TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: intcodes.txt

Winter 2001 International Codes List

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======================== "The name speaks for itself!" ========================

                     Phreaky International Codes Reference
                            ~ Winter 2001 Edition ~
                             (Released:  02/05/01)

Note:  2nd column are Country Codes, 3rd are IDDD prefixes, ~ denotes 2nd tone.

Afghanistan                +93   00      China                      +86   00
Albania                    +355  00      Christmas Island           +61   00
Algeria                    +213  00~     Cocos-Keeling Islands      +61   0011
American Samoa             +684  00      Colombia                   +57   009
Andorra                    +376  00      Comoros and Mayotte        +269  10
Angola                     +244  00      Congo                      +242  00
Anguilla                   +1    011     Congo (Zaire)              +243  00
Antarctica                 +672  --      Cook Islands               +682  00
Antigua                    +1    011     Costa Rica                 +506  00
Argentina                  +54   00      Croatia                    +385  00
Armenia                    +374  8~10    Cuba                       +53   119
Aruba                      +297  00      Curacao                    +599  0
Ascension Island           +247  01      Cyprus                     +357  00
Australia                  +61   0011    Czech Republic             +420  00
Australian Ext. Territories+672  --      Denmark                    +45   00
Austria                    +43   00      Diego Garcia               +246  00
Azerbaijan                 +994  8~10    Djibouti                   +253  00
Bahamas                    +1    011     Dominica                   +1    011
Bahrain                    +973  0       Dominican Republic         +1    011
Bangladesh                 +880  00      East Timor                 +670  --
Barbados                   +1    011     Easter Island              +56   00
Barbuda                    +1    011     Ecuador                    +593  00
Belarus                    +375  8~10    Egypt                      +20   00
Belgium                    +32   00      El Salvador                +503  0
Belize                     +501  00      Equatorial Guinea          +240  00
Benin                      +229  00      Eritrea                    +291  00
Bermuda                    +1    011     Estonia                    +372  8~00
Bhutan                     +975  00      Ethiopia                   +251  00
Bolivia                    +591  00      Falkland Islands           +500  0
Bosnia-Herzegovina         +387  00      Faroe Islands              +298  009
Botswana                   +267  00      Fiji                       +679  05
Brazil                     +55   00      Finland                    +358  00
British Virgin Islands     +1    011     France                     +33   00
Brunei Darussalm           +673  00      French Antilles            +596  00
Bulgaria                   +359  00      French Guiana              +594  00
Burkina Faso               +226  00      French Polynesia           +689  00
Burma (Myanmar)            +95   0       FYR Macedonia              +389  00
Burundi                    +257  90      Gabon                      +241  00
Cambodia                   +855  00      Gambia                     +220  00
Cameroon                   +237  00      Georgia                    +995  8~10
Canada                     +1    011     Germany                    +49   00
Cape Verde Islands         +238  0       Ghana                      +233  00
Cayman Islands             +1    011     Gibraltar                  +350  00
Central African Republic   +236  19      Global Mobile Sat. System  +881  --
Chad                       +235  15      Greece                     +30   00
Chatam Island (New Zealand)+64   00      Greenland                  +299  009
Chile                      +56   00      Grenada/Carricou           +1    011

Guadeloupe                 +590  00      Montserrat                 +664  011
Guam                       +1    011     Morocco                    +212  00~
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba       +5399 00      Mozambique                 +258  00
Guatemala                  +502  00      Myanamar                   +95   0
Guinea (PRP)               +224  00      Namibia                    +264  00
Guinea-Bissau              +245  00      Nauru                      +674  00
Guyana                     +592  001     Nepal                      +977  00
Haiti                      +509  00      Netherlands                +31   00
Honduras                   +504  00      Netherlands Antilles       +599  00
Hong Kong                  +852  001     Nevis                      +1    011
Hungary                    +36   00      New Caledonia              +687  00
Iceland                    +354  00      New Zealand                +64   00
India                      +91   00      Nicaragua                  +505  00
Indonesia                  +62   001     Niger                      +227  00
Inmarsat (Atl. Ocean East) +871  00      Nigeria                    +234  009
Inmarsat (Atl. Ocean West) +874  00      Niue                       +683  00
Inmarsat (Indian Ocean)    +873  00      Norfolk Island             +672  00
Inmarsat (Pacific Ocean)   +872  00      Northern Marianas Islands  +1    011
Inmarsat SNAC              +870          Norway                     +47   00
Iran                       +98   00      Oman                       +968  00
Iraq                       +964  00      Pakistan                   +92   00
Ireland                    +353  00      Palau                      +680  011
Israel                     +972  00      Palestine                  +970  00
Italy                      +39   00      Panama                     +507  0
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire)+225  00      Papua New Guinea           +675  05
Jamaica                    +1    011     Paraguay                   +595  00
Japan                      +81   011     Peru                       +51   00
Jordan                     +962  00      Philippines                +63   00
Kazakhstan                 +7    8~10    Poland                     +48   0~0
Kenya                      +254  000     Portugal                   +351  00
Kiribati, Gilbert Islands  +686  00      Puerto Rico                +1    011
Korea (North)              +850  99      Qatar                      +974  0
Korea (South)              +82   001     Reunion Island             +262  00
Kuwait                     +965  00      Romania                    +40   00
Kyrgyz Republic            +996  8~10    Rota Island                +670  011
Laos                       +856  14      Russia                     +7    8~10
Latvia                     +371  00      Rwanda                     +250  00
Lebanon                    +961  00      Saipan                     +670  011
Lesotho                    +266  00      Samoa, American            +684  00
Liberia                    +231  00      San Marino                 +378  00
Libya                      +218  00      Sao Tombe and Principe     +239  00
Liechtenstein              +423  00      Saudi Arabia               +966  00
Lithuania                  +370  8~10    Senegal                    +221  00
Luxembourg                 +352  00      Serbia and Montenegro      +381  00
Macao (Macau)              +853  00      Seychelles Islands         +248  00
Madagascar                 +261  00      Sierra Leone               +232  00
Malawi                     +265  101     Singapore                  +65   001
Malaysia                   +60   00      Slovak Republic            +421  00
Maldives                   +960  00      Slovenia                   +386  00
Mali Republic              +223  00      Solomon Islands            +677  00
Malta                      +356  00      Somalia                    +252  19
Marshall Islands           +692  011     South Africa               +27   09
Martinique                 +596  00      Spain                      +34   00
Mauritania                 +222  00      Sri Lanka                  +94   00
Mauritius                  +230  00      St. Helena                 +290  01
Mexico                     +52   00      St. Kitts and Nevis        +1    011
Micronesia                 +691  011     St. Lucia                  +1    011
Midway Island              +808  00      St. Pierre and Miquelon    +508  00
Moldova                    +373  8~10    St. Vincent and Grenadines +1    011
Monaco                     +377  00      Sudan                      +249  00
Mongolia                   +976  00      Suriname                   +597  00

Swaziland                  +268  00      Ukraine                    +380  8~10
Sweden                     +46   001     United Arab Emirates       +971  00
Switzerland                +41   00      United Kingdom             +44   00
Syria                      +963  00      United States of America   +1    011
Taiwan                     +886  002     UPT*                       +878  --
Tajikistan                 +992  8~10    US Virgin Islands          +1    011
Tanzania                   +255  00      Uruguay                    +598  00
Thailand                   +66   001     Uzbekistan                 +998  8~10
Tinian Island              +670  011     Vanuatu                    +678  00
Togo                       +228  00      Vatican City       +379 or +39   00
Tokelau                    +690  00      Venezuela                  +58   00
Tonga Islands              +676  00      Vietnam                    +84   00
Trinidad and Tobago        +1    011     Wake Island                +808  00
Tunisia                    +216  00      Wallis and Futuna Islands  +681  19~
Turkey                     +90   00      Western Samoa              +685  0
Turkmenistan               +993  8~10    Yemen Arab Republic        +967  00
Turks and Caicos Islands   +1    011     Zambia                     +260  00
Tuvalu, Ellice Islands     +688  00      reserved for Zanzibar      +259  --
Uganda                     +256  00      Zimbabwe                   +263  00ÿ


* - Acronym for Universal Personal Telecommunications

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