TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: njsnums.txt

MORE Phone numbers to call! From NJS.

Some of NJS's (Ninja Squirrel) Scaned numbers..

PBX -  315-468-3222
Codes: 02012 98
       02021 98
       02030 98
       01977 98
       56765 98

PBX -  800-874-8472
Code : 02003 98

PBX -  800-621-1506 (no code to dial, just dial number)
       800-327-9136 ( "   "   "   "     "    "     "  )
       800-343-1711 (4 Digit Code, unknown)
       800-343-1314 ("   "     "      "   )
       800-350-0008 (Code: 575737 1 88)

(Call PBX first, then push in code, followed by destination number. PBX's)
(with no code to dial, just dial your destionation number.)

REMOB - (REMote OBservation #) - 516-953-9766

AT&T - 806-257-4206 - Login: Game - Pass: LS

Extender 800-345-0008 - 2 known codes 400597, 440597

Alliance?  - 700-456-7000

Some computer? - 301-459-3646 - Pass: Guest
               - 414-465-2652 - Login: AC22626 - Pass: Rhyner
               - 609-455-6736
               - 314-965-3290
               - 215-547-4747
               - 305-282-1061 - Net? 31277 - User:Games - Pass: Games

Kmart - 203-573-1547

Real Estate - 815-964-3600 - Login: Hello R.R - ID: 33 or 633
              - Pass: Fire or Martin

AT&T Mail - 312-207-1566  -  303-534-1161  -  201-271-0473

Diverter - 301-879-8707

MCI - 312-856-9000 - Term: C 312159 - Login:MCF 10149; DIDATA

Washington Post News Paper - 202-334-4433 - Pass: ARGW

Extender - 800-421-9438
Codes:     50997 - 50535 - 50061 - 50619 - 50713 - 50913

Extender - 206-382-0910
Codes:     344627 - 344340 - 344243 - 334124 - 343605 - 343603 - 332902

TWA - 213-417-8994  -  ID: Alpha - Pass: Numert

Langely - 804-865-4051

Telenet - 31170  - UN= Games
          312231 - Login: Operator - Pass: Operator

          61237 W - ID: T4112
          61237 Y - ID: V4112
          61237 U - ID: T0452

DataLynx - 206-825-7781
Compuserve - 206-825-6236
Christ. Oil - 206-825-6234

Strange Responses:

Lyline - 206-825-6371
Jayhawks - 206-825-1415

Extender: ???-955-1088 - Codes: 437014, 437007 (try your area code on the ???)

950 Exchange: 950-1000 - SPC
                 -1088 - Skyline
                 -1022 - MCI
                 -1033 - US Tel

Dragonfire - 817-665-3876
Metropolis - 617-322-0930

Extender.   1-800-538-0007    CODE: 90201   91201

Sprint codes: 160721192  21303733  03527136  07587666  03527136  032676447

AT&T? - 805-969-0192

Hack it: 1-800-638-8369    type HHH
         U#= 5JM11984,GENIE <CR>

Bloodstock Research Information Services, inc.

Number unknown, Lexington Kentucky.

Obtaining Racing Entries

Step 1. Username: (Farm Name)
        Password: (Password)
Step 2. Main Menu. chose option 1 (Run Interactive Inquires)
Step 3. Report Menu. chose option 1 (Run Horse Inquires)
Step 4.  Inquirery?  (type ENTRIES and <cr>)
Step 5.  Track Code? (Enter track abbreviation) example; APX and <cr>
         (each track has a 3 letter code. If a track abbreviation has 2)
         (letters then add an X to the end such as Arlington Park (AP) would)
         (be (APX)
Step 6.  Enter day to display (DD) = ?
         (enter the day of the month you want and press <cr>.

 once you are here you can fill out entry forms for horse to be in races.

Step 7. When you finish entries the computer will respond with TRACK CODE?
        (either enter a differnt track code or hit Control-Z)
Step 8. If you hit Control-Z, you computer will respond with Inquirey?
        (you enter: 1) a new inquirery number.)
                    2) EXIT to logoff.)
                    3) Control-Z to goto Report Menu)

Extenders: 1-800

322-1415   221-1950  221-8190  243-7650  345-0008

Password! call 206-863-1713 at the prompt LOBBY> (type "PENCIL").
          You will be logged on as Vern Murry.

Cartel Connection!

Custom calling. HACKCON (makeing 3 way calling into a Hackers conference.)

    A        B        C        D        E

If persons 'A' & 'C', 'C' & 'E' and 'B' & 'D' are long distance from each other, but B,C,D have 3 way calling, this is what you can do to bring all of you togeather. Have 'C' call 'B' and 'D' then have 'B' call 'A' and 'D' call 'E', useing the 3 way calling technique, and walla a hackers conference all free of charge.


PBX  1-800-328-4700      7 Digit Codes   most codes start with 0155###
                             (you have to hack out the last 3 #s - ^^^)

 Area Code: 206
 Prefix:    922
 Suffixes:  0405, 0485, 0876, 1269, 1294, 1582, 1294, 1582, 1616, 1686, 5039,

Travelnet  1-800-521-8400
 Codes:    8 Digit Codes, try in the 9970#### area.
           you can Touchtone them in, or Voice it.
           When TouchToneing a code and destination # have a slight pause
           between the code and destination number.
           Format: #### #### (###) ###-####
                   Code      Destination number.

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