGTOPI OPNS
                                  1-800-325-1693   1-800-325-4112
     ROPD USAR Combat Arms Div.   1-800-325-4890
     Message System               1-800-344-1000
     The Source                   1-800-368-3343
     Export/Import Bank           1-800-424-5201
     Telenet                      1-800-424-9494
     Puget Sound Naval Shipyard   1-800-426-5996
     Social Security              1-800-432-3960
     ITT City Call Switching      1-800-438-9428
     Pacific Telephone Newsline:
     San Diego                    1-800-522-1077
     Alcohol and Tobacco          1-800-523-0677
     RCA Mainframe                1-800-526-3714
     Federal Information Center   1-800-532-1556
     Bell Telemarketing           1-800-821-2121
     Xerox                        1-800-828-6321
     AT&T Stock Prices            1-800-882-1061
     800 #'s w/carriers:          323-9007/9066/9073, 547-1784, 225-8456,
                                  321-1646, 325-4112, 321-1851, 521-2255,
                                  327-6764, 378-5610, 368-5667, 368-5679,
                                  368-5826/5842/5843/5849/5936, 522-1800.

The Wanderjahr

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