LAST UPDATED: 4/28/99 FOR NPA 909 113+Phone Number = Ringback on some payfones 117 = Proctor Test Set 119 = Service Disconnect (2 minutes) 958-1114 = Anac (Changed from "114" May 1998) 628-5070 = C.L.A.S.S. Test Number ("Were sorry we can not process your custom calling request at this time well you try again later please")[only get this message when calling from within Chino otherwise this number is a "silent"] 628-1628 = "Were sorry your call can not be completed as dialed, please check your instruction manuall or call the repair office for assistance"[only get this number when calling within Chino, outside gets you a fast busy signal] 986-1986 = Fast busy signal [unless you call within Ontario, which you would get the same message as 628-1628] 591-2400 = "Were sorry your phone service has been temporarily disconnected, to get it reconnected dial 1-800-483-3000 or after business hours dial 611, if this is an emergency situation dial 911"(stoped working 3/27/99) 986-0004 = Busy signal(Fun to try to get an operator to emergency break-in on) 590-0004 = "This is 590-3450 test mailbox" 590-3450 = "This is 590-3450 test mailbox" 777-1777 = miliwat tone test xxx-0002 = milliwat tone test xxx-9297 = 900ohm miliwat SILENT(i found this one from http://telehack.net/phreaking/texts/general_info/test_numbers.txt) xxx-9298 = 900ohm mw silent xxx-1110 = ???? A must call, sounds like carrier, responds to DTMF 2 & 3 If you know what this is EMAIL ME! xxx-1117 = miliwat tone xxx-1118 = silent xxx-1119 = fast-busy xxx-0000 = Central Office Many of these numbers were scanned and a lot i got from the C.O., Like when 114 was changed to 958-1114, Good OL' Frank gave me the new number Thanks to Frank in the Chino Central Office, Joor DA man! www.verizonfears.com Return to Verizown