TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: payphn.txt

Where to find a payphone - payphone locations with GPS data

 _     ___                           _   
| | __/ _ \ _ __   __ _   _ __   ___| |_ 
| |/ / | | | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _ \ __|
|   <| |_| | | | | (_| |_| | | |  __/ |_ 
|_|\_\\___/|_| |_|\__, (_)_| |_|\___|\__|
        :::Pentium Cowboy:::       _     
 _ __ ___  ___  ___  __ _ _ __ ___| |__  
| '__/ _ \/ __|/ _ \/ _` | '__/ __| '_ \ 
| | |  __/\__ \  __/ (_| | | | (__| | | |
|_|  \___||___/\___|\__,_|_|  \___|_| |_|

       ~Where to find a payphone~

   If you're like me, when you need a payphone,
you don't want to be without the coordinates of
the closest one.  These are just about all the
phones I've come across since 8.6.00.  You'll
need a GPS tracker to be able to find the
locations.  This list will also be usefull if 
you have escaped the MATRIX, and are looking 
for a portal back to your reality.

The Phones:

Numbers		Lattitude	Owner
 		Longitude	 Landmark
315.451.9886	43'06.96''N 	Verizon
		76'14.36''W      Camp grounds
315.451.9848	43'06.91''N	Verizon
		76'14.09''W      Camp grounds
315.637.9947	43'03.12''N	Verizon
		75'58.36''W      Park on Onondaga Lake
518.583.0410	43'04.73''N	NY Payphone Systems
		73'47.34''W	 modem picks up
518.587.3397	43'04.70''N	NY Payphone Systems
518.584.5710	43'04.54''N	NY Payphone Systems
		73'47.20''W	 abandoned gas station
518.584.8402	43'04.35''N	Verizon
		72'47.47''N	 Price Chopper
518.584.9585	43'04.27''N	NY Payphone Systems
518.584.9921	73'47.44''W	 Spa City Diner
518.584.6276	43'04.15''N	Verizon
		73'47.36''W      Citgo
518.583.0953	43'04.24''N	NY Payphone Systems
		73'47.30''W	 Movie Rental
518.580.9043	43'04.41''N	Von Haugg Assoc.
		73'47.23''W	 Mobil($.35 ???)
518.584.8816	43'04.46''N	Ameritech/Verizon
		73'47.20''W      McDonalds
518.584.7266	43'04.50''N	Verizon
		73'47.21''W	 Pizza Hut
518.584.9695	43'04.49''N	Capital Telephone Services
		73'47.17''W	 Dunkin' Donuts
518.584.9525	43'04.54''N	Stewarts Ice Cream Co.
		73'47.16''W	 Stewarts Shop
518.584.9740	43'04.52''N	Verizon
518.584.9823	73'47.17''W	 Holiday Inn
518.584.9860	43'04.83''N	Verizon
518.584.9549	73'47.08''W	 Clothes Horse
518.584.9880	43'04.89''N	Verizon
518.584.9910	73'47.06''W	 Dafe Della Notte
518.587.9721	43'04.99''N	Lillian's
		73'47.05''W	 Lillian's Restaurant
518.584.9596	43'04.97''N	Verizon
518.587.9724	73'47.05''W	 Wheat Fields Restaurant
518.584.9533	43'05.02''N	Verizon
518.584.9563	73'47.03''W	 Mabou
518.584.9566	43'05.18''N	Verizon
518.584.9551	73'46.95''W	 Sheraton Hotel Lobby
518.580.0166	43'05.14''N	NY Payphone Systems
518.587.9655	73'47.04''W	 Sunoco Gas Station
518.584.9859	43'05.07''N	Verizon
518.584.9738	73'47.06''W	 Post Office
518.587.9704	43'04.96''N	Verizon
518.584.9501	73'47.08''W	 Bottoms Up Bar
518.584.9528	43'04.89''N	Verizon
518.584.9621	73'47.11''W	 La La's Bar

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