TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: mcinfo.txt

MCI Worldcom Network Assistance - Dialup numbers

    _______________________________________________    _________________
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    _|   |/   /  =  \|       |/  =  \|  /  |  ___/_ _  |  |      |  /___ _
    \________/___|___\__|_|__/___|___\_____|______/|_| \__|__|\__|_____/|_|
======================== "The name speaks for itself!" ========================

                        MCI Worldcom Network Assistance
                   Access Numbers for CompuServe, BT Tymnet,
                              Datapac, AlaskaNet.


This list contains access numbers and logon instructions for the X.25 networks
mentioned above.  All of the information that follows was captured from the
MCI Worldcom Network Assistance system.  Everything has been provided, including
the 1-800 numbers and local numbers for each country and NPA that's serviced.
All you have to do is search by network, country or the specific NPA from which
you want to access them.


atdt *67,,1 800 848 4480


Host Name:  CPS

User ID: 74,74

Network Assistance   PHN-28

If you are using a personal computer and the PC3 communications software, please
enter the following command:

        SET TER PC3

for the best display.

Once the screen is redisplayed, enter a carriage return to display the main

Press <CR> for more !

Access Numbers and Instructions   PHN-1

 1 Access Numbers & Logon Instructions
 2 Network Announcements
 3 CompuServe Nodes and Locations

Enter choice !1

Access Numbers & Logon Instructions   PHN-10

 1 United States and Canada
 2 All Other Countries - Specify Country
 3 All Other Countries - Complete Access Number List

Enter choice !1

United States and Canada   PHN-40

 1 CompuServe Network
 2 Supplemental Networks

Enter choice !1

CompuServe Access (US and Canada)   PHN-100

 1 Search for Access Numbers
 2 Only 56,000 baud
 3 Only 57,600 ISDN
 4 Only 64,000 - 128,000 ISDN/IP
 5 CompuServe 800 Numbers
 6 Canadian Logon Instructions
 7 List all Numbers

Enter choice !6

Network Assistance   PHN-5

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:

                               MCI WORLDCOM
                             Advanced Networks
                       Canada - USA Network Service



1. Establish a phone connection by dialing one of the MCI Worldcom access 
   number listed under "List Access Numbers" on the previous menu.
Press <CR> for more !

2. Once the connection has been made, enter:


3. Your screen displays MCI Worldcom's network prompt as seen below.  At this
   point, enter the host name assigned by your organization, followed by a
   <CR>, and follow the remainder of their log on instructions.  If the
   service you wish to reach is on a MCI Worldcom host, the Host Name you
   should enter is CIS followed by a <CR> after which you will see the User
   ID prompt.  Enter your User ID and log on as usual.

   Host Name:
Press <CR> for more !


1. After logging off your host according to your organization's instructions,
   your screen displays the following:

   Host Name:

2. You enter the following, at which point you will be disconnected from the
   MCI Worldcom network:

   OFF <CR>
Press <CR> for more !

Last page !

CompuServe Access (US and Canada)   PHN-100

 1 Search for Access Numbers
 2 Only 56,000 baud
 3 Only 57,600 ISDN
 4 Only 64,000 - 128,000 ISDN/IP
 5 CompuServe 800 Numbers
 6 Canadian Logon Instructions
 7 List all Numbers

Enter choice !7

List by:   PHN-101

 1 State/Province
 2 Area Code

Enter choice !1

Sorting, one moment please...

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:y

                   Domestic CompuServe Access Numbers

CITY              ST     PHONE            BAUD        NET  TYPE
----              --     -----     ------------------ ---  ----
Calgary           AB 403/294-9120  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Edmonton          AB 780/440-2744  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Anchorage         AK 907/562-3835  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fairbanks         AK 907/458-8988  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Birmingham        AL 205/933-6212  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Dothan            AL 334/702-8257  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Florence          AL 256/760-8580  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Huntsville        AL 256/533-0196  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Mobile            AL 334/660-6948  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Mobile            AL 334/660-1729  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Montgomery        AL 334/270-5845  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tuscaloosa        AL 205/562-0062  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bentonville       AR 501/273-7747  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fayetteville      AR 501/521-3774  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fayetteville      AR 501/527-9321  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Ft. Smith         AR 501/785-0047  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Little Rock       AR 501/376-8544  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Phoenix           AZ 602/468-0285  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Sierra Vista      AZ 520/459-5955  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tucson            AZ 520/571-0207  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Yuma              AZ 520/539-0019  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Vancouver         BC 604/739-8194  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Victoria          BC 250/479-9452  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Anaheim           CA 714/563-9431  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bakersfield       CA 805/324-4303  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chico             CA 530/897-5900  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chula Vista       CA 619/585-0309  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Encinitas         CA 760/753-0235  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fairfield         CA 707/427-5600  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fresno            CA 559/453-1487  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fresno            CA 559/455-2300  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Hayward           CA 510/889-6009  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Irvine            CA 949/252-1131  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Irvine-ISDN       CA 949/261-0583  57,600             CPS V120     
Lancaster         CA 805/948-7298  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lawndale          CA 310/370-2831  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Livermore         CA 925/606-9460  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Long Beach        CA 562/989-7012  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Los Angeles       CA 213/624-3730  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Los Angeles       CA 213/688-7363  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Modesto           CA 209/578-6524  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Monrovia          CA 626/303-3869  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Monterey          CA 831/648-0139  300-33,600         CPS V34      
N. Hollywood      CA 818/752-8045  300-33,600         CPS V34      
N. Hollywood      CA 818/755-9438  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Napa              CA 707/257-0234  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Oakland           CA 510/251-8304  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Oxnard            CA 805/985-2514  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Palm Springs      CA 760/778-3524  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Pleasant Hill     CA 925/682-2055  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Pomona            CA 909/865-0553  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Redding           CA 530/222-0298  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Riverside         CA 909/358-0205  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Sacramento        CA 916/568-0241  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Sacramento        CA 916/649-3840  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Salinas           CA 831/754-1858  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Bernardino    CA 909/882-6646  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Diego         CA 619/467-9508  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Francisco     CA 415/434-1580  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Francisco     CA 415/956-0290  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
San Luis Obispo   CA 805/544-0137  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Marcos        CA 760/471-5268  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Mateo         CA 650/802-0130  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Rafael        CA 415/444-5200  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Rafael        CA 415/446-7307  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Santa Barbara     CA 805/968-8210  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Clara       CA 408/980-1044  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Clarita     CA 805/297-0546  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Cruz        CA 831/462-9666  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Maria       CA 805/937-5490  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Monica      CA 310/390-4188  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Rosa        CA 707/579-1588  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Rosa        CA 707/569-7140  300-57,600         CPS V90      
So. Lake Tahoe    CA 530/541-0151  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Stockton          CA 209/475-6000  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Thousand Oaks     CA 805/499-6110  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Vallejo           CA 707/645-1534  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Van Nuys          CA 818/988-9791  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Van Nuys          CA 818/787-9905  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Ventura           CA 805/644-7860  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Woodland          CA 530/661-9296  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Aspen             CO 970/920-4565  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Colorado Sprngs   CO 719/522-1049  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Denver            CO 303/595-0123  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Dillon            CO 970/668-3384  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Durango           CO 970/259-3017  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ft. Collins       CO 970/229-0246  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Glenwood Spring   CO 970/928-0507  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Grand Junction    CO 970/241-5116  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Greeley           CO 970/356-6538  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Longmont          CO 303/684-9225  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Loveland          CO 970/667-7681  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Pueblo            CO 719/546-1574  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Steamboat Spngs   CO 970/870-0501  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Vail              CO 970/949-4614  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bridgeport        CT 203/929-4918  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Danbury           CT 203/744-4640  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Deep River        CT 860/526-8600  300-33,600         CPS V34      
East Haven        CT 203/397-0512  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hartford          CT 860/727-8708  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lakeville         CT 860/435-4020  300-33,600         CPS V34      
New London        CT 860/437-5100  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Stafford          CT 860/684-8800  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Stamford          CT 203/324-1115  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Waterbury         CT 203/756-6368  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Westport          CT 203/454-7935  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Washington        DC 202/547-0103  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Washington        DC 202/543-9749  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Rehoboth Beach    DE 302/945-5207  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Wilmington        DE 302/452-1448  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cocoa Beach       FL 407/633-0149  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cocoa Beach       FL 407/609-9017  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Daytona Beach     FL 904/238-5354  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Deerfield Beach   FL 954/426-0228  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ft. Lauderdale    FL 954/489-0001  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ft. Myers         FL 941/334-9270  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ft. Myers         FL 941/334-1055  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Gainesville       FL 352/371-0661  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Gainesville       FL 352/337-0879  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Jacksonville      FL 904/730-0046  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Key West          FL 305/294-5979  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kissimmee         FL 407/932-0018  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lakeland          FL 941/646-0239  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Miami             FL 305/262-9325  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Naples            FL 941/566-7015  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Orlando           FL 407/896-6122  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Panama City       FL 850/763-2907  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Panama City       FL 850/763-4089  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Pensacola         FL 850/433-1828  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Sarasota          FL 941/951-6755  300-33,600         CPS V34      
St. Petersburg    FL 727/896-8007  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tallahassee       FL 850/422-9604  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tampa             FL 813/229-3200  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tampa             FL 813/204-9043  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Vero Beach        FL 561/567-1588  300-33,600         CPS V34      
West Palm Beach   FL 561/624-7451  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Winter Haven      FL 941/291-4038  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Albany            GA 912/435-1540  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Albany            GA 912/430-0384  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Athens            GA 706/353-6120  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Atlanta           GA 404/841-0578  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Atlanta           GA 404/261-2944  56,000             CPS X2       
Augusta           GA 706/722-3361  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Brunswick         GA 912/265-0527  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Columbus          GA 706/321-8805  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Macon             GA 912/464-0860  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Savannah          GA 912/353-8559  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Thomasville       GA 912/226-6822  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Warner Robins     GA 912/922-2179  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hilo              HI 808/934-0406  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Honolulu          HI 808/528-0430  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lihue             HI 808/246-2651  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Maui              HI 808/877-6041  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cedar Rapids      IA 319/362-4075  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Davenport         IA 319/322-6898  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Des Moines        IA 515/276-7231  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Iowa City         IA 319/337-9844  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Sioux City        IA 712/258-8432  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Boise             ID 208/386-9712  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ketchum           ID 208/788-3433  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Pocatello         ID 208/232-0123  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Aurora            IL 630/801-9468  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bloomington       IL 309/829-0156  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Champaign         IL 217/356-1082  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chicago           IL 312/201-0711  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chicago           IL 773/693-4100  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chicago           IL 312/895-7373  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Decatur           IL 217/422-3026  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Deerfield         IL 847/267-9120  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Deerfield         IL 847/317-1548  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Dekalb            IL 815/748-2705  300-33,600         CPS V34      
East St. Louis    IL 618/874-4311  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Evanston          IL 847/556-7373  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Evanston          IL 847/733-2959  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Joliet            IL 815/723-0167  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Joliet            IL 815/723-2553  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Kankakee          IL 815/939-0129  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Libertyville      IL 847/549-0309  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Libertyville      IL 847/549-6403  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Lombard           IL 630/261-0040  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Peoria            IL 309/688-9500  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Rockford          IL 815/226-9871  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Schaumburg        IL 847/781-6962  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Springfield       IL 217/789-9412  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bloomington       IN 812/330-1424  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Columbus          IN 812/348-7000  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Elkhart           IN 219/522-6127  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Evansville        IN 812/426-7112  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ft. Wayne         IN 219/447-9258  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Gary              IN 219/981-5200  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Indianapolis      IN 317/638-8129  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kokomo            IN 765/864-6500  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lafayette         IN 765/476-5300  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Muncie            IN 765/281-0095  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Richmond          IN 765/935-3590  300-33,600         CPS V34      
South Bend        IN 219/271-0016  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Terre Haute       IN 812/235-1800  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Warsaw            IN 219/267-1463  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lawrence          KS 785/749-2900  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Manhattan         KS 785/776-9665  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Topeka            KS 785/232-1317  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Wichita           KS 316/269-3625  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lexington         KY 606/254-6557  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Louisville        KY 502/568-6250  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Owensboro         KY 502/691-0011  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Alexandria        LA 318/445-0020  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Baton Rouge       LA 225/383-9998  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lafayette         LA 318/234-0416  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lake Charles      LA 318/433-6737  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Monroe            LA 318/322-0412  300-33,600         CPS V34      
New Orleans       LA 504/585-1120  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Shreveport        LA 318/861-0158  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Shreveport        LA 318/676-0860  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Amherst           MA 413/549-6024  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Billerica         MA 978/667-1765  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Boston            MA 617/426-9295  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Boston-ISDN       MA 617/338-0093  57,600             CPS V120     
Brockton          MA 508/588-3585  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cambridge         MA 617/661-7071  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Concord           MA 978/371-0354  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fall River        MA 508/674-1377  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Framingham        MA 508/628-9439  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Gardner           MA 978/630-1002  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Groton            MA 978/448-8616  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hudson            MA 978/568-8019  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lawrence          MA 978/725-0155  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Maynard           MA 978/897-4746  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Medfield          MA 508/359-7603  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Medway            MA 508/533-2722  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Mendon            MA 508/478-0653  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Newburyport       MA 978/499-0062  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Pittsfield        MA 413/442-2008  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Springfield       MA 413/747-4460  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Westborough       MA 508/366-2617  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Worcester         MA 508/849-1000  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Winnipeg          MB 204/489-9747  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Annapolis         MD 410/266-9547  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Annapolis         MD 410/224-8487  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Baltimore         MD 410/494-8403  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Frederick         MD 301/682-3260  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hyattsville       MD 301/403-1687  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Salisbury         MD 410/749-2484  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bangor            ME 207/941-9904  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Portland          ME 207/775-6249  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ann Arbor         MI 734/761-9300  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Benton Harbor     MI 616/927-0003  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Detroit           MI 313/535-1466  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Flint             MI 810/238-8555  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Grand Rapids      MI 616/956-0075  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Holland           MI 616/355-5600  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Jackson           MI 517/780-9025  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kalamazoo         MI 616/373-3750  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kalamazoo         MI 616/345-1298  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Lansing           MI 517/332-7141  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Mt. Clemens       MI 810/468-1301  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Mt. Clemens       MI 810/783-6770  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Pontiac           MI 248/335-2680  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Saginaw           MI 517/753-5100  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Traverse City     MI 616/933-3400  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Troy              MI 248/244-8740  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Duluth            MN 218/722-0017  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Mankato           MN 507/388-4240  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Minneapolis       MN 612/339-1805  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Rochester         MN 507/252-9800  300-33,600         CPS V34      
St. Cloud         MN 320/202-6500  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Branson           MO 417/339-3550  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Columbia          MO 573/499-9540  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Jefferson City    MO 573/761-5625  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kansas City       MO 816/221-3817  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Springfield       MO 417/887-8767  300-33,600         CPS V34      
St. Charles       MO 314/925-3924  300-33,600         CPS V34      
St. Louis         MO 314/421-5651  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Gulfport          MS 228/863-1368  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Jackson           MS 601/352-5182  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Billings          MT 406/259-0299  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Helena            MT 406/449-0083  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Asheville         NC 828/684-0773  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Burlington        NC 336/584-5823  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chapel Hill       NC 919/929-0443  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Charlotte         NC 704/358-8991  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Durham            NC 919/309-7100  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fayetteville      NC 910/860-8600  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fayetteville      NC 910/223-1508  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Goldsboro         NC 919/751-3200  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Greensboro        NC 336/292-3461  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Raleigh           NC 919/664-5848  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Raleigh           NC 919/664-8262  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Wilmington        NC 910/392-5543  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Winston-Salem     NC 336/724-9748  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fargo             ND 701/241-4457  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lincoln           NE 402/474-2316  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Omaha             NE 402/343-2042  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Concord           NH 603/225-7322  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Manchester        NH 603/666-4266  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Nashua            NH 603/886-6080  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Atlantic City     NJ 609/641-1460  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Berlin            NJ 609/753-4700  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bound Brook       NJ 732/764-0925  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Caldwell          NJ 973/276-8088  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cherry Hill       NJ 609/667-8865  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Eatontown         NJ 732/935-0137  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Franklin          NJ 973/827-0636  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hackettstown      NJ 908/852-0303  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Millville         NJ 609/327-2898  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Morristown        NJ 973/984-5113  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Newark            NJ 973/623-5666  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Princeton         NJ 609/497-2384  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ridgewood         NJ 201/251-7865  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Rochelle Park     NJ 201/712-0479  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Toms River        NJ 732/914-1954  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Trenton           NJ 609/530-1517  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Wayne             NJ 973/872-9576  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Woodbridge        NJ 732/632-9384  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Albuquerque       NM 505/268-8748  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Farmington        NM 505/326-5338  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Las Cruces        NM 505/541-4549  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Los Alamos        NM 505/662-6971  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Santa Fe          NM 505/995-0068  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Halifax           NS 902/457-0669  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Las Vegas         NV 702/796-4877  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Reno              NV 775/322-8968  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Albany            NY 518/464-5457  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Binghamton        NY 607/773-3111  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Buffalo           NY 716/633-0562  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ithaca            NY 607/257-4264  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Jericho           NY 516/932-3198  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lake Ronkonkoma   NY 516/981-0029  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Limestone         NY 716/925-7351  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Middletown        NY 914/343-4646  300-33,600         CPS V34      
New York          NY 212/766-2080  300-33,600         CPS V34      
New York          NY 718/210-0599  300-33,600         CPS V34      
New York          NY 212/812-7373  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Niagara Falls     NY 716/278-3600  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Poughkeepsie      NY 914/485-1203  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Rochester         NY 716/254-1390  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Syracuse          NY 315/451-8093  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tonawanda         NY 716/694-5551  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Utica             NY 315/737-0114  300-33,600         CPS V34      
White Plains      NY 914/761-9780  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Williston Park    NY 516/222-8050  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Akron             OH 330/836-0679  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Athens            OH 740/594-7800  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cambridge         OH 740/439-3032  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Canton            OH 330/454-1155  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cincinnati        OH 513/771-0592  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Cleveland         OH 216/781-7598  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Dayton            OH 937/224-4576  300-57,600         CPS X2/V90   
Delaware          OH 740/363-9395  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Dublin            OH 614/764-2957  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Dublin-ISDN       OH 614/717-9700  57,600             CPS V120     
Findlay           OH 419/420-7200  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lancaster         OH 740/689-4400  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Marietta          OH 740/376-5700  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Marysville        OH 937/642-3940  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Newark            OH 740/349-1000  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ravenna           OH 330/677-7780  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Toledo            OH 419/242-5706  300-33,600         CPS V34      
WATS 800          OH 800/331-7166  9600-33,600        CPS V34      
WATS ISDN         OH 800/473-6282  57,600             CPS V120     
WATS ISDN/IP      OH 800/333-4474  64,000-128,000     CPS ISDN/IP  
WATS X2           OH 800/572-1959  300-56,000         CPS X2/V90   
Youngstown        OH 330/965-6800  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Bartlesville      OK 918/336-5283  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lawton            OK 580/355-8118  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Oklahoma City     OK 405/942-7278  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Stillwater        OK 405/742-4600  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tulsa             OK 918/621-1036  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hamilton          ON 905/529-4601  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kitchener         ON 519/741-1100  300-33,600         CPS V34      
London            ON 519/663-1880  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ottawa            ON 613/237-0400  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Toronto           ON 416/367-8122  300-33,600         CPS V34      
WATS/Canada       ON 800/843-0378  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Albany            OR 541/924-9486  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Eugene            OR 541/689-6031  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Medford           OR 541/857-2917  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Portland          OR 503/274-6400  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Salem             OR 503/362-0358  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Allentown         PA 610/530-4032  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Butler            PA 724/285-2194  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Carlisle          PA 717/243-6477  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Erie              PA 814/864-5184  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Harrisburg        PA 717/541-0210  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lancaster         PA 717/581-9500  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Norristown        PA 610/277-1301  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Philadelphia      PA 215/561-1634  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Pittsburgh        PA 412/471-6417  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Reading           PA 610/374-4450  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Scranton          PA 570/961-2759  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Somerset          PA 814/443-1477  300-33,600         CPS V34      
State College     PA 814/231-0252  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Wilkes Barre      PA 570/822-3315  300-33,600         CPS V34      
York              PA 717/755-5060  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Juan          PR 787/722-0995  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Montreal          QC 514/879-5826  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Quebec City       QC 418/649-7082  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Providence        RI 401/435-1100  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Charleston        SC 843/763-3423  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Charleston        SC 843/722-0342  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Columbia          SC 803/776-2229  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Greenville        SC 864/676-9228  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Hilton Head       SC 843/842-7007  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Myrtle Beach      SC 843/448-4350  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Spartanburg       SC 864/585-0337  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Rapid City        SD 605/348-1664  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Regina            SK 306/352-7168  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Saskatoon         SK 306/242-4660  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Chattanooga       TN 423/892-7064  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Clarksville       TN 931/647-2859  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Johnson City      TN 423/434-0590  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kingsport         TN 423/239-0052  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Knoxville         TN 423/558-8180  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Memphis           TN 901/454-6851  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Nashville         TN 615/367-0014  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Abilene           TX 915/698-9650  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Amarillo          TX 806/345-2782  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Amarillo          TX 806/324-4021  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Austin            TX 512/326-1155  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Beaumont          TX 409/835-0397  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Brownsville       TX 956/233-1241  300-33,600         CPS V34      
College Station   TX 409/696-4488  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Conroe            TX 409/756-8219  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Corpus Christi    TX 512/887-2891  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Corpus Christi    TX 512/693-9011  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Dallas            TX 214/720-9183  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Dallas-ISDN       TX 214/953-1152  57,600             CPS V120     
Denton            TX 940/484-0037  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Edinburg          TX 956/928-1222  300-33,600         CPS V34      
El Paso           TX 915/771-9669  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Ft. Worth         TX 817/685-2737  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Galveston         TX 409/766-1133  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Houston           TX 713/650-5143  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Houston           TX 713/970-4250  56,000             CPS X2       
Houston-ISDN      TX 713/718-9541  57,600             CPS V120     
Killeen           TX 254/690-6702  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Laredo            TX 956/725-9163  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Longview          TX 903/753-0596  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lubbock           TX 806/797-0479  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Lubbock           TX 806/472-1091  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Lufkin            TX 409/633-0001  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Midland           TX 915/563-0009  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Angelo        TX 915/942-6680  300-33,600         CPS V34      
San Antonio       TX 210/736-8645  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Texarkana         TX 903/832-1066  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tyler             TX 903/509-0680  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Waco              TX 254/751-9590  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Kaysville         UT 801/544-3791  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Park City         UT 435/649-0121  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Provo             UT 801/375-1748  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Salt Lake City    UT 801/521-9777  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Charlottesville   VA 804/295-2846  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fairfax           VA 703/591-0461  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fairfax-ISDN      VA 703/359-3916  57,600             CPS V120     
Fredericksburg    VA 540/374-5115  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Fredericksburg    VA 540/368-0021  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Lynchburg         VA 804/847-2501  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Manassas          VA 703/335-1259  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Norfolk           VA 757/855-6499  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Purcellville      VA 540/338-6900  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Radford           VA 540/633-6000  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Reston            VA 703/934-2267  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Richmond          VA 804/287-8566  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Roanoke           VA 540/362-1126  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Staunton          VA 540/851-1700  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Burlington        VT 802/860-0550  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Manchester Ctr    VT 802/362-2264  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Blaine            WA 360/332-2134  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Everett           WA 425/303-8377  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Olympia           WA 360/352-0335  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Seattle           WA 206/515-6000  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Seattle-ISDN      WA 206/269-0538  57,600             CPS V120     
Spokane           WA 509/326-0318  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tacoma            WA 253/922-1246  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Tacoma            WA 253/922-6227  300-57,600         CPS V90      
Vancouver         WA 360/604-6016  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Appleton          WI 920/830-8352  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Green Bay         WI 920/498-8874  300-33,600         CPS V34      
La Crosse         WI 608/784-9466  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Madison           WI 608/256-6716  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Milwaukee         WI 414/453-3010  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Sheboygan         WI 920/451-1832  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Wausau            WI 715/359-5959  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Charleston        WV 304/342-0153  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Huntington        WV 304/733-0026  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Morgantown        WV 304/291-6783  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Parkersburg       WV 304/424-6003  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Wheeling          WV 304/233-9508  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Casper            WY 307/266-2392  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Cheyenne          WY 307/632-0486  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Jackson           WY 307/739-2280  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Laramie           WY 307/742-2320  300-33,600         CPS V34      

List by:   PHN-101

 1 State/Province
 2 Area Code

Enter choice !

CompuServe Access (US and Canada)   PHN-100

 1 Search for Access Numbers
 2 Only 56,000 baud
 3 Only 57,600 ISDN
 4 Only 64,000 - 128,000 ISDN/IP
 5 CompuServe 800 Numbers
 6 Canadian Logon Instructions
 7 List all Numbers

Enter choice !5

Network Assistance   PHN-49

    CompuServe 1-800 Network Surcharge Rates, quoted in U.S. dollars:

     -----------     ----------       ---------      -----------
      300-33.6          V34         United States      $ 9/hour
       56,000           X2          United States      $ 9/hour
       57,600           ISDN        United States      $ 9/hour
       64-128K          ISDN/IP     United States      $ 9/hour

      300-33.6          V34             Canada         $13/hour
      300-33.6          V34            Caribbean       $75/hour

Press <CR> for more !

Network Assistance   PHN-18

    Surcharge applies for all hours originated from a CompuServe
    1-800 dial access node located in the Continental United States
    or Canada.  These surcharges may be modified by CompuServe upon
    (1) month prior written notice.  Users should contact their
    local account team for current applicable surcharges.

    Please Note:  X2, ISDN, and ISDN/IP Wats access is not
                  available from Canada at this time.

Press <CR> for more !

Network Assistance   PHN-105

CITY              ST     PHONE            BAUD        NET  TYPE
----              --     -----     ------------------ ---  ----

WATS 800          OH 800/331-7166  9600-33,600        CPS V34      
WATS ISDN         OH 800/473-6282  57,600             CPS V120     
WATS ISDN/IP      OH 800/333-4474  64,000-128,000     CPS ISDN/IP  
WATS X2           OH 800/572-1959  300-56,000         CPS X2/V90   
WATS/Canada       ON 800/843-0378  300-33,600         CPS V34      
Last page !

CompuServe Access (US and Canada)   PHN-100

 1 Search for Access Numbers
 2 Only 56,000 baud
 3 Only 57,600 ISDN
 4 Only 64,000 - 128,000 ISDN/IP
 5 CompuServe 800 Numbers
 6 Canadian Logon Instructions
 7 List all Numbers

Enter choice !

United States and Canada   PHN-40

 1 CompuServe Network
 2 Supplemental Networks

Enter choice !2

Network Assistance   PHN-210


 1 SprintNet
 2 BT Tymnet
 3 Canadian Datapac
 4 AlaskaNet

Enter choice !1

Network Assistance   PHN-212


 1 Logon Procedure
 2 List
 3 Search
 4 Only 2400 baud

Enter choice !1

Network Assistance   PHN-181

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:y



1.   Once a connection is established by dialing the SprintNet
     access number, enter one of the following: 
     For full-duplex transmission (300 bps - 1200 bps): 

     For full-duplex transmission (2400 bps - 9600 bps): 
2.   Your screen displays: 
     202 08C 
     Terminal=<two character code>  D1  <CR> 

3.   You enter: 
     C 202202 
     NOTE:  If you wish to receive the "Host Name" prompt, you must
     enter an "E" at the end. 
     I.e. C 202202E 

     If you do not add the "E" you will receive the "User ID"


1.   After disconnecting from your host computer, your screen
     202202 Disconnected 
2.   If you do not automatically receive a "disconnected" message,
     you should enter: 

3.   Your screen displays: 
4.   You enter: 

Last page !

Network Assistance   PHN-212


 1 Logon Procedure
 2 List
 3 Search
 4 Only 2400 baud

Enter choice !

Network Assistance   PHN-210


 1 SprintNet
 2 BT Tymnet
 3 Canadian Datapac
 4 AlaskaNet

Enter choice !2

Network Assistance   PHN-211

BT Tymnet

 1 Logon Procedure
 2 List
 3 Search
 4 Only 2400 Baud

Enter choice !1

Network Assistance   PHN-215

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:


     1. Establish connection by dialing your local TYMNET access number.



        YOU ENTER:
Press <CR> for more !

            A  (no carriage return)


           PLEASE LOG IN
        YOU ENTER:



Press <CR> for more !

           Host Name:

      For example, your organizations Host Name is ABC,

        YOU ENTER:


Last page !

Network Assistance   PHN-211

BT Tymnet

 1 Logon Procedure
 2 List
 3 Search
 4 Only 2400 Baud

Enter choice !2

Network Assistance   PHN-216

LIST - BT Tymnet

 1 State
 2 Area Code

Enter choice !1

Sorting, one moment please...

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:Y

                   Domestic BT Tymnet Access Numbers

CITY              ST     PHONE            BAUD        NET  TYPE
----              --     -----     ------------------ ---  ----
Anniston          AL 256/236-3342  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Anniston          AL 256/231-5600  9600               TYM V32      
Dothan            AL 334/712-6967  9600               TYM V32      
Gadsden           AL 256/543-3550  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Gadsden           AL 256/543-4200  9600               TYM V32      
Huntsville        AL 256/882-9199  9600               TYM V32      
Northport         AL 205/750-8524  9600               TYM V32      
Opelika           AL 334/742-9040  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Opelika           AL 334/705-8000  9600               TYM V32      
Fayetteville      AR 501/442-0234  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Fayetteville      AR 501/442-3742  9600               TYM V32      
Hot Springs       AR 501/623-3576  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hot Springs       AR 501/623-0129  9600               TYM V32      
Jonesboro         AR 870/935-7957  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pine Bluff        AR 870/535-2629  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pine Bluff        AR 870/535-2595  9600               TYM V32      
Springdale        AR 501/442-0234  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Flagstaff         AZ 520/774-3857  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Flagstaff         AZ 520/779-9775  9600               TYM V32      
Yuma              AZ 520/329-0098  9600               TYM V32      
Alhambra          CA 626/308-1800  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Alhambra          CA 626/289-1035  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Antioch           CA 925/754-8222  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Antioch           CA 925/778-0982  9600               TYM V32      
Belmont           CA 650/361-8701  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Belmont           CA 650/367-0334  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Beverly Hills     CA 818/789-9557  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Burbank           CA 818/841-4795  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Burbank           CA 818/558-1508  9600               TYM V32      
Burlingame        CA 650/588-3043  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Canoga Park       CA 818/789-9557  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Cathedral City    CA 760/324-0728  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Cathedral City    CA 760/324-0920  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Chico             CA 530/343-4401  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Chico             CA 530/342-2007  9600               TYM V32      
Concord           CA 925/935-1507  1200-2400          TYM 224      
Corona            CA 909/737-5510  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Davis             CA 530/758-3551  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Diamond Bar       CA 909/860-0057  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Diamond Bar       CA 909/860-2881  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
El Centro         CA 760/352-5823  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
El Centro         CA 760/352-8114  9600               TYM V32      
El Segundo        CA 310/643-4228  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
El Segundo        CA 310/536-0657  9600               TYM V32      
Eureka            CA 707/445-3021  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Eureka            CA 707/445-2458  9600               TYM V32      
Fairfield         CA 707/421-0106  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Fairfield         CA 707/434-1040  9600               TYM V32      
Fremont           CA 510/490-7366  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Fremont           CA 510/498-4400  9600               TYM V32      
Garden Grove      CA 714/379-1728  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Inglewood         CA 323/588-8128  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Inglewood         CA 323/587-7514  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Los Alamos        CA 805/922-3308  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Los Altos         CA 408/432-8618  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Los Altos         CA 408/432-0804  9600               TYM V32      
Los Gatos         CA 408/356-1818  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Marysville        CA 530/749-8015  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Marysville        CA 530/749-0171  9600               TYM V32      
Merced            CA 209/383-7593  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Merced            CA 209/726-0960  9600               TYM V32      
Moorpark          CA 805/531-9840  9600               TYM V32      
Moorpark          CA 805/523-0203  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Newport Beach     CA 949/752-1493  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Newport Beach     CA 949/852-8141  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Ontario           CA 909/860-0057  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Pacheco           CA 925/935-1507  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Palo Alto         CA 650/361-8701  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Palo Alto         CA 650/367-0334  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Pasadena          CA 626/308-1800  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Pleasanton        CA 925/462-2101  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pleasanton        CA 925/484-1025  9600               TYM V32      
Port Hueneme      CA 805/985-7843  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Port Hueneme      CA 805/984-5636  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Poway             CA 619/679-0200  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Poway             CA 619/679-2024  9600               TYM V32      
Redding           CA 530/245-0308  9600               TYM V32      
Redwood City      CA 650/361-8701  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Redwood City      CA 650/367-0334  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
San Clemente      CA 949/240-9424  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
San Clemente      CA 949/489-0986  9600               TYM V32      
San Fernando      CA 818/789-9557  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
San Jose          CA 408/432-8618  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
San Jose          CA 408/432-0804  9600               TYM V32      
San Luis Obispo   CA 805/549-7811  9600               TYM V32      
San Pedro         CA 562/436-6033  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Santa Ana         CA 949/852-8141  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Santa Ana         CA 949/752-1493  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Sherman Oaks      CA 818/789-9557  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Sherman Oaks      CA 818/995-0517  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
So. Lake Tahoe    CA 530/544-1347  9600               TYM V32      
Upland            CA 909/985-1153  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Upland            CA 909/946-7676  9600               TYM V32      
Vallejo           CA 707/553-2616  9600               TYM V32      
Vernon            CA 323/587-7514  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Vernon            CA 323/588-8128  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Victorville       CA 760/955-7050  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Victorville       CA 760/241-3580  9600               TYM V32      
Visalia           CA 559/625-4891  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Visalia           CA 559/635-4289  9600               TYM V32      
Vista             CA 760/941-6700  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Vista             CA 760/941-9793  9600               TYM V32      
Walnut Creek      CA 925/935-1507  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Walnut Creek      CA 925/935-9806  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Whittier          CA 562/945-1984  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Whittier          CA 562/698-4281  9600               TYM V32      
Woodland          CA 530/758-3551  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ft. Collins       CO 970/221-5154  9600               TYM V32      
Bloomfield        CT 860/242-1986  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Bloomfield        CT 860/243-9446  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Fairfield         CT 203/454-2129  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Meriden           CT 203/686-1238  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Middletown        CT 203/686-1238  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
New Haven         CT 203/865-5770  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
New Haven         CT 203/789-1848  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Norwich           CT 203/444-7030  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Somers            CT 860/763-3521  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Dover             DE 302/678-3569  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Dover             DE 302/734-5018  9600               TYM V32      
Georgetown        DE 302/856-1788  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Georgetown        DE 302/856-2056  9600               TYM V32      
Boyntn Beach      FL 561/471-9310  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Clearwater        FL 727/441-1621  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Delray Beach      FL 561/272-7900  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Delray Beach      FL 561/278-1636  9600               TYM V32      
Ft. Pierce        FL 561/466-5661  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ft.Walton Beach   FL 850/243-1644  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ft.Walton Beach   FL 850/243-2921  9600               TYM V32      
Hollywood         FL 954/467-1870  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Hollywood         FL 954/779-3445  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Kissimmee         FL 407/870-7419  9600               TYM V32      
Leesburg          FL 352/360-1110  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Leesburg          FL 352/360-1068  9600               TYM V32      
Merrit Isle       FL 407/639-3022  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Ocala             FL 352/732-3707  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ocala             FL 352/840-5900  9600               TYM V32      
Ormond Beach      FL 904/673-0034  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ormond Beach      FL 904/673-6237  9600               TYM V32      
Pensacola         FL 850/474-9283  9600               TYM V32      
Port St. Lucie    FL 561/337-1992  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Port St. Lucie    FL 561/337-0254  9600               TYM V32      
Sarasota          FL 941/365-8089  9600               TYM V32      
Albany            GA 912/888-0154  9600               TYM V32      
Columbus          GA 706/327-4214  9600               TYM V32      
Doraville         GA 770/451-3362  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Doraville         GA 770/451-1546  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Martinez          GA 706/855-0442  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Martinez          GA 706/650-0207  9600               TYM V32      
Rome              GA 706/234-0102  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hilo              HI 808/935-5717  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Lahaina           HI 808/667-7591  9600               TYM V32      
Maui              HI 808/661-7688  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ames              IA 515/232-0157  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Cedar Falls       IA 319/236-9020  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Cedar Rapids      IA 319/365-0063  9600               TYM V32      
Dubuque           IA 319/582-3599  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Marshalltown      IA 515/753-0670  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ottumwa           IA 515/682-0857  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ottumwa           IA 515/683-8254  9600               TYM V32      
Waterloo          IA 319/236-9020  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Waterloo          IA 319/232-0990  9600               TYM V32      
Coeur D'Alene     ID 208/765-1465  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Idaho Falls       ID 208/522-3624  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Idaho Falls       ID 208/529-0053  9600               TYM V32      
Twin Falls        ID 208/734-0221  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Carbondale        IL 618/529-4300  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Carbondale        IL 618/529-1769  9600               TYM V32      
Danville          IL 217/442-1452  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Elgin             IL 847/888-8113  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Forest            IL 630/345-9100  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Freeport          IL 815/232-7111  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Glen Ellyn        IL 630/790-4955  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Glen Ellyn        IL 630/469-2694  9600               TYM V32      
Lake Bluff        IL 847/295-7075  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Lansing           IL 708/474-1422  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Loves Park        IL 815/877-8759  9600               TYM V32      
Loves Park        IL 815/633-2080  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Maywood           IL 630/345-9100  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Northfield        IL 847/501-4536  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
O'Fallon          IL 618/632-3993  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
O'Fallon          IL 618/628-4758  9600               TYM V32      
Palatine          IL 847/991-7171  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Palatine          IL 847/991-0303  9600               TYM V32      
Quincy            IL 217/223-9531  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Rock Island       IL 309/788-3713  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Rock Island       IL 309/788-0892  9600               TYM V32      
Rosemont          IL 847/698-9800  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
St. Charles       IL 630/844-0700  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Urbana            IL 217/344-3400  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Urbana            IL 217/344-4466  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Kokomo            IN 765/456-1305  9600               TYM V32      
Marion            IN 765/662-1928  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Marion            IN 765/668-0969  9600               TYM V32      
Mishawaka         IN 219/234-6410  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Hutchinson        KS 316/663-2192  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Leavenworth       KS 913/651-8094  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Leavenworth       KS 913/651-2543  9600               TYM V32      
Manhattan         KS 785/776-9803  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Mission           KS 913/384-5012  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Mission           KS 913/384-0071  9600               TYM V32      
Salina            KS 785/825-4845  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Salina            KS 785/825-1338  9600               TYM V32      
Bowling Green     KY 502/781-5711  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bowling Green     KY 502/796-2958  9600               TYM V32      
Frankfort         KY 502/223-0724  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Frankfort         KY 502/223-3532  9600               TYM V32      
Owensboro         KY 502/683-4319  9600               TYM V32      
Paducah           KY 502/443-1086  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Monroe            LA 318/327-3200  9600               TYM V32      
Slidell           LA 504/646-2900  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Slidell           LA 504/641-6668  9600               TYM V32      
Attleboro         MA 508/226-6441  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Attleboro         MA 508/226-5200  9600               TYM V32      
Bedford           MA 781/271-0420  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bedford           MA 781/275-5077  9600               TYM V32      
Franklin          MA 508/541-8300  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Franklin          MA 508/541-7400  9600               TYM V32      
Holyoke           MA 413/787-0048  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Holyoke           MA 413/732-2118  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Kingston          MA 781/582-1200  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Kingston          MA 781/585-0300  9600               TYM V32      
Leominster        MA 978/537-6451  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Leominster        MA 978/840-0342  9600               TYM V32      
Lowell            MA 978/452-5112  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Lowell            MA 978/458-0623  9600               TYM V32      
Lynn              MA 781/592-0207  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Lynn              MA 781/592-5424  9600               TYM V32      
Manchester        MA 978/526-1506  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Manchester        MA 978/526-1444  9600               TYM V32      
Marlborough       MA 508/481-0026  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Marlborough       MA 508/229-0041  9600               TYM V32      
Maynard           MA 978/897-5559  9600               TYM V32      
Milford           MA 508/634-0449  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
New Bedford       MA 508/999-1860  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
New Bedford       MA 508/999-0322  9600               TYM V32      
Pittsfield        MA 413/499-0971  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pittsfield        MA 413/442-9841  9600               TYM V32      
Randolph          MA 781/986-0500  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Randolph          MA 781/961-4809  9600               TYM V32      
Somerset          MA 508/676-3087  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Taunton           MA 508/824-3816  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Taunton           MA 508/880-6125  9600               TYM V32      
Templeton         MA 978/939-4459  9600               TYM V32      
Templeton         MA 978/939-4849  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Waltham           MA 781/642-9050  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Waltham           MA 781/642-9074  9600               TYM V32      
Aberdeen          MD 410/273-0872  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Aberdeen          MD 410/273-9600  9600               TYM V32      
Bethesda          MD 703/352-3136  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bethesda          MD 703/385-7587  9600               TYM V32      
Cumberland        MD 301/777-9320  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Meyersville       MD 301/293-9504  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Meyersville       MD 301/293-2460  9600               TYM V32      
Rockville         MD 301/294-4522  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Rockville         MD 301/309-1501  9600               TYM V32      
Salisbury         MD 410/543-8575  9600               TYM V32      
Auburn            ME 207/795-6013  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Auburn            ME 207/782-4195  9600               TYM V32      
Augusta           ME 207/622-3083  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Augusta           ME 207/623-9590  9600               TYM V32      
Bangor            ME 207/990-9001  9600               TYM V32      
Lewiston          ME 207/795-6013  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Presque Isle      ME 207/764-4167  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Battle Creek      MI 616/964-9303  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Battle Creek      MI 616/964-7733  9600               TYM V32      
Burton            MI 810/743-8350  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Burton            MI 810/743-5396  9600               TYM V32      
Cadillac          MI 616/775-9242  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Freeland          MI 517/695-6751  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Freeland          MI 517/695-9766  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Marquette         MI 906/228-3780  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Muskegon          MI 616/739-3453  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Plymouth          MI 734/451-2400  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Plymouth          MI 734/455-1441  9600               TYM V32      
Port Huron        MI 810/982-0301  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Port Huron        MI 810/987-1560  9600               TYM V32      
Roseville         MI 810/774-1000  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Southfield        MI 248/424-8024  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Southfield        MI 248/557-2106  9600               TYM V32      
Hibbing           MN 218/262-3824  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bridgeton         MO 314/291-0067  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Bridgeton         MO 314/291-6744  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Cape Girardeau    MO 573/335-1518  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Cape Girardeau    MO 573/339-5995  9600               TYM V32      
Jefferson City    MO 573/635-0035  9600               TYM V32      
Joplin            MO 417/781-8718  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Rolla             MO 573/364-2084  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
St. Joseph        MO 816/232-1455  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
St. Louis         MO 314/622-0900  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hattiesburg       MS 601/582-0286  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hattiesburg       MS 601/582-3051  9600               TYM V32      
Meridian          MS 601/482-4335  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pascagoula        MS 228/769-0121  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pascagoula        MS 228/762-0436  9600               TYM V32      
Tupelo            MS 601/841-0090  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Tupelo            MS 601/841-0184  9600               TYM V32      
Vicksburg         MS 601/638-1551  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Vicksburg         MS 601/636-0114  9600               TYM V32      
Bozeman           MT 406/585-9719  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bozeman           MT 406/586-0596  9600               TYM V32      
Butte             MT 406/494-6682  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Butte             MT 406/494-1038  9600               TYM V32      
Great Falls       MT 406/727-9510  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Great Falls       MT 406/453-0529  9600               TYM V32      
Missoula          MT 406/542-0472  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Missoula          MT 406/721-0737  9600               TYM V32      
Fayetteville      NC 910/423-0576  9600               TYM V32      
Gastonia          NC 704/867-2203  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Gastonia          NC 704/867-0046  9600               TYM V32      
Greenville        NC 252/758-0102  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Greenville        NC 252/757-2168  9600               TYM V32      
High Point        NC 336/883-6121  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
High Point        NC 336/883-6106  9600               TYM V32      
Kannapolis        NC 704/932-4131  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Kannapolis        NC 704/933-4532  9600               TYM V32      
Rocky Mount       NC 252/937-4828  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Rocky Mount       NC 252/937-4202  9600               TYM V32      
Bismark           ND 701/223-5165  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bismark           ND 701/223-9365  9600               TYM V32      
Fargo             ND 701/237-0337  9600               TYM V32      
Grand Forks       ND 701/746-0344  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Minot             ND 701/838-2140  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Minot             ND 701/839-7670  9600               TYM V32      
Grand Island      NE 308/382-3176  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Durham            NH 603/868-1502  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Durham            NH 603/868-1440  9600               TYM V32      
Hanover           NH 603/643-7666  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
North Hampton     NH 603/964-7779  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
North Hampton     NH 603/964-4929  9600               TYM V32      
Peterborough      NH 603/924-7090  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Peterborough      NH 603/924-7829  9600               TYM V32      
West Lebanon      NH 603/643-7474  9600               TYM V32      
Englewood         NJ 201/567-8951  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Englewood         NJ 201/816-1642  9600               TYM V32      
Paterson          NJ 973/742-0752  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Paterson          NJ 973/523-8622  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Pennsauken        NJ 609/665-5902  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Pennsauken        NJ 609/665-0637  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Piscataway        NJ 732/562-8550  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Piscataway        NJ 732/562-0570  9600               TYM V32      
Rahway            NJ 732/396-8550  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Rahway            NJ 732/574-9278  9600               TYM V32      
Red Bank          NJ 732/758-0337  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Red Bank          NJ 732/224-0873  9600               TYM V32      
South Brunswick   NJ 609/452-9529  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
South Brunswick   NJ 609/452-8388  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Union City        NJ 201/864-8468  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Union City        NJ 201/617-9069  9600               TYM V32      
Vineland          NJ 609/692-8943  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Vineland          NJ 609/692-8337  9600               TYM V32      
Roswell           NM 505/623-3591  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Santa Fe          NM 505/471-0606  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Santa Fe          NM 505/473-2181  9600               TYM V32      
Carson City       NV 775/885-8411  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Carson City       NV 775/885-0188  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Centereach        NY 516/471-6080  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Corning           NY 607/962-4481  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Corning           NY 607/962-4898  9600               TYM V32      
Elmira            NY 607/737-9065  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Elmira            NY 607/735-0621  9600               TYM V32      
Hempstead         NY 516/485-7422  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hempstead         NY 516/565-0111  9600               TYM V32      
Jamestown         NY 716/488-0794  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Jamestown         NY 716/488-9984  9600               TYM V32      
Kingston          NY 914/339-1463  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Kingston          NY 914/339-0210  9600               TYM V32      
Lake Grove        NY 516/471-6080  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Lake Grove        NY 516/471-4020  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Melville          NY 516/420-4579  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Melville          NY 516/420-4190  9600               TYM V32      
New City          NY 914/634-0388  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Perinton          NY 716/385-5710  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Perinton          NY 716/586-4100  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Pittsford         NY 716/385-5710  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Pittsford         NY 716/586-4100  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Watertown         NY 315/788-1816  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Watertown         NY 315/786-3394  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Windsor           NY 914/561-9103  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Cleveland         OH 216/861-6709  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Elyria            OH 440/324-7156  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Findlay           OH 419/427-1600  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hamilton          OH 513/874-1744  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Lima              OH 419/228-6343  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Mansfield         OH 419/747-6200  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Mansfield         OH 419/747-9068  9600               TYM V32      
Springfield       OH 937/322-8855  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Springfield       OH 937/325-8871  9600               TYM V32      
Steubenville      OH 740/284-0020  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Warren            OH 330/392-2555  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Warren            OH 330/393-4006  9600               TYM V32      
Wintersville      OH 740/284-0020  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Zanesville        OH 740/454-2893  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ardmore           OK 580/226-1260  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Enid              OK 580/242-0113  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bend              OR 541/389-0146  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Corvallis         OR 541/757-6341  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Corvallis         OR 541/758-0056  9600               TYM V32      
Altoona           PA 814/941-2852  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Altoona           PA 814/941-8548  9600               TYM V32      
Bethlehem         PA 610/865-6978  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Bethlehem         PA 610/882-3883  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Coatesville       PA 610/383-0440  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Coatesville       PA 610/384-0852  9600               TYM V32      
Erie              PA 814/459-0307  9600               TYM V32      
Greensburg        PA 724/838-1920  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Greensburg        PA 724/830-0580  9600               TYM V32      
Johnstown         PA 814/539-5059  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Lemoyne           PA 717/975-9881  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Lemoyne           PA 717/975-8168  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Levittown         PA 215/943-3700  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
New Castle        PA 724/658-5056  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
New Castle        PA 724/657-1802  9600               TYM V32      
Springfield       PA 610/328-9002  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Springfield       PA 610/604-9884  9600               TYM V32      
Valley            PA 610/666-9190  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Williamsport      PA 570/321-8520  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Williamsport      PA 570/320-0420  9600               TYM V32      
Middletown        RI 401/849-1660  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Middletown        RI 401/846-8088  9600               TYM V32      
Newport           RI 401/849-1660  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Woonsocket        RI 401/766-2000  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Woonsocket        RI 401/765-0326  9600               TYM V32      
Aiken             SC 803/648-0237  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Florence          SC 843/664-0550  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Spartanburg       SC 864/579-9087  9600               TYM V32      
Pierre            SD 605/224-7700  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pierre            SD 605/224-0931  9600               TYM V32      
Sioux Falls       SD 605/334-0085  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Sioux Falls       SD 605/331-6467  9600               TYM V32      
Blountville       TN 423/323-1962  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Clarksville       TN 931/645-8877  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Jackson           TN 901/661-0904  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Jackson           TN 901/661-0153  9600               TYM V32      
Johnson City      TN 423/975-9184  9600               TYM V32      
Kingsport         TN 423/378-5746  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Oak Ridge         TN 423/482-1466  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Sevierville       TN 423/453-0401  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Amarillo          TX 806/359-1124  9600               TYM V32      
Amarillo          TX 806/355-7088  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Baytown           TX 281/420-3389  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Baytown           TX 281/420-3283  9600               TYM V32      
Bryan             TX 409/823-1090  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bryan             TX 409/823-4900  9600               TYM V32      
Harlingen         TX 956/423-0051  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
McAllen           TX 956/618-0320  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
McKinney          TX 972/542-2641  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Midland           TX 915/561-8108  9600               TYM V32      
Odessa            TX 915/561-8401  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Port Arthur       TX 409/721-3400  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Port Arthur       TX 409/729-3517  9600               TYM V32      
San Angelo        TX 915/658-4590  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
San Angelo        TX 915/653-3300  9600               TYM V32      
Sherman           TX 903/868-0089  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Temple            TX 254/773-2545  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Temple            TX 254/778-8801  9600               TYM V32      
Texarkana         TX 903/792-4521  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Victoria          TX 512/576-9200  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Victoria          TX 512/572-0158  9600               TYM V32      
Wichita Falls     TX 940/723-2386  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Wichita Falls     TX 940/723-6248  9600               TYM V32      
Ogden             UT 801/393-5280  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Ogden             UT 801/393-9924  9600               TYM V32      
Hampton           VA 804/727-0572  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Hampton           VA 757/723-0277  9600               TYM V32      
Harrisonburg      VA 540/433-6333  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Harrisonburg      VA 540/432-7921  9600               TYM V32      
Newport News      VA 757/596-0898  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Newport News      VA 757/595-7180  9600               TYM V32      
Petersburg        VA 804/861-1788  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Petersburg        VA 804/863-0180  9600               TYM V32      
Barre             VT 802/229-4508  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Montpelier        VT 802/229-4508  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Montpelier        VT 802/229-0722  9600               TYM V32      
Auburn            WA 253/735-3975  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bellingham        WA 360/671-7750  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bellingham        WA 360/647-8544  9600               TYM V32      
Bremerton         WA 360/377-2792  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bremerton         WA 360/377-5640  9600               TYM V32      
Kennewick         WA 509/783-1315  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Kennewick         WA 509/783-2201  9600               TYM V32      
Longview          WA 360/423-9072  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Longview          WA 360/423-0233  9600               TYM V32      
Port Angeles      WA 360/452-6800  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Port Angeles      WA 360/457-1863  9600               TYM V32      
Pullman           WA 509/332-3760  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Pullman           WA 509/332-6205  9600               TYM V32      
Vancouver         WA 360/574-0427  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Vancouver         WA 360/576-6830  9600               TYM V32      
Yakima            WA 509/248-1462  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Yakima            WA 509/452-1824  9600               TYM V32      
Appleton          WI 920/733-4195  9600               TYM V32      
Beloit            WI 608/362-4655  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Beloit            WI 608/363-0912  9600               TYM V32      
Brookfield        WI 414/785-0630  1200-2400          TYM 224MNP   
Brookfield        WI 414/796-1087  9600-14,400        TYM V32      
Eau Claire        WI 715/833-0121  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Eau Claire        WI 715/833-7608  9600               TYM V32      
Green Bay         WI 920/432-0293  9600               TYM V32      
Kenosha           WI 414/553-9044  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Kenosha           WI 414/553-9603  9600               TYM V32      
Oshkosh           WI 920/235-7473  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Wausau            WI 715/848-6171  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
West Bend         WI 414/334-1755  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Bluefield         WV 304/325-0517  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Clarksburg        WV 304/624-1451  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Huntington        WV 304/529-0339  9600               TYM V32      
Westover          WV 304/292-3092  300-2400           TYM 224MNP   
Casper            WY 307/235-1260  9600               TYM V32      

Network Assistance   PHN-216

LIST - BT Tymnet

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Network Assistance   PHN-211

BT Tymnet

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Network Assistance   PHN-210


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Network Assistance   PHN-14

Canadian Datapac

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Network Assistance   PHN-13

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1. Establish a connection by dialing the local Datapac access number.

   For access at 300 bps, enter the following:

   For access at 1200 bps, enter the following:


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2. Your screen then displays the following:

   <Datapac dial port address>

3. Please enter the address below:


4. Your screen displays MCI Worldcom's network prompt.  At this point, enter the
   Host Name assigned by your organization, followed by a <CR>, and follow the
   remainder of their log on instructions.  If the service you wish to reach
   is on a MCI Worldcom host, the Host Name you should enter is CIS followed by
   a <CR> after which you will see the User ID prompt.  Enter your User ID and
   log on as usual.  Refer below:

   DATAPAC:   call connected

   Host Name:

5. Datapac Customer Service Number: 

        In Canada:  1-800 267-6574
   Outside Canada:  (613) 781-6798

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Canadian Datapac

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Network Assistance   PHN-15

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Network Assistance   PHN-16

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                   Domestic Datapac Access Numbers

CITY              ST     PHONE            BAUD        NET  TYPE
----              --     -----     ------------------ ---  ----
Airdrie           AB 403/234-7740  300-1200           DPC 212      
Banff             AB 403/762-9475  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Barrhead          AB 780/674-2575  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Bonnyville        AB 780/826-4726  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Brooks            AB 403/362-0452  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Camrose           AB 780/672-0003  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Drayton Valley    AB 780/542-6022  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Drumheller        AB 403/823-5055  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Fort McMurray     AB 780/743-4226  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Grand Prairie     AB 780/532-4527  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Grande Centre     AB 780/594-0108  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
High Level        AB 780/926-2341  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Hinton            AB 780/865-1477  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Leduc             AB 780/421-0250  300-1200           DPC 212      
Lethbridge        AB 403/320-6294  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Lloydminister     AB 780/875-0121  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Medicine Hat      AB 403/526-8721  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Peace River       AB 780/624-2552  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Red Deer          AB 403/346-6660  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sherwood Park     AB 780/421-0268  300-1200           DPC 212      
St. Albert        AB 780/421-0280  300-1200           DPC 212      
St. Paul          AB 780/645-1831  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Stony Plain       AB 780/421-0236  300-1200           DPC 212      
Taber             AB 403/223-8299  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Vegreville        AB 780/632-4002  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Wainwright        AB 780/842-6700  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Abbottsford       BC 604/850-8413  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Campbell River    BC 250/287-9583  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chilliwack        BC 604/795-4589  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Courtenay         BC 250/334-9702  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Cranbrook         BC 250/489-5371  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Dawson Creek      BC 250/782-8964  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Duncan            BC 250/748-9993  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Fort Nelson       BC 250/774-4096  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Fort St. John     BC 250/785-9483  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Kamloops          BC 250/374-7852  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Kelowna           BC 250/868-9658  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Nanaimo           BC 250/753-5729  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Nelson            BC 250/354-1246  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Parksville        BC 250/954-3891  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Penticton         BC 250/493-7596  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Port Alberni      BC 250/724-7329  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Port Hardy        BC 250/949-8976  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Powell River      BC 604/485-9457  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Prince George     BC 250/564-9246  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Prince Rupert     BC 250/627-4346  9600               DPC MTRLA    
Quesnel           BC 250/992-9084  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Salmon Arms       BC 250/832-7825  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Smithers          BC 250/847-8859  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Squamish          BC 604/892-5173  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Terrace           BC 250/638-8908  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Trail             BC 250/364-0928  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Vernon            BC 250/549-5187  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Whistler          BC 604/932-4293  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Williams Lake     BC 250/392-3090  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Brandon           MB 204/725-0593  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Dauphin           MB 204/638-3025  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Flin Flon         MB 204/687-7986  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Morden            MB 204/822-6824  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Portage La Prai   MB 204/239-0355  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Selkirk           MB 204/482-7050  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Steinbach         MB 204/326-2972  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
The Pas           MB 204/623-4543  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Thompson          MB 204/677-2376  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Bathurst          NB 506/547-0114  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Campbellton       NB 506/753-3297  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Caraquet          NB 506/727-6630  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Dalhousie         NB 506/684-1819  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Edmunston         NB 506/739-0889  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Florenceville     NB 506/392-5995  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Fredericton       NB 506/457-0491  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Grand Falls       NB 506/473-4337  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Hartland          NB 506/375-4639  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Miramichi         NB 506/622-0120  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Moncton           NB 506/852-3041  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
New Castle        NB 506/622-0120  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Richibucto        NB 506/523-6408  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sackville         NB 506/536-1879  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Saint John        NB 506/633-0105  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Shediac           NB 506/533-3180  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Shippagan         NB 506/336-1085  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Andrew        NB 506/529-3920  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Quentin       NB 506/235-2079  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Stephen       NB 506/465-0996  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sussex            NB 506/433-1625  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Tracadie          NB 506/395-9748  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Woodstock         NB 506/325-2937  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Arnolds Cove      NF 709/463-2483  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Bay Roberts       NF 709/786-0946  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Carbonear         NF 709/596-0576  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Clarenville       NF 709/466-1457  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Cornerbrook       NF 709/634-0384  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Deer Lake         NF 709/635-4407  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Gander            NF 709/256-8216  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Grand Falls       NF 709/489-4656  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Happy Valley      NF 709/896-3381  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Labrador          NF 709/944-2602  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Lewisporte        NF 709/535-0475  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Marystown-Burin   NF 709/279-1310  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Port Aux Basque   NF 709/695-9771  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Springdale        NF 709/673-2782  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Anthony       NF 709/454-2634  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. John's        NF 709/739-0357  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Stephenville      NF 709/643-2035  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Amherst           NS 902/667-4524  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Antigonish        NS 902/863-1977  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Bridgewater       NS 902/543-5699  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Kentville         NS 902/679-1943  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Kingston          NS 902/765-3003  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
New Glasgow       NS 902/755-9170  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Port Hawksbury    NS 902/625-5430  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sydney            NS 902/567-1460  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Truro             NS 902/895-9348  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Wallace           NS 902/257-2108  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Windsor           NS 902/798-0614  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Yarmouth          NS 902/742-3003  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Cambridge Bay     NT 867/983-8870  300-2400           DPC 224      
Fort Simpson      NT 867/695-8870  300-2400           DPC 224      
Fort Smith        NT 867/872-8870  300-2400           DPC 224      
Hay River         NT 867/874-8870  300-2400           DPC 224      
Inuvik            NT 867/777-8870  300-2400           DPC 224      
Iqaluit           NT 867/979-3282  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Norman Wells      NT 867/587-8870  300-2400           DPC 224      
Yellowknife       NT 867/920-9600  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Ajax-Pickering    ON 905/428-3207  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Alliston          ON 705/435-5104  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Arnprior          ON 613/623-5748  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Aurora            ON 905/727-7172  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Barrie            ON 705/737-9311  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Belleville        ON 613/969-8888  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Bolton            ON 905/453-4844  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Bracebridge       ON 705/645-6789  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Brampton          ON 905/453-4844  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Brantford         ON 519/758-5161  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Brockville        ON 613/498-1441  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Campbellville     ON 905/854-1952  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chalk River       ON 613/584-1557  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chatham           ON 519/351-8948  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Clinton           ON 519/482-5496  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Cobourg           ON 905/372-8378  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Collingwood       ON 705/444-5656  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Cornwall          ON 613/936-2215  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Deep River        ON 613/584-1557  9600               DPC MTRLA    
Dryden            ON 807/223-7172  300-2400           DPC 224      
Exeter            ON 519/235-4709  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Fort Erie         ON 905/871-4748  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Goderich          ON 519/524-1149  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Guelph            ON 519/763-3690  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Hanover           ON 519/364-3240  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Hawkesbury        ON 613/632-1207  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Huntsville        ON 705/789-4383  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Kenora            ON 807/467-3480  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Kingston          ON 613/547-0051  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Lindsay           ON 705/324-3544  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Listowel          ON 519/291-3300  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
London            ON 519/432-3201  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Maidstone         ON 519/973-3909  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Midland           ON 705/527-5745  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Milton            ON 905/875-3327  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Newmarket         ON 905/836-1706  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Niagara Falls     ON 905/357-4872  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
North Bay         ON 705/497-9877  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Orangeville       ON 519/942-4526  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Orillia           ON 705/329-2862  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Oshawa            ON 905/404-2095  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Ottawa            ON 613/567-4537  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Ottawa            ON 613/789-1483  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Owen Sound        ON 519/371-8317  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Parry Sound       ON 705/746-9057  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Pembroke          ON 613/735-7026  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Perth             ON 613/267-7019  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Peterborough      ON 705/876-0884  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Renfrew           ON 613/432-9098  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sarnia            ON 519/339-9134  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sault Ste Marie   ON 705/946-0213  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Shawville         ON 819/647-6301  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Simcoe            ON 519/428-8018  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Smiths Falls      ON 613/284-1702  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Catharines    ON 905/688-4824  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Thomas        ON 519/633-5593  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Stratford         ON 519/272-2001  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sudbury           ON 705/671-1127  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Thunder Bay       ON 807/623-5762  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Tillsonburg       ON 519/688-3117  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Timmins           ON 705/268-9540  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Uxbridge          ON 905/852-4502  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Walkerton         ON 519/881-3070  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Welland           ON 905/788-2001  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Wheatley          ON 519/825-9391  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Whitby            ON 905/430-9880  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Windsor           ON 519/973-3909  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Woodstock         ON 519/421-2550  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Borden            PE 902/437-6548  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Charlottetown     PE 902/628-8701  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Summerside        PE 902/888-2247  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Alma              QC 418/668-6911  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Amos              QC 819/732-0503  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Amqui             QC 418/629-6451  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Arthabaska        QC 819/357-9436  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Baie-Comeau       QC 418/296-8927  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chandler          QC 418/689-5581  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chateauguay       QC 450/699-0396  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chibougameau      QC 418/748-8151  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Chicoutimi        QC 418/698-0097  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Deauville         QC 819/562-2725  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Dolbeau           QC 418/679-8499  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Donnaconna        QC 418/285-3852  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Drummondville     QC 819/475-0080  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Gaspe             QC 418/368-4251  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Gentilly          QC 819/298-4306  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Granby            QC 450/378-3916  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Hauterive         QC 418/589-2911  1200               DPC 212      
Joliette          QC 450/752-5360  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Jonqui/Chicouti   QC 418/698-0097  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
L'Annonciation    QC 819/275-2723  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
La Malbaie        QC 418/665-7561  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
La Sarre          QC 819/333-1099  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Lac Drolet        QC 819/583-5193  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Lac Megantic      QC 819/583-5193  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Lachute           QC 450/562-2403  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Latuque           QC 819/523-5651  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Louiseville       QC 819/228-8417  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Maniwaki          QC 819/449-3544  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Marie de Beauce   QC 418/387-7635  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Matagami          QC 819/739-2300  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Matane            QC 418/562-7800  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Mont Laurier      QC 819/623-6986  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Montmagny         QC 418/248-3555  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
New Carlisle      QC 418/752-6048  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Rimouski          QC 418/722-7519  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Riviere du Loup   QC 418/867-3566  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Roberval          QC 418/275-1252  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Rouyn/Noranda     QC 819/797-2915  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sept-Iles         QC 418/962-7517  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Shawinigan        QC 819/537-9330  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sherbrooke        QC 819/562-2725  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Sorel             QC 450/746-1799  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Felicien      QC 418/679-8499  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. George Beau   QC 418/227-3282  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Jean          QC 450/358-2570  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Jerome        QC 450/565-4871  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Sauveur       QC 450/227-4532  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
St. Thomas        QC 450/796-5178  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Ste Agathe        QC 819/326-9414  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Ste Hyacinthe     QC 514/774-9532  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Ste Jovite        QC 819/425-9841  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Thetford Mines    QC 418/338-0183  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Trois Pistoles    QC 418/851-4259  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Trois Rivieres    QC 819/693-7946  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Val D'Or          QC 819/874-1156  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Valleyfield       QC 514/377-2907  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Victoriaville     QC 819/752-3079  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Estevan           SK 306/634-1916  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Melfort           SK 306/752-4899  300-2400           DPC 224      
Moose Jaw         SK 306/692-1026  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
N. Battleford     SK 306/445-5673  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Prince Albert     SK 306/763-6441  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Swift Current     SK 306/773-2966  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Weyburn           SK 306/842-0441  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Yorkton           SK 306/786-7734  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    
Whitehorse        YT 867/668-9600  300-9600           DPC MTRLA    

Network Assistance   PHN-15

LIST - Canadian Datapac

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Network Assistance   PHN-14

Canadian Datapac

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 2 List
 3 Search
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Network Assistance   PHN-210


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 3 Canadian Datapac
 4 AlaskaNet

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Network Assistance   PHN-29


 1 Logon Procedure
 2 List Numbers

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Network Assistance   PHN-31

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1. Establish a connection by dialing your local AlaskaNet access number.



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Network Assistance   PHN-29


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Network Assistance   PHN-35

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                   Domestic AlaskaNet Access Numbers

CITY              ST     PHONE            BAUD        NET  TYPE
----              --     -----     ------------------ ---  ----
Adak              AK 907/592-2557  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Anchorage         AK 907/258-7222  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Barrow            AK 907/852-2425  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Bethel            AK 907/543-2411  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Cantwell          AK 907/768-2700  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Cordova           AK 907/424-3744  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Craig             AK 907/826-2948  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Dead Horse        AK 907/659-2777  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Delta Junction    AK 907/895-5070  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Dillingham        AK 907/842-2688  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Fairbanks         AK 907/456-3282  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Glennallen        AK 907/822-5231  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Haines            AK 907/766-2171  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Healy             AK 907/683-1350  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Homer             AK 907/235-5230  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Juneau            AK 907/789-7009  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Ketchikan         AK 907/225-1871  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
King Salmon       AK 907/246-3049  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Kodiak            AK 907/486-4061  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Kotzebue          AK 907/442-2602  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
McGrath           AK 907/524-3256  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Neklasson Lake    AK 907/746-2121  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Nenana            AK 907/832-5214  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Nome              AK 907/443-2256  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Northway          AK 907/778-2301  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Palmer            AK 907/745-0200  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Petersberg        AK 907/772-3878  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Seward            AK 907/224-3126  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Sitka             AK 907/747-5887  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Skagway           AK 907/983-2170  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Soldotna          AK 907/262-1990  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
St. Paul          AK 907/546-2320  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Tanana            AK 907/366-7167  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Tok               AK 907/883-4747  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Unalaska          AK 907/581-1820  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Valdez            AK 907/835-4987  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Whittier          AK 907/472-2467  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Wrangle           AK 907/874-2394  300-9600           AKN V32uds   
Yakutat           AK 907/784-3453  300-9600           AKN V32uds   

Network Assistance   PHN-29


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Network Assistance   PHN-210


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 2 BT Tymnet
 3 Canadian Datapac
 4 AlaskaNet

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United States and Canada   PHN-40

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 2 Supplemental Networks

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Access Numbers & Logon Instructions   PHN-10

 1 United States and Canada
 2 All Other Countries - Specify Country
 3 All Other Countries - Complete Access Number List

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Network Assistance   PHN-47

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                     COUNTRY  AREA
 ------------------- ------- ------    ------------ ------- -------------------


 Luanda                  244      2          397445     EQT 1200-9600


 Buenos Aires             54     11        43260170     ARG 300-28,800
 Buenos Aires             54     11        43444505     ARG 300-56,000
 Buenos Aires             54     11        43451818     EQT 300-28,800

 Cordoba                  54    351         4246654     EQT 300-9600
 La Plata                 54    221         4240856     EQT 300-9600
 Mar Del Plata            54    223         4959579     EQT 300-9600
 Mendoza                  54    261         4297411     EQT 300-9600
 Rosario                  54    341         4498853     EQT 300-9600


 Yerevan                 374      2           06146     EQT 300-9600


 Aruba                   297      8           31980     EQT 1200-9600


 Adelaide                 61     08       8338 2499     CPN 300-28,800
 Brisbane                 61     07       3210 0180     CPN 300-33,600
 Canberra                 61     02       6249 8496     CPN 300-28,800
 Darwin                   61     08       8932 6610     CPN 300-33,600
 Gold Coast               61     07       5574 1580     CPN 300-33,600
 Hobart                   61     03       6234-4504     CPN 300-33,600
 Melbourne (V90/ISDN)     61     03       9538 0560     CPN 300-64,000
 Newcastle                61     02       4965 4412     CPN 300-33,600
 Perth                    61     08       9321 5233     CPN 300-33,600
 Sydney (V90/ISDN)        61     02       9465 9600     CPN 300-64,000


 Bludenz                  43  05552           33882     GBF 300-28,800
 Graz                     43   0316          773950     GBF 300-28,800
 Innsbruck                43   0512          571540     GBF 300-28,800
 Linz                     43   0732          653199     GBF 300-28,800
 Salzburg                 43   0662            4678     CPS 300-33,600
 Salzburg                     07189           15161     CPS 300-33,600
 Salzburg-ISDN            43   0662            4676     CPS 64,000
 Salzburg-ISDN                07189           15160     CPS 64,000
 Vienna                   43      1         5056178     CPS 1200-33,600
 Vienna                       07189           15161     CPS 300-33,600

 Vienna-ISDN              43      1           51608     CPS 64,000
 Vienna-ISDN                  07189           15160     CPS 64,000
 Villach                  43  04242           25580     GBF 300-28,800


 Baku                    994     12          972370     EQT 300-9600


 Dhaka                   880      2         9567723     EQT 9600


 Minsk                   375    172          294416     EQT 300-9600


 Antwerp                  32     03       206 20 11     CPS 300-33,600
 Brussels (V90/ISDN)      32     02       726 88 30     CPS 1200-64,000
 Charleroi                32    071        32 25 05     GBF 300-28,800
 Gent                     32     09       221 53 69     GBF 300-28,800
 Liege                    32     04       230 37 11     CPS 300-33,600


 La Paz                  591               2-316339     EQT 1200-9600
 La Paz (Within Only)    591                  30030     INW 300-2400
 La Paz (Within/Outside  591               2-315876     INW 28,800
 Santa Cruz              591               3-322422     EQT 300-9600


 Belo Horizonte           55     31         2717036     EQT 300-9600
 Brasilia                 55     61         3210874     EQT 300-9600
 Porto Alegre             55     51         2124999     EQT 300-9600
 Rio de Janeiro           55     21         2965323     EQT 300-28,800
 Sao Paulo                55     11        55852411     EQT 300-28,800
 Sao Paulo                55     11         1081212     INW 300-2400

 Sao Paulo                55     11        38244900     INW 9600-28,800

 **Burkina Faso**

 Ouagadougou             226                 312434     EQT 9600


 Douala                  237                 424291     EQT 1200-9600


 Abbottsford               1    604        850-8413     DPC 300-9600

 Airdrie                   1    403        234-7740     DPC 300-1200
 Ajax-Pickering            1    905        438-3207     DPC 300-9600
 Alliston                  1    705        435-5104     DPC 300-9600
 Alma                      1    418        668-6911     DPC 300-9600
 Amherst                   1    902        667-4524     DPC 300-9600
 Amos                      1    819        732-0503     DPC 300-9600
 Amqui                     1    418        629-6451     DPC 300-9600
 Antigonish                1    902        863-1977     DPC 300-9600
 Arnolds Cove              1    709        463-2483     DPC 300-9600
 Arnprior                  1    613        623-5748     DPC 300-9600
 Arthabaska                1    819        357-9436     DPC 300-9600
 Aurora                    1    905        727-7172     DPC 300-9600
 Baie-Comeau               1    418        296-8927     DPC 300-9600

 Banff                     1    403        762-9475     DPC 300-9600
 Barrhead                  1    780        674-2575     DPC 300-9600
 Barrie                    1    705        737-9311     DPC 300-9600
 Bathurst                  1    506        547-0114     DPC 300-9600
 Bay Roberts               1    709        786-0946     DPC 300-9600
 Belleville                1    613        969-8888     DPC 300-9600
 Bolton                    1    905        453-4844     DPC 300-9600
 Bonnyville                1    780        826-4726     DPC 300-9600
 Borden                    1    902        437-6548     DPC 300-9600
 Bracebridge               1    705        645-6789     DPC 300-9600
 Brampton                  1    905        453-4844     DPC 9600
 Brandon                   1    204        725-0593     DPC 300-9600
 Brantford                 1    519        758-5161     DPC 300-9600

 Bridgewater               1    902        543-5699     DPC 300-9600
 Brockville                1    613        498-1441     DPC 300-9600
 Brooks                    1    403        362-0452     DPC 300-9600
 Calgary                   1    403        294-9120     CPS 300-33,600
 Cambridge Bay             1    867        983-8870     DPC 300-2400
 Campbell River            1    250        287-9583     DPC 300-9600
 Campbellton               1    506        753-3297     DPC 300-9600
 Campbellville             1    905        854-1952     DPC 300-9600
 Camrose                   1    780        672-0003     DPC 300-9600
 Caraquet                  1    506        727-6630     DPC 300-9600
 Carbonear                 1    709        596-0576     DPC 300-9600
 Chalk River               1    613        584-1557     DPC 300-9600
 Chandler                  1    418        689-5581     DPC 300-9600

 Charlottetown             1    902        628-8701     DPC 300-9600
 Chateauguay               1    450        699-0396     DPC 300-9600
 Chatham                   1    519        351-8948     DPC 300-9600
 Chibougameau              1    418        748-8151     DPC 300-9600
 Chicoutimi                1    418        698-0097     DPC 300-9600
 Chilliwack                1    604        795-4589     DPC 300-9600
 Clarenville               1    709        466-1457     DPC 300-9600
 Clinton                   1    519        482-5496     DPC 300-9600
 Cobourg                   1    905        372-8378     DPC 300-9600
 Collingwood               1    705        444-5656     DPC 300-9600
 Cornerbrook               1    709        634-0384     DPC 300-9600
 Cornwall                  1    613        936-2215     DPC 300-9600
 Courtenay                 1    250        334-9702     DPC 300-9600

 Cranbrook                 1    250        489-5371     DPC 300-9600
 Dalhousie                 1    506        684-1819     DPC 300-9600
 Dauphin                   1    204        638-3025     DPC 300-9600
 Dawson Creek              1    250        782-8964     DPC 300-9600
 Deauville                 1    819        562-2725     DPC 300-9600
 Deep River                1    613        584-1557     DPC 9600
 Deer Lake                 1    709        635-4407     DPC 300-9600
 Dolbeau                   1    418        679-8499     DPC 300-9600
 Donnaconna                1    418        285-3852     DPC 300-9600
 Drayton Valley            1    780        542-6022     DPC 300-9600
 Drumheller                1    403        823-5055     DPC 300-9600
 Drummondville             1    819        475-0080     DPC 300-9600
 Dryden                    1    807        223-7172     DPC 300-2400

 Duncan                    1    250        748-9993     DPC 300-9600
 Edmonton                  1    780        440-2744     CPS 300-33,600
 Edmunston                 1    506        739-0889     DPC 300-9600
 Estevan                   1    306        634-1916     DPC 300-9600
 Exeter                    1    519        235-4709     DPC 300-9600
 Flin Flon                 1    204        687-7986     DPC 300-9600
 Florenceville             1    506        392-5995     DPC 300-9600
 Fort Erie                 1    905        871-4748     DPC 300-9600
 Fort McMurray             1    780        743-4226     DPC 300-9600
 Fort Nelson               1    250        774-4096     DPC 300-9600
 Fort Simpson              1    867        695-8870     DPC 300-2400
 Fort Smith                1    867        872-8870     DPC 300-2400
 Fort St. John             1    250        785-9483     DPC 300-9600

 Fredericton               1    506        457-0491     DPC 300-9600
 Gander                    1    709        256-8216     DPC 300-9600
 Gaspe                     1    418        368-4251     DPC 300-9600
 Gentilly                  1    819        298-4306     DPC 300-9600
 Goderich                  1    519        524-1149     DPC 300-9600
 Granby                    1    450        378-3916     DPC 300-9600
 Grand Falls               1    709        489-4656     DPC 300-9600
 Grand Falls               1    506        473-4337     DPC 300-9600
 Grand Prairie             1    780        532-4527     DPC 300-9600
 Grande Centre             1    780        594-0108     DPC 300-9600
 Guelph                    1    519        763-3690     DPC 300-9600
 Halifax                   1    902        457-0669     CPS 300-33,600
 Hamilton                  1    905        529-4601     CPS 300-33,600

 Hanover                   1    519        364-3240     DPC 300-9600
 Happy Valley              1    709        896-3381     DPC 300-9600
 Hartland                  1    506        375-4639     DPC 300-9600
 Hauterive                 1    418        589-2911     DPC 1200
 Hawkesbury                1    613        632-1207     DPC 300-9600
 Hay River                 1    867        874-8870     DPC 300-2400
 High Level                1    780        926-2341     DPC 300-9600
 Hinton                    1    780        865-1477     DPC 300-9600
 Huntsville                1    705        789-4383     DPC 300-9600
 Inuvik                    1    867        777-8870     DPC 300-2400
 Iqaluit                   1    867         9793282     DPC 300-9600
 Joliette                  1    450        752-5360     DPC 300-9600
 Jonqui/Chicouti           1    418        698-0097     DPC 300-9600

 Kamloops                  1    250        374-7852     DPC 300-9600
 Kelowna                   1    250        868-9658     DPC 300-9600
 Kenora                    1    807        467-3480     DPC 300-9600
 Kentville                 1    902        679-1943     DPC 300-9600
 Kingston                  1    613        547-0051     DPC 300-9600
 Kingston                  1    902        765-3003     DPC 300-9600
 Kitchener                 1    519        741-1100     CPS 300-33,600
 L'Annonciation            1    819        275-2723     DPC 300-9600
 La Malbaie                1    418        665-7561     DPC 300-9600
 La Sarre                  1    819        333-1099     DPC 300-9600
 Labrador                  1    709        944-2602     DPC 300-9600
 Lac Drolet                1    819        583-5193     DPC 300-9600
 Lac Megantic              1    819        583-5193     DPC 300-9600

 Lachute                   1    450        562-2403     DPC 300-9600
 Latuque                   1    819        523-5651     DPC 300-9600
 Leduc                     1    780        421-0250     DPC 300-1200
 Lethbridge                1    403        320-6294     DPC 300-9600
 Lewisporte                1    709        535-0475     DPC 300-9600
 Lindsay                   1    705        324-3544     DPC 300-9600
 Listowel                  1    519        291-3300     DPC 300-9600
 Lloydminister             1    780        875-0121     DPC 300-9600
 London                    1    519        663-1880     CPS 300-33,600
 London                    1    519        432-3201     DPC 300-9600
 Louiseville               1    819        228-8417     DPC 300-9600
 Maidstone                 1    519        973-3909     DPC 300-9600
 Maniwaki                  1    819        449-3544     DPC 300-9600

 Marie de Beauce           1    418        387-7635     DPC 300-9600
 Marystown-Burin           1    709        279-1310     DPC 300-9600
 Matagami                  1    819        739-2300     DPC 300-9600
 Matane                    1    418        562-7800     DPC 300-9600
 Medicine Hat              1    403        526-8721     DPC 300-9600
 Melfort                   1    306        752-4899     DPC 300-2400
 Midland                   1    705        527-5745     DPC 300-9600
 Milton                    1    905        875-3327     DPC 300-9600
 Miramichi                 1    506        622-0120     DPC 300-9600
 Moncton                   1    506        852-3041     DPC 300-9600
 Mont Laurier              1    819        623-6986     DPC 300-9600
 Montmagny                 1    418        248-3555     DPC 300-9600
 Montreal                  1    514        879-5826     CPS 300-33,600

 Moose Jaw                 1    306        692-1026     DPC 300-9600
 Morden                    1    204        822-6824     DPC 300-9600
 N. Battleford             1    306        445-5673     DPC 300-9600
 Nanaimo                   1    250        753-5729     DPC 300-9600
 Nelson                    1    250        354-1246     DPC 300-9600
 New Carlisle              1    418        752-6048     DPC 300-9600
 New Castle                1    506        622-0120     DPC 300-9600
 New Glasgow               1    902        755-9170     DPC 300-9600
 Newmarket                 1    905        836-1706     DPC 9600
 Niagara Falls             1    905        357-4872     DPC 300-9600
 Norman Wells              1    867        587-8870     DPC 300-2400
 North Bay                 1    705        497-9877     DPC 300-9600
 Orangeville               1    519        942-4526     DPC 300-9600

 Orillia                   1    705        329-2862     DPC 300-9600
 Oshawa                    1    905        404-2095     DPC 300-9600
 Ottawa                    1    613        237-0400     CPS 300-33,600
 Ottawa                    1    613        567-4537     DPC 300-9600
 Ottawa                    1    613        789-1483     DPC 300-9600
 Owen Sound                1    519        371-8317     DPC 300-9600
 Parksville                1    250        954-3891     DPC 300-9600
 Parry Sound               1    705        746-9057     DPC 300-9600
 Peace River               1    780        624-2552     DPC 300-9600
 Pembroke                  1    613        735-7026     DPC 300-9600
 Penticton                 1    250        493-7596     DPC 300-9600
 Perth                     1    613        267-7019     DPC 300-9600
 Peterborough              1    705        876-0884     DPC 300-9600

 Port Alberni              1    250        724-7329     DPC 300-9600
 Port Aux Basque           1    709        695-9771     DPC 300-9600
 Port Hardy                1    250        949-8976     DPC 300-9600
 Port Hawksbury            1    902        625-5430     DPC 300-9600
 Portage La Prairie        1    204        239-0355     DPC 300-9600
 Powell River              1    604        485-9457     DPC 300-9600
 Prince Albert             1    306        763-6441     DPC 300-9600
 Prince George             1    250        564-9246     DPC 300-9600
 Prince Rupert             1    250        627-4346     DPC 300-9600
 Quebec City               1    418        649-7082     CPS 300-33,600
 Quesnel                   1    250        992-9084     DPC 300-9600
 Red Deer                  1    403        346-6660     DPC 300-9600
 Regina                    1    306        352-7168     CPS 300-33,600

 Renfrew                   1    613        432-9098     DPC 300-9600
 Richibucto                1    506        523-6408     DPC 300-9600
 Rimouski                  1    418        722-7519     DPC 300-9600
 Riviere du Loup           1    418        867-3566     DPC 300-9600
 Roberval                  1    418        275-1252     DPC 300-9600
 Rouyn/Noranda             1    819        797-2915     DPC 300-9600
 Sackville                 1    506        536-1879     DPC 300-9600
 Saint John                1    506        633-0105     DPC 300-9600
 Salmon Arms               1    250        832-7825     DPC 300-9600
 Sarnia                    1    519        339-9134     DPC 300-9600
 Saskatoon                 1    306        242-4660     CPS 300-33,600
 Sault Ste Marie           1    705        946-0213     DPC 300-9600
 Selkirk                   1    204        482-7050     DPC 300-9600

 Sept-Iles                 1    418        962-7517     DPC 300-9600
 Shawinigan                1    819        537-9330     DPC 300-9600
 Shawville                 1    819        647-6301     DPC 300-9600
 Shediac                   1    506        533-3180     DPC 300-9600
 Sherbrooke                1    819        562-2725     DPC 9600
 Sherwood Park             1    780        421-0268     DPC 300-1200
 Shippagan                 1    506        336-1085     DPC 300-9600
 Simcoe                    1    519        428-8018     DPC 300-9600
 Smithers                  1    250        847-8859     DPC 300-9600
 Smiths Falls              1    613        284-1702     DPC 300-9600
 Sorel                     1    450        746-1799     DPC 300-9600
 Springdale                1    709        673-2782     DPC 300-9600
 Squamish                  1    604        892-5173     DPC 300-9600

 St. Albert                1    780        421-0280     DPC 300-1200
 St. Andrew                1    506        529-3920     DPC 300-9600
 St. Anthony               1    709        454-2634     DPC 300-9600
 St. Catharines            1    905        688-4824     DPC 300-9600
 St. Felicien              1    418        679-8499     DPC 300-9600
 St. George Beau           1    418        227-3282     DPC 300-9600
 St. Jean                  1    450        358-2570     DPC 300-9600
 St. Jerome                1    450        565-4871     DPC 300-9600
 St. John's                1    709        739-0357     DPC 300-9600
 St. Paul                  1    780        645-1831     DPC 300-9600
 St. Quentin               1    506        235-2079     DPC 300-9600
 St. Sauveur               1    450        227-4532     DPC 300-9600
 St. Stephen               1    506        465-0996     DPC 300-9600

 St. Thomas                1    519        633-5593     DPC 300-9600
 St. Thomas                1    450        796-5178     DPC 300-9600
 Ste Agathe                1    819        326-9414     DPC 300-9600
 Ste Hyacinthe             1    514        774-9532     DPC 300-9600
 Ste Jovite                1    819        425-9841     DPC 300-9600
 Steinbach                 1    204        326-2972     DPC 300-9600
 Stephenville              1    709        643-2035     DPC 300-9600
 Stony Plain               1    780        421-0236     DPC 300-1200
 Stratford                 1    519        272-2001     DPC 300-9600
 Sudbury                   1    705        671-1127     DPC 300-9600
 Summerside                1    902        888-2247     DPC 300-9600
 Sussex                    1    506        433-1625     DPC 300-9600
 Swift Current             1    306        773-2966     DPC 300-9600

 Sydney                    1    902        567-1460     DPC 300-9600
 Taber                     1    403        223-8299     DPC 300-9600
 Terrace                   1    250        638-8908     DPC 300-9600
 The Pas                   1    204        623-4543     DPC 300-9600
 Thetford Mines            1    418        338-0183     DPC 300-9600
 Thompson                  1    204        677-2376     DPC 300-9600
 Thunder Bay               1    807        623-5762     DPC 300-9600
 Tillsonburg               1    519        688-3117     DPC 300-9600
 Timmins                   1    705        268-9540     DPC 300-9600
 Toronto                   1    416        367-8122     CPS 300-33,600
 Tracadie                  1    506        395-9748     DPC 300-9600
 Trail                     1    250        364-0928     DPC 300-9600
 Trois Pistoles            1    418        851-4259     DPC 300-9600

 Trois Rivieres            1    819        693-7946     DPC 300-9600
 Truro                     1    902        895-9348     DPC 300-9600
 Uxbridge                  1    905        852-4502     DPC 300-9600
 Val D'Or                  1    819        874-1156     DPC 300-9600
 Valleyfield               1    514        377-2907     DPC 300-9600
 Vancouver                 1    604        739-8194     CPS 300-33,600
 Vegreville                1    780        632-4002     DPC 300-9600
 Vernon                    1    250        549-5187     DPC 300-9600
 Victoria                  1    250        479-9452     CPS 300-33,600
 Victoriaville             1    819        752-3079     DPC 300-9600
 Wainwright                1    780        842-6700     DPC 300-9600
 Walkerton                 1    519        881-3070     DPC 300-9600
 Wallace                   1    902        257-2108     DPC 300-9600

 Welland                   1    905        788-2001     DPC 300-9600
 Weyburn                   1    306        842-0441     DPC 300-9600
 Wheatley                  1    519        825-9391     DPC 300-9600
 Whistler                  1    604        932-4293     DPC 300-9600
 Whitby                    1    905        430-9880     DPC 300-9600
 Whitehorse                1    867        668-9600     DPC 300-9600
 Williams Lake             1    250        392-3090     DPC 300-9600
 Windsor                   1    519        973-3909     DPC 300-9600
 Windsor                   1    902        798-0614     DPC 300-9600
 Winnipeg                  1    204        489-9747     CPS 300-33,600
 Woodstock                 1    506        325-2937     DPC 300-9600
 Woodstock                 1    519        421-2550     DPC 300-9600
 Yarmouth                  1    902        742-3003     DPC 300-9600

 Yellowknife               1    867        920-9600     DPC 300-9600
 Yorkton                   1    306        786-7734     DPC 300-9600

 **Cape Verde Islands**

 Praia                   238                 612023     EQT 300-28,800


 Concepcion               56     41          239514     EQT 300-9600
 Iquique                  56     57          423619     EQT 300-9600
 Punta Arenas             56     61          229400     EQT 300-9600
 Santiago                 56     02         6973081     EQT 1200-28,800

 Santiago                 56     02         3610099     INW 300-28,800


 Bogota                   57     01        622-4111     EQT 300-28,800
 Bogota                   57     01        410-8953     INW 300-2400
 Bogota                   57     01        410-3986     INW 300-2400
 Bogota                   57     01        410-3987     INW 300-2400
 Bogota                   57     01        410-8492     INW 300-2400
 Bogota                   57     01        410-3988     INW 300-28,800
 Bogota                   57     01        317-6550     VNZ 300-33,600
 Bogota                   57     01        347-0600     VNZ 300-33,600
 Cali                     57      2        660-3900     VNZ 300-33,600

 Medellin                 57     04        513-9393     EQT 300-28,800

 **Costa Rica**

 San Jose                506                2870800     EQT 300-9600

 **Cote d'lvoire**

 Cote d'lvoire           225                 328855     EQT 300-9600


 Dubrovnik               385               20413710     EQT 300-9600

 Rieka                   385               51227664     EQT 300-9600
 Split                   385               21355410     EQT 300-9600
 Zagreb                  385               16117055     EQT 1200-28,800

 **Czech Republic**

 Prague                  420      2        24815281     EQT 1200-28,800
 Ruzyne Prague Airport   420      2        20113739     EQT 300-9600


 Copenhagen               45               36445464     CPS 1200-33,600

 **Dominican Republic**

 Santo Domingo                1 809         5339181     EQT 1200-9600


 Guayaquil               593      4          511000     EQT 300-28,800
 Quito                   593      2          505000     EQT 1200-28,800


 Alexandria               20     03         4843175     EQT 300-9600
 Cairo                    20     02         4560100     EQT 1200-9600

 Hurghada                 20     65          445044     EQT 300-9600
 Sharm El Sheikh          20     62          601636     EQT 300-9600


 National (V90/ISDN)      44   0845        080 1000     CPS 300-64,000


 Tallinn                 372     06          410730     EQT 300-9600


 Helsinki                358      9          615235     CPS 300-33,600


 Monaco                   33             0492150203     FTT 300-33,600
 Monaco-RNIS              33             0492150203     FTT 64,000
 National                 33             0836061319     FTT 300-33,600
 National-RNIS            33             0836061319     FTT 64,000
 Paris (V90/RNIS)         33             0141880840     CPS 300-64,000
 Paris (V90/RNIS)         33             0141020304     CPS 300-64,000

 **French Guiana**

 Cayenne                  59      4          358588     EQT 300-9600


 -Bundesweit Ortstarif    49          01088 0191919     UUN 300-64,000
 Aachen                   49   0241         4740624     UUN 300-33,600
 Aalen                    49  07365          961724     UUN 300-33,600
 Augsburg                 49   0821         5096824     UUN 300-33,600
 Bamberg                  49   0951         9860124     UUN 300-33,600
 Berlin*                  49    030          691000     CPS 1200-33,600
 Berlin-ISDN*             49    030          690820     CPS 64,000
 Bielefeld                49   0521         9141524     UUN 300-33,600
 Bonn                     49   0228         9838224     UUN 300-33,600

 Braunschweig             49   0531         2207624     UUN 300-33,600
 Bremen                   49   0421         2024524     UUN 300-33,600
 Chemnitz                 49  03723          694824     UUN 300-33,600
 Cologne*                 49   0221         2406202     CPS 1200-33,600
 Cologne-ISDN*            49   0221          924350     CPS 64,000
 Darmstadt                49  06151         3895624     UUN 300-33,600
 Dortmund*                49   0231         4461032     CPS 1200-33,600
 Dortmund-ISDN*           49   0231           44950     CPS 64,000
 Dresden*                 49   0351         8800000     CPS 300-33,600
 Dresden-ISDN*            49   0351           88270     CPS 64,000
 Duesseldorf (V90/ISDN)   49   0211         4792424     CPS 1200-64,000
 Duisburg                 49   0203         9366524     UUN 300-33,600
 Erfurt                   49   0361         4427424     UUN 300-33,600

 Essen                    49   0201          760424     UUN 300-33,600
 Frankfurt (V90/ISDN)*    49    069        73998611     CPS 1200-64,000
 Freiburg                 49   0761         2074724     UUN 300-33,600
 Fulda                    49   0661         9694624     UUN 300-33,600
 Giessen                  49  06033          880424     UUN 300-33,600
 Goettingen               49   0551         9991824     UUN 300-33,600
 Halle                    49   0345         2118924     UUN 300-33,600
 Hamburg*                 49    040         6913666     CPS 1200-33,600
 Hamburg-ISDN*            49    040          611410     CPS 64,000
 Hamm                     49  02381         9194924     UUN 300-33,600
 Hannover (V90/ISDN)*     49   0511         7242909     CPS 1200-64,000
 Herten                   49  02366          185024     UUN 300-33,600
 Ingolstadt               49   0841         9748724     UUN 300-33,600

 Jena                     49  03641          291624     UUN 300-33,600
 Kaiserslautern           49  06301          713024     UUN 300-33,600
 Karlsruhe*               49   0721          859818     CPS 300-33,600
 Karlsruhe-ISDN*          49   0721           98010     CPS 64,000
 Kassel                   49   0561         3181924     UUN 300-33,600
 Kiel                     49   0431         3192924     UUN 300-33,600
 Koeln*                   49   0221         2406202     CPS 1200-33,600
 Koeln-ISDN*              49   0221          924350     CPS 64,000
 Kuenzelsau               49  07940           93624     UUN 300-33,600
 Leipzig                  49   0341         1416624     UUN 300-33,600
 Luebeck                  49   0451         8727024     UUN 300-33,600
 Magdeburg                49  03928          484624     UUN 300-33,600
 Mannheim*                49   0621         1569000     CPS 1200-33,600

 Mannheim-ISDN*           49   0621           16840     CPS 64,000
 Minden                   49   0571         9462724     UUN 300-33,600
 Moenchen-Gladbach        49  02161         4089524     UUN 300-33,600
 Muenster                 49   0251         6096124     UUN 300-33,600
 Munich (V90/ISDN)*       49    089        66559393     CPS 1200-64,000
 Nuremberg*               49   0911         5191500     CPS 1200-33,600
 Nuremburg-ISDN*          49   0911           95120     CPS 64,000
 Offenburg                49   0781         9696724     UUN 300-33,600
 Paderborn                49  05251         6909124     UUN 300-33,600
 Pforzheim                49  07231          956724     UUN 300-33,600
 Ravensburg               49   0751         5618724     UUN 300-33,600
 Regensburg               49   0941         5857224     UUN 300-33,600
 Rostock                  49   0381         8018324     UUN 300-33,600

 Saarbruecken             49   0681         9928324     UUN 300-33,600
 Schwerin                 49   0385         6478024     UUN 300-33,600
 Siegen                   49   0271          880424     UUN 300-33,600
 Stuttgart (V90/ISDN)*    49   0711         2261699     CPS 1200-64,000
 Trier                    49   0651         1467324     UUN 300-33,600
 Tuebingen                49  07071          750424     UUN 300-33,600
 Ulm                      49   0731         9621324     UUN 300-33,600
 Unna                     49  02304          947424     UUN 300-33,600
 Villingen                49  07721          847724     UUN 300-33,600
 Wiesbaden                49   0611         9732324     UUN 300-33,600
 Wuerzburg                49   0931         6000124     UUN 300-33,600
 Wuppertal                49   0202         2803924     UUN 300-33,600


 Accra                   233     21          233643     EQT 300-9600


 Gibraltar               350                  51893     EQT 300-9600

 **Great Britain**

 National (V90/ISDN)      44   0845        080 1000     CPS 300-64,000


 Athens                   30      1         9647707     EQT 1200-28,800
 Corfu                    30    661           36445     EQT 300-9600
 Heraklion                30     81          324495     EQT 1200-28,800
 Ioannina                 30    651           66801     EQT 300-9600
 Kavala                   30     51          227545     EQT 300-9600
 Patras                   30     61          270074     EQT 300-28,800
 Rhodes                   30    241           39875     EQT 300-9600
 Thessaloniki             30     31          242043     EQT 1200-28,800


 Point a Pitre           590                 915834     EQT 300-9600


 Guam                      1    671        477-6871     EQT 1200-28,800


 Guatemala City          502      2          300931     EQT 300-9600


 Conakry                 224                 415546     EQT 300-9600


 Port-au-Prince          509                 237489     EQT 300-9600

 **Hong Kong**

 Hong Kong (V90/ISDN)    852              3002-3333     CPS 300-64,000


 Budapest                 36      1        291 9999     CPS 300-33,600


 Rejkjavik               354                5511666     EQT 1200-9600


 Denpasar Bali            62    361          289652     EQT 300-9600
 Jakarta                  62     21        386-4550     EQT 300-28,800
 Jakarta                  62     21        522-9252     INW 300-2400
 Jakarta                  62     21        526-0800     INW 9600-14,400
 Jakarta Airport          62     21        550-2925     EQT 300-9600
 Surabaya                 62     31        545-5952     EQT 300-9600


 Cork                    353     21         278-273     EQT 300-9600
 Dublin                  353     01        406-0100     CPS 300-33,600
 Shannon                 353     61         474-503     EQT 300-9600


 Haifa                   972      4         8629160     TRN 9600-28,800
 Jerusalem               972      2         6738917     TRN 9600-28,800
 Raanana                 972      9         7712034     TRN 9600-28,800
 Tel Aviv                972      3         6393332     TRN 9600-14,400
 Tel Aviv                972      3         6393308     TRN 9600-33,600


 Ancona                   39    071         2804597     EQT 300-9600
 Bari                     39    080         5316139     EQT 300-9600
 Bergamo                  39    035          231786     EQT 300-9600
 Bolzano                  39   0471          981783     EQT 300-9600
 Brescia                  39     30         2420587     EQT 300-9600
 Catania                  39    095          532557     EQT 300-9600
 Florence                 39    055         5015540     EQT 300-28,800
 Genoa                    39    010          588162     EQT 300-28,800
 Milan                    39     02        22479532     CPS 1200-33,600
 Naples                   39    081         5512011     EQT 300-28,800
 Olbia                    39   0789           67613     EQT 300-9600

 Padua                    39    049         8076801     EQT 300-28,800
 Parma                    39   0521          238460     EQT 300-9600
 Rimini                   39   0541           53031     EQT 300-9600
 Rome                     39     06        51957347     CPS 1200-33,600
 Turin                    39    011          533554     EQT 300-28,800
 Udine                    39   0432          295260     EQT 300-9600
 Venice                   39    041         5340331     EQT 300-28,800
 Verona                   39    045         8002387     EQT 300-28,800

 **Ivory Coast**

 Abidjan                 225                 328855     EQT 1200-9600


 Akita                    81   0188         37-7211     FEN 9600-14,400
 Aomori                   81   0177         29-1505     FEN 9600-14,400
 Atsugi                   81   0462         27-0102     FEN 28,800
 Chiba                    81    043        229-3350     FEN 9600-14,400
 Chiba                    81    043        299-3821     FEN 28,800
 Chofu                    81   0424         41-6551     FEN 9600-14,400
 Chofumitaka              81   0422         76-5500     FEN 9600-14,400
 Chofumitaka              81   0422         72-2100     FEN 28,800
 Fujisawa                 81   0466         24-0150     FEN 9600-14,400
 Fujisawa                 81   0466         24-4221     FEN 28,800
 Fukuchiyama              81   0773         24-6070     FEN 9600-14,400

 Fukui                    81   0776         67-5921     FEN 9600-14,400
 Fukuoka                  81    092        852-2040     FEN 9600
 Fukuoka                  81    092        852-6200     FEN 9600-14,400
 Fukuoka                  81    092        852-6100     FEN 28,800
 Fukushima                81   0245         75-3001     FEN 28,800
 Funabashi                81   0474         35-8041     FEN 9600-14,400
 Gihu                     81    058        253-8419     FEN 9600-14,400
 Gihu                     81    058        255-0036     FEN 9600
 Hachinohe                81   0178         45-0078     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hachioji                 81   0426         45-4441     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hachioji                 81   0426         45-4700     FEN 28,800
 Hakodate                 81   0138         32-8380     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hakodate                 81   0138         56-8671     FEN 28,800

 Hamamatsu                81    053        458-4388     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hamamatsu                81    053        451-3121     FEN 28,800
 Higashi Hiroshi          81   0824         21-2600     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hikone                   81   0749         27-4003     FEN 28,800
 Himeji                   81   0792         88-7740     FEN 9600-14,400
 Himeji                   81   0792         83-0219     FEN 28,800
 Hirakata                 81   0720         45-1911     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hiratsuka                81   0463         24-4822     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hiratsuka                81   0463         24-8080     FEN 28,800
 Hirosaki                 81   0172         38-7110     FEN 28,800
 Hiroshima                81    082        502-0284     FEN 9600
 Hiroshima                81    082        221-0991     FEN 9600-14,400
 Hiroshima                81    082        228-5153     FEN 28,800

 Ibaraki                  81   0726         24-9862     FEN 9600-14,400
 Ibaraki                  81   0726         24-8540     FEN 28,800
 Ikeda                    81   0727         30-5500     FEN 9600-14,400
 Ikeda                    81   0727         27-9570     FEN 28,800
 Inagi                    81   0423         78-9642     FEN 9600-14,400
 Inagi                    81   0423         79-1211     FEN 28,800
 Isesaki                  81   0270         21-0136     FEN 9600-14,400
 Iwaki                    81   0246         36-1422     FEN 9600-14,400
 Izumisano                81   0724         64-0353     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kagoshima                81    099        224-8420     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kakogawa                 81   0794         35-3400     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kanazawa                 81   0762         62-5154     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kanazawa                 81   0762         65-4300     FEN 28,800

 Kanazawa                 81   0762         33-8456     FEN 9600
 Kariya                   81   0566         28-6181     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kashihara                81  07442          9-6001     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kashihara                81  07442          4-9158     FEN 28,800
 Kashiwa                  81   0471         40-1470     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kasugai                  81   0568         52-3111     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kawagoe                  81   0492         28-1690     FEN 28,800
 Kawaguchi                81    048        470-1400     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kawasaki                 81    044        740-1069     FEN 9600
 Kawasaki                 81    044        798-7000     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kawasaki                 81    044        798-6500     FEN 28,800
 Kimitsu                  81   0439         55-2181     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kitakyusyu               81    093        541-7850     FEN 9600-14,400

 Kobe/Akashi              81    078        936-9890     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kobe/Akashi              81    078        936-4042     FEN 28,800
 Kofu                     81   0552         35-9300     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kofu                     81   0552         26-9071     FEN 28,800
 Koriyama                 81   0249         33-6662     FEN 9600-14,400
 Koriyama                 81   0249         31-1802     FEN 28,800
 Koshigaya                81   0489         66-9020     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kouchi                   81   0888         71-6611     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kumagaya                 81   0485         26-5260     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kumamoto                 81    096        289-2261     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kumamoto                 81    096        289-2091     FEN 28,800
 Kurashiki                81    086        462-9151     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kure                     81   0823         26-8710     FEN 9600-14,400

 Kure                     81   0823         25-2203     FEN 28,800
 Kushiro                  81   0154         25-3151     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kushiro                  81   0154         22-8151     FEN 28,800
 Kyoto                    81    075        213-5720     FEN 9600-14,400
 Kyoto                    81    075        213-5268     FEN 28,800
 Machida                  81   0427         99-5595     FEN 9600-14,400
 Machida                  81   0427         99-7309     FEN 28,800
 Maebashi                 81   0272         55-5212     FEN 9600-14,400
 Matsudo                  81    047        360-2201     FEN 9600-14,400
 Matsue                   81   0852         24-6672     FEN 9600-14,400
 Matsue                   81   0852         27-4245     FEN 28,800
 Matsumoto                81   0263         39-3170     FEN 9600-14,400
 Matsuyama                81    089        941-8241     FEN 28,800

 Mito                     81    029        228-5521     FEN 9600-14,400
 Mito                     81    029        224-1108     FEN 28,800
 Miyazaki                 81   0985         24-9500     FEN 9600-14,400
 Morioka                  81    019        651-9143     FEN 9600-14,400
 Muroran                  81   0143         43-6005     FEN 9600-14,400
 Nagano                   81    026        243-1733     FEN 9600-14,400
 Nagasaki                 81   0958         29-0301     FEN 9600-14,400
 Nagoya                   81    052        229-1475     FEN 9600
 Nagoya                   81    052        232-4540     FEN 9600-14,400
 Nagoya                   81    052        223-3636     FEN 28,800
 Naha                     81    098        867-9220     FEN 9600-14,400
 Nara                     81   0742         26-4886     FEN 9600-14,400
 Niigata                  81    025        244-4671     FEN 9600-14,400

 Niigata                  81    025        243-0618     FEN 28,800
 Nishinomiya              81   0798         66-9066     FEN 9600-14,400
 Numazu                   81   0559         25-2226     FEN 9600-14,400
 Numazu                   81   0559         25-6191     FEN 28,800
 Obihiro                  81   0155         26-3601     FEN 9600-14,400
 Odawara                  81   0465         24-4700     FEN 9600-14,400
 Oita                     81   0975         33-0462     FEN 9600-14,400
 Oita                     81   0975         34-8005     FEN 28,800
 Okayama                  81    086        221-4956     FEN 9600-14,400
 Okayama                  81    086        226-6811     FEN 28,800
 Okayama                  81    086        234-7230     FEN 9600
 Okazaki                  81   0564         25-2231     FEN 9600-14,400
 Okinawa                  81     98        861-2844     EQT 300-28,800

 Ome                      81   0428         33-5890     FEN 28,800
 Osaka                    81     06       6944-4660     FEN 9600-14,400
 Osaka                    81     06       6944-3620     FEN 28,800
 Otaru                    81   0134         24-5031     FEN 9600-14,400
 Otsu                     81   0775         27-3500     FEN 9600-14,400
 Oyama                    81   0285         21-4040     FEN 9600-14,400
 Saga                     81   0952         28-6901     FEN 9600-14,400
 Sakai                    81   0722         27-0624     FEN 9600-14,400
 Sakai                    81   0722         25-2732     FEN 9600
 Sapporo                  81    011        809-2026     FEN 9600
 Sapporo                  81    011        898-9425     FEN 9600-14,400
 Sapporo                  81    011        898-7670     FEN 28,800
 Sawara                   81   0478         54-0084     FEN 9600-14,400

 Sendai                   81    022        287-9990     FEN 9600-14,400
 Sendai                   81    022        390-1681     FEN 9600
 Sendai                   81    022        287-9900     FEN 28,800
 Shizuoka                 81    054        202-2270     FEN 9600-14,400
 Suwa                     81   0266         53-8700     FEN 9600-14,400
 Suwa                     81   0266         57-0599     FEN 28,800
 Tachikawa                81   0425         28-0017     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tachikawa                81   0425         28-4600     FEN 28,800
 Takamatsu                81   0878         26-1507     FEN 9600
 Takamatsu                81   0878         26-2096     FEN 9600-14,400
 Takamatsu                81   0878         23-5701     FEN 28,800
 Takasaki                 81   0273         27-4090     FEN 9600-14,400
 Takigawa                 81   0125         23-0339     FEN 9600-14,400

 Tatebayashi              81   0276         73-7611     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tatebayashi              81   0276         74-8035     FEN 28,800
 Tokorozawa               81   0429         20-1190     FEN 9600
 Tokorozawa               81   0429         39-5237     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tokorozawa               81   0429         21-5061     FEN 28,800
 Tokushima                81   0886         56-9910     FEN 1200
 Tokushima                81   0886         56-9931     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tokyo                    81     03       5471 4790     CPS 1200-33,600
 Tokyo                    81     03       5471 7650     CPS 1200-33,600
 Tokyo                    81     03       5764 2466     CPS 1200-56,000
 Tokyo                    81     03       5710-5300     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tokyo                    81     03       5710-6400     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tokyo                    81     03       5703-2918     FEN 9600-14,400

 Tokyo                    81     03       5711-3911     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tokyo                    81     03       3737-9000     FEN 28,800
 Tokyo                    81     03       5710-6222     FEN 28,800
 Tokyo                    81     03       5711-2966     FEN 28,800
 Tokyo                    81     03       5703-7276     FEN 9600
 Tomakomai                81   0144         36-6105     FEN 9600-14,400
 Toyama                   81   0764         55-9005     FEN 9600
 Toyama                   81   0764         54-4826     FEN 9600-14,400
 Toyama                   81   0764         55-3901     FEN 28,800
 Toyohashi                81   0532         53-8905     FEN 9600-14,400
 Toyota                   81   0565         26-9811     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tsu                      81    059        223-7971     FEN 9600-14,400
 Tsukuba                  81   0298         55-2826     FEN 9600-14,400

 Tsukuba                  81   0298         59-0112     FEN 28,800
 Tsuruga                  81   0770         23-4411     FEN 28,800
 Tsuyama                  81   0868         31-1721     FEN 28,800
 Uji                      81   0774         45-4555     FEN 9600-14,400
 Urawa                    81    048        830-1437     FEN 9600
 Urawa                    81    048        825-4981     FEN 9600-14,400
 Urawa                    81    048        825-5350     FEN 28,800
 Utsunomiya               81    028        638-9942     FEN 9600-14,400
 Utsunomiya               81    028        651-2120     FEN 9600
 Wakayama                 81   0734         74-7009     FEN 9600-14,400
 Wakayama                 81   0734         74-8378     FEN 28,800
 Yamagata                 81   0236         41-1301     FEN 9600-14,400
 Yamaguchi                81   0839         89-6296     FEN 9600-14,400

 Yao                      81   0729         95-5710     FEN 9600-14,400
 Yokkaichi                81   0593         54-9043     FEN 9600-14,400
 Yokkaichi                81   0593         56-1130     FEN 28,800
 Yokohama                 81    045        320-7470     FEN 9600-14,400
 Yokohama                 81    045        411-0121     FEN 28,800
 Yokosuka                 81   0468         25-9811     FEN 9600-14,400


 Alma-Ata                  7   3272         50-7179     EQT 300-9600


 Riga                    371    724            2457     EQT 300-9600


 Beirut                  961      1          655955     EQT 9600
 Jal El Dib              961      4          406187     EQT 9600
 Jal El Dib              961      4          405932     EQT 9600


 Luxembourg              352                 349933     CPS 1200-33,600


 Macau                   853                 861441     EQT 300-28,800


 Skopje                  389     91          134244     EQT 9600


 Johor Bahru              60     07         2229849     EQT 300-9600
 Johor Bahru              60     07         2230953     EQT 300-9600
 Kota Kinabalu            60     88          256079     EQT 300-9600
 Kuala Lumpur             60     03         6345407     EQT 300-28,800

 Kuala Lumpur             60     03         2736566     INW 300-28,800
 Kuching                  60     82          230757     EQT 300-9600
 Penang                   60     04         2635198     EQT 300-9600


 Valetta                 356                 241005     EQT 1200-28,800


 Forte de France         596                 421111     EQT 300-28,800


 Ciudad Juarez            52     16         230-204     CPS 300-33,600
 Cuernavaca               52      7        322-5002     CPS 300-33,600
 Guadalajara              52      3        122-1818     CPS 300-33,600
 Guadalajara              52      3        134-1000     CPS 56,000
 Leon                     52      4        773-5710     CPS 300-33,600
 Mexico City              52      5        262-0000     CPS 300-33,600
 Mexico City-X2           52      5        262-4500     CPS 56,000
 Monterrey                52      8        369-4880     CPS 300-33,600
 Monterrey                52      8        155-4000     CPS 56,000
 Nationwide               91    800         7200000     CPS 300-33,600
 Puebla                   52     22         37-2600     CPS 300-33,600
 Veracruz                 52      2        922-5800     CPS 300-33,600


 Kishinev                373      2          529990     EQT 300-9600

 **N. Mariana Island**

 Saipan                  670                2354137     EQT 300-28,800


 Kathmandu               977      1          241025     EQT 300-9600

 **Netherland Antilles**

 Curacao                 599      9         8693201     EQT 1200-9600
 St. Maarten             599      5           53172     EQT 1200-9600


 Amersfoort               31    033        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Amersfoort-ISDN          31    033        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Amersfoort-V.90          31    033        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Amsterdam (V90/ISDN)     31    020        711 0510     CPS 300-64,000
 Apeldoorn                31    055        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Apeldoorn-ISDN           31    055        711 0510     CPS 64,000

 Apeldoorn-V.90           31    055        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Arnhem                   31    026        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Arnhem-ISDN              31    026        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Arnhem-V.90              31    026        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Breda                    31    076        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Breda-ISDN               31    076        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Breda-V.90               31    076        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Den Bosch                31    073        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Den Bosch-ISDN           31    073        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Den Bosch-V.90           31    073        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Den Haag                 31    070        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Den Haag-ISDN            31    070        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Den Haag-V.90            31    070        711 0510     CPS 56,000

 Den Helder               31   0223         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Den Helder-ISDN          31   0223         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Den Helder-V.90          31   0223         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Deventer                 31   0570         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Deventer-ISDN            31   0570         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Deventer-V.90            31   0570         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Eindhoven                31    040        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Eindhoven-ISDN           31    040        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Eindhoven-V.90           31    040        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Goes                     31   0113         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Goes-ISDN                31   0113         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Goes-V.90                31   0113         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Groningen                31    050        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600

 Groningen-ISDN           31    050        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Groningen-V.90           31    050        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Haarlem                  31    023        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Haarlem-ISDN             31    023        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Haarlem-V.90             31    023        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Heerenveen               31   0513         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Heerenveen-ISDN          31   0513         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Heerenveen-V.90          31   0513         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Hengelo                  31    074        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Hengelo-ISDN             31    074        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Hengelo-V.90             31    074        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Hoogeveen                31   0528         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Hoogeveen-ISDN           31   0528         711 510     CPS 64,000

 Hoogeveen-V.90           31   0528         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Hoorn                    31   0229         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Hoorn-ISDN               31   0229         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Hoorn-V.90               31   0229         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Leeuwarden               31    058        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Leeuwarden-ISDN          31    058        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Leeuwarden-V.90          31    058        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Leiden                   31    071        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Leiden-ISDN              31    071        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Leiden-V.90              31    071        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Lelystad                 31   0320         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Lelystad-ISDN            31   0320         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Lelystad-V.90            31   0320         711 510     CPS 56,000

 Maastricht               31    043        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Maastricht-ISDN          31    043        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Maastricht-V.90          31    043        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Nijmegen                 31    024        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Nijmegen-ISDN            31    024        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Nijmegen-V.90            31    024        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Rotterdam                31    010        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Rotterdam-ISDN           31    010        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Rotterdam-V.90           31    010        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Sliedrecht               31   0184         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Sliedrecht-ISDN          31   0184         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Sliedrecht-V.90          31   0184         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Stadskanaal              31   0599         711 510     CPS 300-33,600

 Stadskanaal-ISDN         31   0599         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Stadskanaal-V.90         31   0599         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Steenbergen              31   0167         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Steenbergen-ISDN         31   0167         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Steenbergen-V.90         31   0167         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Terborg                  31   0315         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Terborg-ISDN             31   0315         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Terborg-V.90             31   0315         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Tiel                     31   0344         711 510     CPS 300-33,600
 Tiel-ISDN                31   0344         711 510     CPS 64,000
 Tiel-V.90                31   0344         711 510     CPS 56,000
 Tilburg                  31    013        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Tilburg-ISDN             31    013        711 0510     CPS 64,000

 Tilburg-V.90             31    013        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Utrecht                  31    030        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Utrecht-ISDN             31    030        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Utrecht-V.90             31    030        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Venlo                    31    077        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Venlo-ISDN               31    077        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Venlo-V.90               31    077        711 0510     CPS 56,000
 Zwolle                   31    038        711 0510     CPS 300-33,600
 Zwolle-ISDN              31    038        711 0510     CPS 64,000
 Zwolle-V.90              31    038        711 0510     CPS 56,000

 **New Zealand**

 Auckland                 64     09        357 6642     CPN 300-28,800
 Christchurch             64     03        338 9387     CPN 300-28,800
 Dunedin                  64     03        477 8839     CPN 300-28,800
 Hamilton                 64     07        838 9966     CPN 300-28,800
 Wellington               64     04        473 7949     CPN 300-28,800


 Managua                 505      2          669786     EQT 1200-28,800


 Niamey                  227                 732780     EQT 9600


 Kano                    234     64          648183     EQT 300-9600
 Lagos                   234      1         2647778     EQT 1200-9600

 **Northern Ireland**

 National (V90/ISDN)      44   0845        080 1000     CPS 300-64,000


 Bergen                   47      5        522-7105     EQT 300-9600

 Oslo                     47      2        200-8900     CPS 300-33,600
 Stavanger                47      5        169-9914     EQT 300-9600


 Muscat                  968                 799455     TYM 300-2400
 Muscat                  968                 791548     TYM 9600


 Karachi                  92     21         5672141     EQT 9600
 Karachi                  92     21         5672144     EQT 300-9600
 Karachi                  92     21         5672142     EQT 300-9600

 Karachi                  92     21         5672143     EQT 300-9600
 Lahore                   92     42         6310961     EQT 300-9600


 Lima                     51      1        421-1560     EQT 1200-28,800


 Manila                   63      2        843-4977     EQT 300-28,800
 Manila                   63      2        843-0702     INW 300-28,800


 Bialystok                48     85        6537 220     EQT 300-9600
 Bydgoszcz                48     52        3400 728     EQT 300-9600
 Gdansk                   48     58        305 4040     EQT 300-9600
 Katowice                 48     32          518481     EQT 300-9600
 Krakow                   48     12        4239 363     EQT 300-9600
 Lodz                     48     42        6300 601     EQT 300-9600
 Lublin                   48     81        740 0250     EQT 300-9600
 Olsztyn                  48     89        534 7647     EQT 300-9600
 Poznan                   48     61        8553 409     EQT 300-9600
 Rzeszow                  48     17        8521 579     EQT 300-9600
 Szczecin                 48     91        4888 180     EQT 300-9600
 Warsaw                   48     22        630 6245     EQT 300-28,800

 Warsaw                   48     22        650 4832     EQT 300-28,800
 Wroclaw                  48     71        341 9351     EQT 1200-9600


 Faro                    351      8         9817034     EQT 300-9600
 Funchal                 351     91          223398     EQT 300-9600
 Lisbon                  351      1         4172935     EQT 1200-28,800
 Porto                   351      2         6002946     EQT 1200-28,800

 **Puerto Rico**

 San Juan                       787        722-0995     CPS 300-33,600


 National (V90/ISDN)      44   0845        080 1000     CPS 300-64,000


 Belgrade                381     11         3115255     EQT 300-28,800

 **Sierra Leone**

 Freetown                232     22          228850     EQT 300-9600


 Singapore (V90/ISDN)     65                8731378     CPS 300-64,000


 Bratislava              421      7         5555773     EQT 300-9600
 Kosice                  421     95         6230440     EQT 300-9600


 Koper                   386     66          392115     EQT 300-9600
 Ljubljana               386     61         1339275     EQT 300-9600

 Maribor                 386     62          307380     EQT 300-9600
 Nova Gorica             386     65          202080     EQT 300-9600

 **South Africa**

 Cape Town                27    021        461-6928     EQT 1200-28,800
 Cape Town                27    021        419-9603     INW 300-2400
 Cape Town                27    021        419-9739     INW 9600
 Cape Town                27    021        419-9665     INW 9600
 Durban                   27    031        307-2203     EQT 1200-9600
 Durban                   27    031        904-3732     INW 300-2400
 Johannesburg             27    011        833-2145     EQT 1200-28,800
 Johannesburg             27    011        454-2878     INW 300-28,800

 **South Korea**

 Pusan                    82     51        462-5408     EQT 300-28,800
 Seoul                    82     02        775-6647     EQT 300-28,800
 Seoul                    82     02        725-1003     INW 300-28,800


 Alicante                 34     96        691-9464     EQT 300-28,800
 Barcelona                34     93        487-3888     CPS 1200-33,600
 Bilbao                   34     94        415-9933     EQT 300-9600
 Las Palmas               34    928         385-154     EQT 300-28,800

 Madrid                   34     91        577-0686     CPS 300-33,600
 Madrid                   34     91        575-9030     CPS 300-33,600
 Malaga                   34     95        204-8589     EQT 300-28,800
 Palma                    34    971         719-568     EQT 300-28,800
 San Sebastian            34    943         212-700     EQT 300-9600
 Seville                  34     95        442-5311     EQT 300-9600
 Tenerife                 34    922         759-025     EQT 300-28,800
 Valencia                 34     96        351-0133     CPS 300-33,600
 Zaragoza                 34    976         565-142     EQT 300-9600

 **Sri Lanka**

 Colombo                  94      1          345467     EQT 1200-9600

 Colombo                  94      1          347420     INW 2400-9600


 Gothenburg               46     31         946-475     EQT 300-28,800
 Malmo                    46     40         303-068     EQT 300-28,800
 N. Stockholm (V90/ISDN   46      8       566-12000     CPS 300-64,000
 S. Stockholm (V90/ISDN   46      8       506-12000     CPS 300-64,000


 Nationwide (V90/ISDN)    41   0842         111 092     CPS 300-64,000


 Kaohsiung               886      7         3234977     EQT 300-9600
 Taichung                886      4         3284290     EQT 300-9600
 Tainan                  886      6         2203523     EQT 300-9600
 Taipei                  886      2        23560786     EQT 300-28,800


 Arusha                  255     57            6419     EQT 300-9600
 Dar es Salaam           255     51          118729     EQT 300-9600


 Lome                    228                 211494     EQT 300-9600

 **Trinidad & Tobago**

 Port of Spain             1    868        627-0093     EQT 300-28,800


 Ankara                   90    312        468-8042     EQT 1200-28,800
 Bursa                    90    224        224-5830     EQT 300-28,800
 Istanbul                 90    212        234-5168     EQT 1200-28,800
 Izmir                    90    232        446-2034     EQT 300-9600


 Ashkhabad               993     12          350580     EQT 300-9600
 Ashkhabad               993     12          350581     EQT 300-9600
 Ashkhabad               993     12          350582     EQT 300-28,800


 Kampala                 256     41          343775     EQT 300-9600


 Kiev                    380     44        246-5220     EQT 300-28,800

 **United Kingdom**

 National (V90/ISDN)      44   0845        080 1000     CPS 300-64,000


 Tashkent                998     71        13-62647     EQT 9600-28,800


 Caracas                  58      2        237-4633     EQT 1200-28,800

 Caracas                  58      2        793-0222     VNZ 1200-33,600
 Caracas                  58      2        793-6544     VNZ 1200-33,600
 Caracas                  58      2        794-0544     VNZ 1200-33,600
 Caracas                  58      2        709-1000     VNZ 300-56,000
 Cumana                   58     93         31-5321     VNZ 300-33,600
 Maracaibo                58     61         59-1922     VNZ 1200-33,600
 Maracaibo                58     61         59-0444     VNZ 300-33,600
 Maracaibo                58     61         50-1111     VNZ 300-56,000
 Maturin                  58     91         43-3611     VNZ 300-33,600
 Maturin                  58     91         43-4311     VNZ 300-33,600
 Puerto Ordaz             58     86         23-3022     VNZ 300-33,600
 Valencia                 58     41         25-0011     VNZ 1200-33,600
 Valencia                 58     41         20-2111     VNZ 300-33,600


 National (V90/ISDN)      44   0845        080 1000     CPS 300-64,000

 **Western Samoa**

 Apia                    685                  25025     EQT 300-9600


 Kinsasha                243     12           21999     EQT 300-9600


 Ndola                   260      2          620950     EQT 300-9600

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Access Numbers & Logon Instructions   PHN-10

 1 United States and Canada
 2 All Other Countries - Specify Country
 3 All Other Countries - Complete Access Number List

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Access Numbers and Instructions   PHN-1

 1 Access Numbers & Logon Instructions
 2 Network Announcements
 3 CompuServe Nodes and Locations

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Network Assistance   PHN-20


 1 Pending Additions
 2 Pending Changes
 3 Pending Area Code Relief
 4 Recent Additions
 5 Recent Changes
 6 Recent Area Code Relief

Enter choice !5

Network Assistance   PHN-204

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:Y

                        Recent Access Number Changes

City/State       Old Number    New Number    Baud    Modem     Date     Node
--------------- ------------- ------------- ------ --------- ---------- ----
Durham, NC       919/687-4049  919/309-7100  33.6     V34      1/28/98   NCA
Williamsburg, VA 757/887-5377  757/855-6499  33.6     V34      2/11/98   WVB
Evanston, IL     847/733-1050  847/556-7373  56K     X2-USR    9/08/98   CVP
San Fran-ISDN    415/982-0401  415/956-0290  57.6     V120     9/17/98   SFA
Chicago-ISDN, IL 312/849-3457  312/895-7373  57.6     V120     9/17/98   CHI
Kansas City-ISDN 816/502-1098  816/221-3817  56K       X2      12/28/98  KTO

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Network Assistance   PHN-20


 1 Pending Additions
 2 Pending Changes
 3 Pending Area Code Relief
 4 Recent Additions
 5 Recent Changes
 6 Recent Area Code Relief

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Network Assistance   PHN-203

Scroll output? (Y)es or <CR>=No:Y

                         Recent Access Number Additions

City/State             New Number      Baud Rate     Modem     Install Date
----------             ----------      ---------     -----     ------------
WATS/Canada           800/843-0378      300-33.6      V34        10/01/98

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Network Assistance   PHN-20


 1 Pending Additions
 2 Pending Changes
 3 Pending Area Code Relief
 4 Recent Additions
 5 Recent Changes
 6 Recent Area Code Relief

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Network Assistance   PHN-206

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                               MCI WORLDCOM
                             Advanced Networks
                          Recent Area Code Relief

In this area you will find domestic area code splits, overlays and dialing
pattern changes.  These changes have been updated within the MCI Worldcom
Advanced Networks database.

Types of Area Code Relief
Split - A portion of an existing NPA is given a new NPA, with a new geographic
        boundary spliting the two.  All existing numbers in the split area
        must change to the new area code.  Most often there is a "permissive"
        dialing" period when either area code will work.

Overlay - A new area code is introduced into exactly the same geographic 
          territory currently served by an existing area code.  New prefixes
          from the new area code are assigned right alongside existing prefixes
          in the old area code.  Existing numbers DO NOT change.  However, to
          reduce confusion, all calls within an overlay area -even local calls
          within the same area code- must be dialed with the area code.

State  Current Area Code  New Area Code  Permissive Dialing Dates  Relief Type
-----  -----------------  -------------  ------------------------  -----------
GA           404               678       01/01/98 to 01/01/98      Overlay/Dial
PA           412               724       02/01/98 to 04/29/98      Split
CO           303               720       02/01/98 to 06/01/98      Overlay/Dial
FL           305               786       03/01/98 to 07/01/98      Overlay/Dial
NC           704               828       03/22/98 to 10/04/98      Split
NC           919               252       03/22/98 to 09/21/98      Split
SC           803               843       03/22/98 to 09/27/98      Split
AL           205               256       03/23/98 to 09/28/98      Split
CA           714               949       04/18/98 to 10/16/98      Split
CA           213               323       06/13/98 to 01/15/99      Split

FL           813               727       07/01/98 to 01/31/99      Split
CA           408               831       07/11/98 to 02/20/99      Split
MN           612               651       07/12/98 to 01/10/99      Split/Dial
LA           504               225       08/17/98 to 04/05/99      Split
CA           209               559       11/14/98 to 05/15/99      Split
TX           214               972       12/05/98 to 12/05/98      Overlay/Dial
PA           215               267       12/05/98 to 06/05/99      Overlay/Dial
PA           717               570       12/05/98 to 04/08/99      Split/Dial
PA           610               484       12/05/98 to 06/05/99      Overlay/Dial
NV           702               775       12/12/98 to 05/15/99      Split
TX        713 & 281            832       01/16/99 to 01/16/99      Overlay/Dial

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Network Assistance   PHN-20


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 4 Recent Additions
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 6 Recent Area Code Relief

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Network Assistance   PHN-201

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                       Pending Access Number Additions

City/State           New Number          Baud Rate         Modem       Date
----------           ----------          ---------         -----       ----

No pending additions at this time...

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 6 Recent Area Code Relief

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Network Assistance   PHN-202

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                        Pending Access Number Changes

City/State       Old Number    New Number    Baud    Modem     Date     Node
--------------- ------------- ------------- ------ --------- ---------- ----

        NOTE:   There are no pending changes at this time.

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Network Assistance   PHN-20


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 3 Pending Area Code Relief
 4 Recent Additions
 5 Recent Changes
 6 Recent Area Code Relief

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Access Numbers and Instructions   PHN-1

 1 Access Numbers & Logon Instructions
 2 Network Announcements
 3 CompuServe Nodes and Locations

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Network Assistance   PHN-30

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